By Sherian Wilsher-Berteau
We’ve all heard it said ”You’re entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts”. From some of the recent letters and articles I’ve read in the News Leader, some may need reminding of that.
Recent articles and letter to editor makes it sound like Citizens Defending Freedom are the only people concerned about alternative lifestyle, sexually explicit, not age appropriate books available in our tax-payer funded, public school libraries. It’s made to sound like CDF wants to just Willy-Nilly BAN BOOKS and restrict learning, and is the ONLY one requesting books be reviewed for removal. I have it on good authority that many books have had to be removed because Florida state laws, made to protect elementary & middle school age children from inappropriate, pornographic materials, required it. Other concerned parents have also made inquiries. These ridiculous, unsubstantiated accusations against CDF have to be debunked.
Jack Knocke and CDF are good Christian, Patriotic citizens who are doing a great service to our community by keeping watch over, asking questions, and protecting us all from the ever present “ Big Brother is watching” Marxist, overreach that is so prominent in our government and politicians.
One of the latest articles pretends that only Liberal Democrats and “The Nassau County Democratic Party” are the arbiters of freedom of speech and so very concerned about “book banning” and Democracy. This is just pure, biased propaganda. They are made out to be some heroes rushing in to save us all from the crazed Conservative Christians that, OH NO, want to protect children from issues way too adult for their innocent minds to comprehend. The sexualization of children is rampant and depraved; I urge you to check out some of the books that were being allowed in our school libraries. I will say again, the Liberals treat children as if they are just mini adults; pushing alternative lifestyles and propaganda about self-identity, gender, and white guilt. Please let our children keep some innocence and naïveté- they will have to deal with adulthood and the worldly craziness soon enough.
Clearly, Radical Liberals and Democrats are not the moral compass for anyone sane; just take a look at the current state of our country with Dems in charge. Out of control, violent riots supporting terrorists and condemning Israel at so-called elite schools; violence & suicide rates among teens skyrocketing; social ( I call it anti-social) media causing depression & anxiety widespread among young people; and approval-seeking, immature adults pushing acceptance of transgender ideology and soul damaging surgeries on their children instead of professional psychological treatment.
You know what’s missing? JESUS, prayer, faith, participation in churches and faith communities, loving and supporting one another instead of hating, selfless service, civil discourse and exchange of ideas. It’s so obvious to me that Christian Conservatives and Republicans are not the ones putting Democracy at risk. Our country and our Universities were founded on Godly values and principles where they functioned well and turned out many Godly, stable, intelligent leaders. What has changed? The secularism and ungodly, worldly hedonistic values have taken over. Is this really the country we want?? Not me.
Sadly, our local paper the News-Leader that used to be non-biased, has joined the ranks of Liberal lunacy along with 90% of mainstream media. It used to be a friendly, small-town, locals-oriented, informative community paper. Gone are the Walter Cronkite type reporters who were professional and patriots that just presented actual facts without political spin and propaganda. Now pretend journalists are nothing more than political pundits that tell bold-faced lies that are repeated to reinforce their anti-American views and keep us at each others throats….and sadly, it’s intentional to create and perpetuate chaos.
The Democrats have been proven to be suppressing free speech, colluding with Big Tech (Hunter Biden laptop and Biden family corruption), arresting political opponents, taking political opponents off ballots, and interfering with elections. The American people are wise and see the truth; that’s why Biden’s poll numbers are so bad. Liberals and their self-loathing, white guilt seem to hate America and everyday, hardworking, blue collar Americans. The Left even claims Trump’s “Make America Great Again” is just a White Supremacy, Christian Nationalist, dog-whistle! Huh? Wanting your country to be great is bad? Well, as the saying goes, “ Information has never been so abundant, and true wisdom so scarce”!
Some more facts the News Leader allows to be misrepresented by their radical left columnist: the Electoral College was set up so that low population, big & small states have same representation as the states that have huge, majority urban populations. Otherwise, a few states with urban cities of millions could determine elections in perpetuity! They scream, “we must do away with the Electoral College, stack the Supreme Court, burn down all the Institutions”. Read up on history and see the truth- that’s exactly what the Communists and Marxists did. It only succeeded in the destruction of civilization, and the suffering and murder of millions. Our young adults have been deliberately misinformed by our places of higher learning, and even worse, parents have paid for this Marxist brainwashing and indoctrination. We have all been asleep and it’s time for an awakening- awake, not “Woke.” We currently seem to be being ruled by the “tyranny of the minorities“ not the “tyranny of the majority.” Majority rule has been seen as rule of thumb forever, so don’t act like it’s tyranny.
And another thing- I thank God every day that Merrick Garland wasn’t put on the Supreme Court. It’s about the only thing Republicans got right. Garland heads up the most unjust, politically biased, corrupt DOJ ever, and it makes me shudder to think what he would do on the Supreme Court. They have corrupted our Justice system beyond recognition.
Finally, if being a Concerned Parent and Citizen, Patriotic, Christ-Following, Biblical-values Believer, makes me your so-called “Christian Nationalist” (another silly liberal made up word)- I will proudly wear that badge! I am a hopeful, happy warrior for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ- He is the only Way, Truth, and Light- our only hope for true peace, and the only one true Authority- not Politicians. We have no authority or power except what He gives. May you know His peace and may God Bless America-now and forever!
Sherian Wilsher-Berteau is a 3rd generation native Floridian, who grew up in Fernandina Beach. Mother of 4, Gigi to 5- former multiple business owner, now retired & enjoying pursuing my passions-writing, cooking, & travel!
The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida