By George Miller, 5-7-24
Attorney/writer/activist Jeff Childers recently spoke locally about the COVID crisis events, his thoughts, actions, accomplishments, predictions, actions taken by government, business and NGO’s, their significance and some predictions. It’s been two years since he last spoke locally, so the update and opportunity for open Q&A were much appreciated by the audience.
Headline Summary (a la Childers)
- Became a leading, pioneering anti-COVID mandate attorney, racking up record-setting wins
- Exposed and/or publicized major untruths in the national/international COVID “narrative”
- Opined on why all this was necessary
- Now pursuing what could be a major new case on “vaccine” injuries, made possible by increasing exposure of what has occurred, including the possibly unconstitutional wall of immunity and difficulty of pursuing wrongful injury/death claims.
- Also responded to questions farther afield from his area of expertise, which he readily admitted.
The event was sponsored by Deb and Chris Boelkes’ local We The People group at Shuckers in Fernandina Beach on May 6. Childers is known for his Churchillian biting sarcasm (snarkiness according to one of his fans present), tight logic, legal abilities and sheer perseverance and obstinance- by his own admission. But his record-setting court victories and being proven correct time and time again have earned him fame. Not only local people, but out of towners, including some as far away as Tennessee, flew in to hear him speak.
Childers warmed us up with a few of his observations, widely shared, that terrible and absurd things have been happening with increasing frequency. Examples were: Girls are prohibited from playing on boys’ athletic teams, but boys are allowed to play on girls’ teams. Around the time he started his first ground-breaking COVID case, he interviewed a Jacksonville, FL nurse who risked her career by slipping the demonized but recently rehabilitated Ivermectin into a seriously ill patient’s IV fluid. He remarked on the official disinformation and misinformation proliferated by official and powerful sources- and real information going into rabbit holes. He added in “The Mandela Effect,” where untruths take on the force of truth. An urban legend was that South African politician Nelson Mandela died in jail, but he did not. He ruefully shared that we are veterans of a war our own government waged upon us. He likened it to the WWII French resistance where brave patriots fought where they could. He attributed Florida flipping from its entire state history as “blue or “purple” to a 1 million majority “red” state to the COVID crisis, although others attribute it to blue to red state flight in general. But COVID definitely seems to have weighed in there.
Obscure Attorney Breaks New Legal Ground- Way Out of His Specialty
Childers, head of a commercial litigation practice in Gainesville, in an approximately one hour and twenty minute presentation with Q&A, described how he found himself involved first in a mask mandate (nursery owner Justin Green vs Alachua County, FL), then a vaccine mandate case (City employees vs City of Gainesville, FL- Chiders’ hometown)– and won both, a first in the nation. All this he did in a world stacked against him with mass hysteria, shocking government and industry steamrolling of human rights via mandates, legal hostility, financial mandates incentives, medical and government peer pressure and sheer inertia, in the name of a claimed national emergency. He said he is definitely not a constitutional attorney, but his cases forced him in that direction because constitutional rights and government powers were inextricably linked to them.
He is also arguably the leading blogger/analyst via his Coffee & COVID (C&C) blog, claiming 140,000 subscribers, on legally and medically-related COVID information and increasingly, other major national/international issues. His column also runs in Citizens Journal Florida.
Although he isn’t a health care professional, Childers has developed sources and knowledge to vet various claims about the disease, its variants, research, treatments and credibility of information sources. He writes a column almost daily, which has become a trusted and reliable source to many, many people and a thorn in the side of government, industry and NGO’s pushing narratives and actions which he says he have been found to be incorrect and dangerous. The audience appeared overwhelmingly to be familiar with his work.
To hearty applause, he told the highly pro-Childers audience that in 2020 he took on then later won the first case in the USA to ever prevail over the mask mandate. The audience responded similarly to hearing of his 2021 case, which for the first time successfully challenged a mandate forcing government employees to take the COVID “vaccine” (medical experts, including MRNA pioneers, have said that it is actually a gene therapy). One of the cases even survived appeal in the 5th District federal court, which he said is the highest level court affirmation ever for such a case.
He said that at the time it was highly politically incorrect, nearly inconceivable, to even question such mandates, which he told us were illegal, unconstitutional and just wrong. This obviously entailed great risk, courage and perseverance to do so. He said friends and associates asked him why he was throwing away his career by taking these cases. The rest is history. He repeated the leftist cliché that not doing masks and shots was “literally killing grandma,” eliciting more hearty laughter. Florida’s COVID infection rate was about the same as California’s (but with far more restrictions) last time I checked. Florida has a high percentage of older, at risk people.
Interesting older video summary of Jeff Childers involvement/victory in mask and “vaccine” mandate cases ….
A longer podcast on the same subject.
Attorney Childers told us that he avoided forcing judges to rule on the efficacy of the shots or masks- which would have been a losing proposition in those times- and instead concentrated on the violation of rights/law in the attempted mandates imposition. It seems to have worked.
What’s Next
He said that “we have mostly won”- mandates are mostly gone, legal precedents set, closing in on truth in effects of these and impact of “vaccine” injuries, excess deaths, economic, social and political effect of all this.
Childers is now pursuing what could be a major new case on “vaccine” injuries, made possible by increasing exposure of what has occurred, including the possibly unconstitutional wall of immunity and difficulty of pursuing wrongful injury/death claims. He said he will be releasing info on this fairly soon and thinks it could actually be resolved favorably this year, as it would only require a summary judgement, not a trial.
He told us that the next frontier is seeking compensation for vaccine injuries. He explained why laws passed make it exceedingly difficult not only to get compensation, but even to file for it, even to know how to file, to get claims processed (only 4 nationwide employees to do this?). Not only that, but the CDC (Center for Disease Control) only recognizes two causes of COVID “vaccine” harm. Only a handful of cases have won any compensation or even been processed and the average award, he said, was $2,400. He added that the laws affecting this were rammed through as nearly unknown attachments to a defense appropriation. He said it is highly likely that there are far more injuries than this difficult path to file and get a fair hearing would show.
He mentioned that the esteemed editor of “Vaccine” magazine claimed vaccine injuries and no one believed him. Childers said if they won’t believe one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on the subject, what chance do we have?
When asked if Fauci, politicians, vaccine companies, industry, will be held accountable, he said it was unlikely. The walls they have erected to protect themselves and stand up for each other work against accountability. When asked if Anthony Fauci specifically would be held accountable, indicted, punished, he likened Fauci, the former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and ringleader/architect of the COVID response, to a cockroach. “You know what they say about cockroaches- they can survive a nuclear war,” he intoned, with a semi-straight face, to much audience mirth, but somber understanding,
He expressed concern about how future biological/pandemic events will be handled. He is particularly concerned with the new WHO (World Health Organization) threat of a treaty which would make them the authority on declaring pandemics/medical emergencies and mandates to deal with them, robbing nations of their sovereignty. WHO is calling it merely an amendment, to make an end run around the difficult and likely insurmountable Senate treaty vote requirements. All 49 Republican Senators have protested this to Biden and expressed their firm opposition. Childers says that Biden may merely try to sign it and order that it is in effect, which would trigger a blizzard of litigation to stop it.
Childers pointed out that a Grand Jury is investigating COVID vaccines for fraud. He noted that another grand jury is investigating illegal immigration. He opined that these investigation reports will influence future legislation.
He regards the recent New York Times long feature article conceding a vaccine injury problem and that they are more common than thought is a major tectonic shift away from the stonewalling “vaccine is safe and effective” narrative. He said that this article is an amazing development considering such a sharp break with the official govt/corp. media narrative. Childers said that 12 healthcare professional with injuries were profiled in the article. However the limited admissions, small number of critical incidents cited and overuse of the term “rare” softens it and understates it. “Sneaky,” he opined. He reminded us that his side is up against the best finances and the most evil organization in the history of the world-…the Godzilla… the T-Rex. … but we’re a garden lizard… but we have numbers on our side… but it will take a lot of nibbles, he continued his reptilian analogy with.
He said “official agencies have been ignoring it” and that the CDC still only recognizes two types of vaccine injuries– “sudden death!” he exclaimed to laughter. He later modified that to myocardia and pericardia. He added “we are not getting the truth from corporate media.”
Childers believes that the information dam has broken and that revelations will only accelerate now. he likened it to the collapse of the tobacco industry’s stonewalling on cancer risks of smoking, but not as far along yet.
Childers hailed FL Governor Ron DeSantis as the best Governor in the country and said that the COVID crisis brought out the best in him. After realizing that the lockdowns were counter-productive, DeSantis, with backing of the legislature, made FL among the first states in the nation to ease the lockdowns, likely spurred at least in part by Childers’ lawsuits. This helped to jump start the state economy and leapfrog other states.
Other Observations
A free ranging Q & A session ensued with some queries that would tighten the sphincter and induce indigestion in most public servants, but not attorney Jeff Childers.
In response to an audience question, Childers told us that in spite of the propaganda narrative that all 2020 election fraud cases have been lost, 23 have gone into evidentiary hearings with 22 favorable outcomes. We are awaiting info he promised us to add to this article later. New ones continue to surface- we’ll see what happens.
Childers was asked who he thought was behind the campus protest/riots over Israel/Gaza. He thought it was a combination of clueless students who couldn’t even locate Gaza on a map and our enemies Russia/China. Noted blogger Dave Scott was in attendance and later asked me if I agreed with that response. We both did not, as did some others I knew there. Some of us believe that the U.S. Frankfurt School (Marxists), supported by the likes of major foundations, backed by folks such as Soros, Rockefeller Foundation. Likely, militant Muslim money and organizations also contributed. I wouldn’t put it past Russia and China to have some skin in the game, too, though. But there were suspicious similarities to the ANTIFA/BLM events of recent years.
Attendee comment:
I learned about Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid from Michael Miller about a year ago.
It is my favorite read 6 mornings a week and I look forward to it every day.
Jeff spoke at a we the people event on Monday night May 6, 2024. He spoke for over an hour and then fielded questions for another 25 minutes. He is a Christian lawyer, very intelligent, very snarky and that makes for a great combination.
He has a command on many subjects, dating back to the COVID beginnings to todays news. the time went by really fast.
He was the leader in filing lawsuits against the mask mandates and mandatory covid shots in the US early in Covid. He is preparing another large lawsuit that will be a barn burner.
I very highly recommend Jeffs daily Coffee & Covid substack. He currently has 129,000 subscribers and if you are not one of them you should be. Jeff is really a leader in the fight against insanity in the US that is working hard on taking down the United States as we know it. Join with Jeff in leading the way against the demonic forces that are trying to destroy our world.
Rob Leacock
Author’s note: I could spend hours more mining the content of this extraordinary individual’s accomplishments and insights in this presentation, but must look at the cost/benefit ratio. If I see more thirst for knowledge, I’ll write more. Otherwise, these were key highlights- G.M.
George Miller is Publisher and Co-Founder of Citizens Journal Florida, based in Fernandina Beach. He is a “retired” operations management consultant, manufacturing management professional, software and publishing executive (10 years).