By George Miller 5-9-24
The Nassau County chapter of Citizens Defending Freedom (CDF) called out the County School District for objectionable new proposed social studies textbooks. More detailed objections are contained HERE. A look at the linked articles will show you why CDF is legitimately concerned. There’s a hearing on this at the May 20 at 5 pm (we were previously told May 9, then May 23, so keep watching) School Board meeting and likelihood that the board intends to move ahead with this unless firm, valid opposition is offered. Since hardly anyone even attends most meetings, writing to them, attending and speaking at the meeting would provide additional input to the board to make the correct decision. Late flash: We hear that the public may not be allowed to speak, so make sure you write something and maybe show up. Here is the planned CDF testimony for the upcoming hearing: https://www.counties.citizensdefendingfreedom.com/fl-nassau/resources/2024-social-studies-textbook-adoption-objection-hearing-points-5-9-24/
They brought up a number of objectionable points. See if you agree. Let me summarize just a few which alone should be grounds for disqualification, in case you don’t have the time or desire to read the linked materials:
1- The textbook presentation of the important events of the industrial revolution is staggering (see chart below):
Say WHAT? Nothing about mass production, assembly lines, quality control, interchangeable parts, industrial organization, logistics, internal combustion engine, electricity? Their digest of the highlights of the industrial revolution comes down to discredited Marxism, highly questionable Darwin and steam? No balance in their discussion?
2. That being said, they present both Darwinian evolution theory and carbon dating as established facts, when both are unproven theories with credible alternatives. Balanced discussion of these is lacking.
3. Claiming climate change is caused by fossil fuel burning and advocating Climate Action and Justice are both currently politically correct, but very wrongheaded. There is abundant evidence to the contrary. At a minimum, a more balanced discussion is called for. In general, the discussion on energy sources and cost-benefit relationships appears highly skewed.
4. Savvas has a reputation of SEL (Social Emotional Learning) advocacy. SEL is a controversial, unproven approach which also has some philosophically objectionable tenets embedded and has no place in public education. Savvas’ words: “Comprehensive prebuilt lesson plans for popular titles give teachers everything they need to guide classroom discussions around inclusion and acceptance.” Those terms have become politically and socially loaded. Does this contain current “woke” thinking, which many judge to be actually divisive and loaded with inaccuracies? Pearson Releases Race and Ethnicity Editorial Guidelines to Address Systemic Racism in Education (Their title, not ours) 2.25.2021
5. District failure to provide community access for review in adequate time as required by law. And now a hearing is being held in only a little over a week? Were they made available to teachers in time?
6. Demonizing nationalism and sovereign nations …
ONLINE LINK Flip book Page 590 . text page 508 link. This is a link to a video that starts out …
“Nationalism broke apart many empires in the 1800s, but it also served to unify one very powerful country, Germany….“
This sounds like a statement that undermines nationalism and the concept of a sovereign nation. This also links the word nationalism to German Nazis. That is subtle and concerning statement.
7. There is some concern that Savvas’ “Realize” partner “Knewton,” an AI learning tool, may collect student information and infringe upon privacy.
All these are just the tip of the iceberg. Please read the linked materials to know more. This is what Nassau County public school students should be taught? We think not.`
Why YOUR Involvement?
Even if you have no kids in the local public schools, it is YOUR money which will be used to pay for this and YOUR community’s culture which will be influenced by the messages inculcated in student minds. It will affect future student behavior, including voting, life decisions and more. If you DO have students in the schools, if CDF is correct, then you may not approve of what your kids are being taught and how it is done. So, wouldn’t you want teaching to reflect the truth and YOUR priorities? You DO have a stake in the outcome.
From CDF
Based upon research, Nassau Citizens Defending Freedom objects to all of the SAVVAS Learning, LLC textbooks due to specific textbook content, dynamic online materials that are not available for public review and have not been reviewed by the district, SAVVAS/Pearson Social Emotional Learning (CASEL.org) relationship, and Pearson alignment with Gender Spectrum Symposium, and Pearson alignment with Tavistock & Portman, UK’s largest provider of transgender services.
Details of the facts behind the objections are included via links and documents here.
If enough community members object, maybe the school district will not spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on these textbooks.
School Board meetings are held at 1201 Atlantic Avenue, Fernandina Beach, at 6:30 P.M.. Please mark your calendar now.
What About CDF?
CDF appears to be the only major civic activist group in the county willing and able to get effectively involved in issues that matter such as this. They have been the target of much pushback from the Progressive activist base and allied local media, as CDF has upset the increasing movement toward “Wokeism.” But people of multiple philosophical and political preferences may agree with what they are saying and be motivated to act on it by taking action, starting with learning more and speaking up by email, attending the meetings, such as the May 23 one and even speaking out at those meetings.
Local education activist Rich Lamken pointed out that a district which has half of its students FAILING to meet even the minimum dumbed-down standards for math needs to focus more on the basics. He believes that the Savvas materials/approach to education would move the district in the wrong direction.
George Miller is Publisher and Co-Founder of Citizens Journal Florida, based in Fernandina Beach. He is a “retired” operations management consultant, software and publishing executive (10 years) and manufacturing management professional. He and his wife left California after 41 years, in part, because of some of the very same things this article addresses- and much more- were happening there and not being so effectively resisted as they are here.
The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida.