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HomeNewsworthyOpinionWhy Christians Should Repent of Sin on a Daily Basis

Why Christians Should Repent of Sin on a Daily Basis

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By Judge John Marshall Meisburg, Jr.


There is a false teaching circulating in some churches that Christians do not need to repent of sin daily.  This teaching says that when Jesus died on the cross, He paid the price for all our sins (past, present and future) and that when we believe in Him, and get salvation, He totally forgives us, and we no longer need to worry about sin or repent of sin.  But this is a false teaching, and contrary to Scripture!

First of all, Jesus Himself said to repent of sin daily.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught us how to pray, and He gave us the model prayer – the Lord’s Prayer.  He said “Father forgive us our trespasses (or sins) as we forgive those who trespass (or sin) against us.”   Matthew 6:9-13.

        Second, the Apostle Paul gave a stern warning about the need for repentance prior to Holy Communion, which can be a daily spiritual event.  Paul said to examine yourself and repent of sin before taking communion: “But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.  For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.  For this reason many are weak and sick among you and many are dead.”  1 Corinthians 11:27-30. The failure to repent of sin prior to communion is serious and can lead to sickness and death!

        Third, we need to repent of sin on a daily basis because sin separates us from full communion with the Lord, and can lead to terrible consequences for us here on the earth.  When we sin, we give Satan the legal right to attack our home, or family, our health and our finances.  So, it is very important to keep short accounts with God, to stay in His will, and keep His favor in our life.  John 10:10.   The blessings for obedience are found in Deuteronomy 28.  In order to obey God, and have His blessings, we must repent of sin on a daily basis!

Fourth, salvation means we are a new creation in Christ. We do not need to pray daily for our salvation.  Our salvation is based on faith in Christ, repentance of sin, making a public confession of our faith, and being born again spiritually.   But that does not mean that we are perfect and without sin.  Rather, it means that we are in the process of being sanctified daily by our walk of faith.  We are becoming more and more like Jesus Christ in all that we are and do. And the daily repentance of sin is a very important part of the sanctification process! John 17:17.  God said “Be holy as I am holy.”   1 Peter 1:14-19.

        Fifth, God tells us that unconfessed sin in our life will hinder our prayers.  1 Peter 3:7.

        So, God, we repent today of our sins of commission and omission during the past week, and we ask you to forgive us of our sins and restore us to full communion with You!

Forgive us God when we became angry with our spouse or brother because You say in your Word that if we are angry with our brother or sister we have committed murder in our heart. Matthew 5:21-24.

        Forgive us God when we have cursed or called someone a hateful name on the roadway because they cut us off in traffic, or tailgated us, or drove recklessly, for You say in your Word that we are not to take the Name of the Lord in vain, and  if we

call our brother a fool, we are in danger of Hellfire. Exodus  20:7; Matthew 5:22.

        Forgive us God when we lusted after a woman or looked at pornography, for You say in Your Word that if we look at a woman with lust, we have already committed adultery with her in our heart.  Matthew 5:28.

        Forgive us God when we failed to help our brother or sister in need, and looked the other way, for you say in Your Word that we are our brother’s keeper, and that when we have done it to the least of them, we have done it unto You. Luke 10:29-37; Matthew 25:40-45.

        Forgive us God when we failed to attend church on Sunday  for Your say in Your Word to keep the Sabbath day holy, and to not forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as some have done.  Exodus 20:8; Hebrews 10:25.

        Forgive us God when we failed to tithe our income to the Lord, for You say in your Word that when we fail to tithe that we are robbing God, and shutting up the windows of Heaven of blessings in our life. Malachi 3:8-10.

        Forgive us Lord when we were afraid of man and ashamed to speak the truth and the Gospel, for You say in your Word that You have not given us the spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love and of a sound mind, and that Cowards go to the Lake of Fire! Romans 1:16; 2 Timothy 1:7.

Forgive us Lord when we fell into gossip and slander, for You say in Your Word that it is in unity that You command the blessing in our life! Psalm 133:3.

        Father God, you say in Your Word that if we love You we will keep Your Commandments. John 14:15.  So God today we say we love you with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and we repent of our sins and turn from them. We ask you God to have mercy upon us, forgive us of all sin in our life, restore us to full communion with you.  We ask you now to sanctify us and make us holy like You, and open up the windows of Heaven for blessings in our life.   In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!   


Judge John Marshall Meisburg, Jr., was a U.S. Administrative Law Judge with the Social Security Administration for 26 years in Jacksonville, Florida.  He retired as a judge in 2021 and is now living in Fernandina Beach, Florida with his wife of 43 years, Dr. Denise Meisburg. They have six children and 11 grandchildren.  Prior to being a judge, he was a lawyer with the Federal government for 23 years, serving in all three branches of the government, with the U.S. District Court, EEOC, Justice Department, Congress, FDIC and Office of Special Counsel (MSPB). He was in private law practice one year in Washington, D.C. and filed the lawsuit that became the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case on sexual harassment.  He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Kentucky, and a Juris Doctor law degree from the University of Kentucky College of Law. He is a lifelong Christian, being raised in the Baptist faith in Louisville, Kentucky.  He was an Elder at New Life Christian Fellowship in Jacksonville where he taught Sunday School, the Jewish Roots of the Faith and the Christian Heritage of America. He was a leader of both the National Day of Prayer and the House of Prayer in Jacksonville for over ten years. He has published ten books relating to Christian and legal issues.  He is now a member of Living Waters World Outreach Center in Fernandina Beach, where he serves in the prayer and home group ministry, and is a member of the Board of Directors for Faith Christian Academy.

The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida

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