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We the People News Edition 32: Legislative Session, Informed Consent and Constitution for Kids

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By We the People


Much ado about a lot…To We the People – Before we get rolling today, just thought I’d share that Chris and I have switched from Comcast (telephone, internet and cable) to IQ Fiber. It’s been a week since the switch and life is good (and way less expensive). We no longer get to see FOX Business–miss Mornings with Maria–but we very much enjoy all the conservative “views & news” on Real America’s Voice. Cut the cable and let freedom ring!Deb
First: Update on Legislative Session issues
Proposed Election Integrity Bills

In case you missed it, journalist Joe Hoft published a list of links to several proposed Florida House and Senate bills (as well as supplemental information), which, according to him, “are expected to address the bulk of the state’s missing controls” in the election process.

HB 1669: Elections: Requires DOS to adopt rules relating to election security; requires DOS to create certain manuals; authorizes PACs & political committees to have poll watchers; authorizes designate watchers for absentee vote processing locations; provides requirements for printed ballots & voter certificate envelopes; requires retention of materials; requires audits; provides requirements for transportation & chain of custody for ballots; revises storage, identification, and signature verification requirements; provides requirements for absentee vote processing workers; revises county canvassing board composition; authorizes removal from office of supervisor of elections; revises requirements for recounts; provides criminal penalties. Current status: Now in Ethics, Elections and Open Government Subcommittee.

HB 1101: Forms and Identification: Expands list of acceptable forms of identification for voter registration applicants to include U.S. passport, identification cards issued by federally recognized tribal nation or Indian tribe, & United States Merchant Mariner Credentials; requires driver licenses issued to drivers denote certain individuals as noncitizens. Current status: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version).

HB 359: Voting Systems: Authorizes counties to count ballots by hand at precinct level; prohibits DOS from approving certain voting systems; requires DOS to make certain information & materials available to public on its website; deletes public records exemption that applies to certain software on file with DOS; provides that software is public record & must be provided at actual cost of duplication. Current status: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version).

SB1602: Elections: Revising the information that the uniform statewide voter registration application must be designed to elicit from an applicant and must contain; requiring the Department of State and supervisors of elections to verify certain information relating to citizenship status; requiring certain voter registration applicants who have not previously voted in the state to provide certain identification before voting; requiring the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to provide an opportunity to register to vote or update voter registration records to certain individuals, etc. Current status: Referred to Ethics and Elections; Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development; Fiscal Policy.

SB 1752: Elections: Prohibiting the Department of State from approving certain voting systems; requiring the department to make certain information and materials available to the public on its website within a certain time frame; requiring the county canvassing board to conduct a manual count in certain precincts before certification of certain elections, etc. Current status: Referred to Ethics and Elections; Judiciary; Rules.Read Joe Hoft’s article >> 

DeSantis calls for Constitutional Reforms

Fresh from the presidential campaign trail, Florida’s governor posted a 28-minute video on X (formerly Twitter) proposing four Amendments to the US Constitution to “Hold Washington Accountable”:Congressional term limitsA balanced budget requirement at the federal levelA presidential line-item vetoA requirement that all laws passed by Congress must also apply to members of Congress–without any exemptions.

Virtually all of these have been incorporated into Florida law, but as DeSantis says, “In Washington…incentives are designed for politicians to put themselves first…to have a separate ruling class. Washington is never going to reform itself so it’s going to require us to use the tools the Founding Fathers gave us to take power away from DC and return it back to the American people….With [FL House] Speaker Renner’s help, as well as Kathleen Passidomo in the [FL] Senate, and with my support, the Florida legislature is going to be certifying a series of Amendments, Constitutional reforms under Article 5 of the [US] Constitution, that will reign Washington in….We want to work with other states…to be able to put the people first for a change.”
See Gov. DeSantis’ speech >> 

Florida prepares for Legal Tender

Background: In 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed Texas House Bill 483 to establish a state gold bullion depository administered by the Office of the Comptroller. The Texas Bullion Depository became the first state level facility of its kind in the nation, increasing the security and stability of Texas gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside the state.Now: the Florida legislature is preparing to do much the same with House Bills 697 and 699.

HB697: State Legal Tender and Bullion Depository: Provides specie legal tender & electronic currency are legal tender; provides bullion is not personal property for taxation & regulatory purposes; requires DFS to establish & administer bullion depository; authorizes governmental entities to use depositories for storing bullion; authorizes State Treasury to deposit portion of its funds into depositories in form of bullion; requires CFO to establish electronic currencies backed by specie legal tender & other bullion; requires CFO to hold specie legal tender & other bullion as bailment for specified purposes. Current status: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version).

HB699: Public Records / State Bullion Depositories: Provides public records exemption for records of accounts in bullion depositories & of transactions, deposits, & withdrawals associated with such accounts; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity. Current status: 1st Reading (Original Filed Version). 

Appropriation$ for Nassau County

During a conversation with George Spicer, District Aide to State House Rep Dean Black, I learned that an appropriations request for $35M has been submitted for Nassau County (reflecting requests issued by the Board of County Commissioners and the cities of Fernandina Beach, Callahan and Hilliard). These appropriations must be voted on by the FL House and Senate…and if approved by the legislature, must be signed by the the Governor.  

Next: Informed Consent issues

FDA Removes Informed Consent from Anything Deemed “Minimum Risk”

While we were busy with the holidays on December 21st, the FDA instituted a new rule, to become effective January 22nd, which permits the Institutional Review Board to waive informed consent on “minimal risk” clinical investigations.

Essentially, when the FDA believes a clinical trial or investigation of a particular product–be it a drug, a vaxx, a medical device–being tested, poses “minimal risk” the traditional need for informed consent can be waived.

However, they don’t define minimal risk.

While there were a limited number of public comments during the rule change proposal process, some comments expressed concerns over the rule change being in violation of the Nuremberg code.

Review the new FDA Rule >>

 Texas vs. Pfizer is Going to Trial

Lubbock, TX: A lawsuit against Pfizer filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, which was first filed in Lubbock’s 99th District Court, is now expected to move to federal court.

Paxton is accusing Pfizer of misrepresentation and deceptive trade practices when it comes to its COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer requested the lawsuit be moved to the federal system, since its work was on behalf of the federal government.

In the filing Paxton accuses Pfizer of making misleading public statements concerning the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine, which was supplied to the government as part of operation “Warp Speed” that was formed during the Donald Trump administration.

The suit focuses on three main areas: duration of protection, protection from transmission and protection from new variants.

The suit claims Pfizer created a false sense of durability and sustained protection from the virus while withholding data from the consuming public that showed waning efficacy. All while claiming its vaccine was 95 percent effective against the virus.

The document goes on to accuse the company of using fear mongering and exploitation to convince the public the vaccine was the only way to protect their loved ones.

Finally, Pfizer is accused of knowingly making false and unsupported claims about its vaccine’s performance against new variants of the virus.

Paxton says Pfizer made all those claims in violation of the Deceptive Trade Practices Act. His lawsuit against the company aims to bar Pfizer from making any more of what Paxton says are “false claims.”

It demands the company pay civil penalties of up to $10 million for every violation of the DTPA.

NOTE: Aadditional plaintiffs can join the suit up until May 15, 2024.

 Review the Filing >> 

Landmark Covid Vaccine Injury Win

This legal decision puts employers on notice in other cases and in many other countries as the South Australian Employment Tribunal decides employer is liable.

The Department of Child Protection (DCP) must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a Covid booster under a workplace vaccination directive, the South Australian Employment Tribunal has ruled.

In a decision handed down on 15 January 2024, the Tribunal determined that Daniel Shepherd’s employment was “a significant contributing cause” to his injury, which has since rendered him incapable of performing his role at work.

Shepherd got a Covid booster in February 2022 as a requirement for his ongoing employment with the DCP. The DCP admitted that Shepherd’s pericarditis had been caused by the booster, but denied responsibility for the injury, arguing that it did not arise from Shepherd’s employment, but from a lawful State Government Public Health Order (PHO), issued under the Emergency Management Act 2004 (EMA).

However, the Tribunal rejected the DCP’s argument, deciding that because the injury arose as a result of both the state-directed vaccination mandate and his employment, Mr. Shepherd was entitled to workers compensation.
Read Full Article >>  Great book for kids and grand kids!U.S. Constitution For KidsI bought this book for my 7- and 9-year old granddaughters. The author, Karen Moran, lives in the Palm Beach area. I met her through Florida Citizens Alliance (which is diligently working with the Florida legislature on bills to improve K-12 education). This illustrated and fun-to-read book teaches children in easy-to-understand terms how We the People can restore our nation.Buy it direct from the author >> Convoy Goes Through JAXThe Take Our Country Back convey landed in Jacksonville late last night, with flags and banners blazing. Thanks to We the People members James Lippincott and Susan Moore for this special shot of them with “convoyer” friends Bruce and Natalie. Jim and Susan said, “It was cold but we stayed late! Live music and warm patriots to hang with. It was a real blast!”  

Deb Boelkes
Business World Rising, LLC
1417 Sadler Road, Suite 207
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

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