By Sherian Wilsher-Berteau
To me, something always felt suspiciously controlled and set-up behind the scenes during Biden’s campaign and his Administration. It was as if Biden’s campaign was a result of a reluctant past promise that Democratic leaders had to fulfill, even if they had to cheat to get him elected. Meanwhile, it also gave radical Democratic Leadership an opportunity for a plan to be set in motion to control Biden; all while being able to push their far left policies on the American citizens. In other words, he was their “useful idiot” as the Marxists say.
Obama and the Radical Left power players knew from their past and long term relationships that Biden was not that bright, but was corrupt and easily manipulated. When they realized that now he also suffered from a serious cognitive and physical decline, Obama and the other Democratic power players saw an opportunity to put their cronies back in charge to implement their radical left agenda behind the scenes with no political repercussions for them. So, these unelected political pawns were obviously running our country for the last four years, not Biden. Obama & his cronies could push their extreme left wing agendas that they were not able to do while he was President, and not suffer any political consequences. Diabolical and traitorous,but brilliant.
Another apparent goal for Obama to accomplish was undermining and humiliating Biden by putting his incompetency and disability on display for the world to see. Evidenced by his quickly pushing Joe aside when he was no longer useful and threatening their loss of power. Obama’s contempt for Biden and his family has been evident for years; even saying “ don’t underestimate Biden’s ability to F___ things up”. Most interestingly, Obama “jokingly” also said years ago he would love to run things behind the scenes but have someone else do the work & handle all the Presidential duties that he disdained. That’s not his exact words, but you get the picture…maybe that’s exactly what we have witnessed for the last four years!
On the infamous Hunter laptop, Hunter cruelly and callously stated his dad was suffering from dementia before he decided to run for President. This proves that the family was well aware of his condition, but was more interested in being in power and having access to more bribes from our foreign adversaries to enrich themselves at Americans expense. How cold and heartless do you have to be to subject your father, brother and husband to this public humiliation for your benefit?? And further, to lie to the world and encourage him to run for another four years when he’s in obvious decline? Shameful behavior from his family, Obama, and the other Democratic Leaders who were part of this scandalous ruse. The damage they have done to our country and its citizens for their own gain is something that will be not be soon forgotten, and I sincerely hope they will all be held accountable. As far as I’m concerned-Biden’s sweeping preemptive pardons of his family and other criminals is evidence of their serious acts of treason against their country and its citizens, and must be rectified. After all, as the Democrats love to say “No one is above the law”…..let’s see if they really mean that….Probably not, because they are all implicated and if there’s any justice, they should be prosecuted as well.

Sherian Wilsher-Berteau is a 3rd generation native Floridian, who grew up in Fernandina Beach. Mother of 4, Gigi to 5- former multiple business owner, now retired & enjoying pursuing my passions-writing, cooking, & travel!
The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida
The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida