By Dave Scott, 1-24 -25
Donald Trump has accomplished more in four days that Joe Biden did in four years. He’s making FDR’s “First 100 Days” in 1933 look trifling.
As he promised, illegal alien criminals are being rounded up in sanctuary states and cities around the country with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) initially arresting some of the most violent gangsters and thugs and shipping them back across the border.
Is it true that the president of Mexico was overheard saying: “Where the hell are all these Mexicans coming from?”
Bye Bye Bro! As he was being shoved into an ICE squad car a defiant handcuffed Haitian gangbanger was filmed screaming, “I’m not going back to Haiti. Yo, Biden forever, bro! Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro! F___ Trump!” The door then slammed and the car drove away with the confused, irate, screaming illegal headed South, way, way South.
Post No Bills: President Trump has implemented a “One Flag Policy” for American outposts, meaning only the Stars and Stripes can be flown at the buildings.
In other words the President has reinforced the fact that The U. S. flag is a strong symbol of American identity and national pride. It is one of the most recognized symbols in the world. With his order President Trump has made it clear that federal buildings are not public forums for activists and whiners to broadcast their complaints, messages and social engineering nonsense.
The President’s order was issued by former U.S. Florida Senator and new U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio. It stops American outposts in the states and abroad from flying flags associated with LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter, etc.
“Starting immediately, only the United States of America flag is authorized to be flown or displayed at U.S. facilities, both domestic and abroad, and featured in U.S. government content,” the order says.
The President’s order also says: “Employees from the State Department who go against the policy face disciplinary action, including termination of employment or contract, or reassignment to their home agency.”
Run anything other than the Stars & Stripes up the flagpole at a federal building and you’re toast!
I don’t have a problem with that, do you and if you do, why?
Overhead At A Local Bar: “I’ve heard that since Donald Trump was elected there has been a significant decline in male pregnancies.”
Californians Got What They Voted For: The residents of California received exactly what they voted for. The highest taxes in the US; homeless vagrants populating their streets, parks, school yards and neighborhoods; some of the highest crime rates in the county; illegals absorbing their citizens’ unemployment and welfare funds; lousy and overcrowded schools; wildfires, mudslides and morons running their state.
The voters in California have made decisions and pursued policies that have made them and their fellow citizens worse off and have gained nothing. They are suffering the consequences of their vote. By voting for completely inept and clueless politicians they are benefiting their critics and political opposition.
Would you want your city, county or state to be run like any of the solid blue cities or states in this country e.g. CA, NY, IL?
The people of California are now realizing they got exactly what they asked for. They apparently aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer.
For example the elected officials in Los Angeles say they couldn’t spare proper funding for its fire department. Under Mayor Karen Bass the city cut an already underfunded fire department by more than $17 million last year. Yet it spent more than that on homeless projects. The city declares itself a sanctuary city while its citizens get killed, robbed, raped, etc. by illegal aliens.
The state is on fire because elected officials refused to take fire prevention measures. LA didn’t have water to fights the fires because it wasted the water. Their elected idiots let it run into the ocean to save a fish, the smelt.
The problem with California is not only stupid politicians, but stupid citizens who keep voting for these same morons election after election. Then when the state is on fire because of their idiotic social engineering nonsense they ask the rest of the country to bail them out financially.
It’s hard to express sympathy for a crowd of nincompoops that elects woke idiots like Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Kamala Harris, Karen Bass, and George Gascon.
But Wait! There’s More! Gov Newsom says he would give buyers of electric vehicles a state rebate if Trump did away with the rebate on the purchase of EVs. Trump did that his first day in office with an executive order.
So I guess the California state rebate will apply to all EVs except TESLA because Musk is now aligned with Trump. Newsom’s hatred of Trump and Musk and this hairbrained idea flies in the face of common sense. TESLA is the only California based manufacturer of EV’s and employs 20,000 workers who produce 500,000 vehicles. “Take that all you rich liberals who voted for me.”
Newsom is a perfect example of how leaderless and aimless the Democrat party is. They are actually floating his name for President. They have no one else. California has been losing industry and tax-paying citizens because of Newsom-generated crime, high taxes and sanctuary policies. Add this rebate idea to that list and more industry and population will soon flee that state.
It Just Keeps Getting Better & Better: Imagine the bumbling, word-slurring, addled old geezer, Joe Biden, addressing the Davos assembly of the world’s wealthiest business people without using a teleprompter, notes or a written speech.
It wouldn’t have happened. He would have been totally incapable of doing it and would have embarrassed himself and America.
Yet Donald Trump, in only his third day back in the White House, accomplished it. Without a single note he articulately answered their questions telling them in very blunt language that they could bring jobs to the U.S. and reap the benefits or take them elsewhere and pay through the nose if they try to sell them here.
Trump told the head of the Bank of America that he has had it with his institution’s treatment of conservatives and that he expects that to change. It must be humiliatingly embarrassing to be verbally spanked on the world stage by the leader of the world’s largest economy and most capable military.
How To Avoid Craziness: According to a Psychology Today study 87% of therapists report that they have spoken with their patients about politics.
According to the article some 63% of therapists believe most of their patients were Democrats, 11% believed most were Republican, 6% Independent, 8% another affiliation, and 12% believed that most of their patients had no political preference.
The investigators also found that therapists who believed that most of their patients shared their political views were more likely to talk about politics in therapy.
- Furthermore, 87% of therapists speak to their patients about politics
- But it gets worse. It turns out that the vast majority of psychologists are liberal.
- The study also found that ratio of liberals to conservatives in the broader field of psychology is 14-to-1, and only 6% of therapists describe themselves as conservative “overall.”
So, since 94% of therapists are liberal, and 87% of therapists speak to their patients about politics stay off the therapists couch as they appear to be mostly crazy Democrats. Oh, and keep your kids as far away from these crackpots as possible.
In a nutshell if you are a Democrat, you’re crazy, and so is your therapist if you go to one. Therefore, the only cure is to change political parties so you won’t need therapy from a crazy Democrat psychologist.
The U.S. Is Not A Democracy: I’m not sure who sent me the following or who wrote it, but I certainly don’t disagree with it:
“The Democrat’s claim that we are a democracy is a calculated lie. Every one of the delegates to the constitutional convention took great effort to keep our government away from a democracy, preferring the design of a republic. A democracy is subject to sudden changes and popular will. A republic has a firm foundation of ethics, morality and law. It can be changed, but any change requires great effort and a super majority for any modification.
“Our republic designed the federal (national) government as a limited power, leaving the states with many decisions of their own. The tenth amendment in our Bill of Rights orders this design. It is the law of the land. If something is not in the Constitution, that power belongs to the states or the people in general. So, like it or not, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was constitutionally solid. Despite the solid logic of this decision, Democrats are mislead their followers into believing that SCOTUS has jumped their limitations. This claim is untrue and blatantly misleading.”
Read All About It Soon! The Amelia Island News Wrecker was delayed a couple of weeks due to staff illness but is scheduled to go to the printer this coming week. It will be available in local Nassau County restaurants, bars, and shops for just 10 bucks a copy. If you don’t want to pay that much for a stupid newspaper, just take it. The proprietor will be happy to get rid of them.
Republished with the author’s permission. Read The Dave Scott Blog– subscribe Free

The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida.