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Timmerman: Signs of the Times- Russia/China/Iran

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Ken Timmerman’s Threat Watch, www.kentimmerman.com, 12-29-23

For years, as you know, I have been tracking Russia’s growing alliances with Islamic Iran and Communist China. But recently, two things happened I have to put in a whole separate category.

When I heard them, to me they rang as clear as day, signs of the times to come.

If you have been reading these emails or listening to my weekly radio show with Prophecy Today Weekend, you know that Iran signed a multi-decades strategic cooperation agreements with China in 2021. And in July 2022, Russia’s Gazprom signed a $40 billion oil and gas deal with Iran.

In March of this year, Russia, China and Iran held their third annual naval exercises in the Gulf of Oman.

These events are all signs of the increasingly closer cooperation between the three “End Times” partners, mentioned in Ezekiel 38.

Until just recently, however, Putin refrained from overly criticizing Israel, and kept open the “deconfliction” red line between the IDF and the Russian Air Force in Syria, to allow Israel to bomb Iranian targets without interference from Russian-controlled air defense systems.

We were also told Putin had a great personal relationship with Bibi Netanyahu.

All of that now seems to be falling apart, bringing us closer to Ezekiel 38. For the first time ever, Russia is now backing Hamas terrorists at the United Nations in Security Council resolutions aimed at forcing Israel to stop the war before destroying Hamas. That is Sign One.

Sign Two was the announcement on Wednesday that Iran and Russia have finalized an agreement to conduct trade in their own currencies, the rial and the rouble, bypassing the SWIFT interbank system and international sanctions.

While this does not mean the end of the U.S. dollar, it is a huge first step. (Saudi Arabia and China have been talking of conducting their oil trade in non-US dollar currencies as well.)

In these past few weeks, Russia has jettisoned the pro-Israel policies of the past thirty years, while strengthening and deepening its ties to the Iranian regime, which celebrated the October 7 massacres and tells us daily how much they want to erase Israel from the map.

These are dangerous times. These are momentous times. Be ready!

As Jesus said (Matthew 24:41-42), no one will know the day or the hour. “Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.”

Blessings to all for what will surely be an eventful – and undoubtedly rocky – 2024.

Yours in freedom,


PS: As always, you can listen to my weekly segment on Prophecy Today Weekend live at 1 PM on Saturday on 104.9 FM or 550 AM in Jacksonville, Fl, or by using the Jacksonville Way Radio app. If you miss it, you can listen to the podcast here.

PPS: If you haven’t seen my new book, Raising Olives in Provence, you can order it using this link. Your support is critical to my writing efforts. And don’t forget to post your comments!
Ken Timmerman’s 12th book of non-fiction, AND THE REST IS HISTORY: Tales of Hostages, Arms Dealers, Dirty Tricks, and Spies, is now available from PostHill Press. 

AND THE REST IS HISTORY can be ordered directly from Amazon by clicking here or by viewing my author’s page, here. 

– Republican nominee for Congress, Maryland District 8 (2012)
– National Security and Foreign Policy Advisory Board, Trump for President 2016
– President & CEO, Foundation for Democracy in Iran, www.iran.org
– Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2006
Cell: 301-675-7922
Follow me on Twitter @kentimmerman
Facebook: ken timmerman
Reply to: [email protected]
Website: kentimmerman.com
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