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Session Today 12-6-22: FL HB 1467 is to facilitate transparency in the selection process of instructional materials, including library and reading materials.

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Press Release

By CCDF, 11-5-22


Earlier this year, Governor DeSantis signed House Bill 1467 into law. This bill requires the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) to develop an online training program for all media personnel who are involved in a district’s library materials selection process. The FDOE has created a workgroup of 12 individuals consisting of educational media specialists, district staff with experience working in media centers, and parents of students in K-12 schools to develop this training program. The 12 members have been meeting routinely over the last few weeks as they develop this training, with several meetings being held on Microsoft Teams. The calls are open to the public and allow time for those in attendance to comment on the proposed training materials. 

We are putting out a call to action! The goal of HB 1467 is to facilitate transparency in the selection process of instructional materials, including library and reading materials. This bill continues the movement of supporting parental rights and protecting children from harmful materials in Florida’s schools. Many who have opposed this bill, as well as the recently implemented Parents Bill of Rights, have attended and commented at the previous Teams meetings. It is time for parents, educators, and community members who want instructional material transparency, who want to protect children, and who support parental rights to use our voices and support the members of this work group who are fighting for these same values. 

The next Teams meeting is this Tuesday, December 6th at 1:00pm. Let’s show our support for the members of the work group who are fighting to keep inappropriate materials out of our public schools by attending this meeting. Please comment to encourage them that the community, parents, and students want a more rigorous screening process by district media specialists that are curating the materials that enter school libraries. This training program will reduce the time, effort, energy, and resources spent removing harmful materials from schools and ultimately protect children and parental rights.

The link to join Tuesday’s meeting will be sent out on Monday, so please check your inbox for that email. Share the link, encourage participation, and join us as we show our support for this training program! We look forward to seeing you there!

DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, December 6, 2022, 1:00p.m. EDT

LOCATION: Microsoft Teams Meeting:

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Meeting ID: 251 285 934 898

Passcode: j5iUz3

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