Press Release
From Firearms Policy Coalition, 11-20-22
President Biden and his gang of crisis actors are again using the actions of a criminal lunatic to call for taking away your firearms.
They’re hoping that their petulant shouting will grow to a thundering chorus in favor of banning all guns. We can’t let this stand.
Now is the perfect time to tell this tyrant “F*** you, no!”
Help us fight back against this despot by making a contribution to our legal action program TODAY.
All donations go directly to our Second Amendment Defense Fund, which we use daily to sue the hell out of anti-gun tyrants like Potato Joe.
What’s more, we’re coming up on our end-of-month legal fundraising deadline, which means that it’s very important to give.
And as always, a contribution in your name speaks volumes to these tyrants that the Second Amendment enjoys broad public support.
Prove the despots that they are sorely mistaken if they think they can try to take our guns without a fight.
Donate NOW to fund the next round of pro-2A lawsuits against the Biden anti-gun agenda!
Stay Free,
Firearms Policy Coalition