By Michael Hernandez, 12-12-24
FERNANDINA BEACH, FLORIDA—KBT Contracting Corp. was approved (Action 7) as the contractor for Yulee Middle School’s aluminum canopy. The lowest of three bids came in at just under $498,000.
The millage referendum oversight committee report was touted by its beneficiaries but attacked by perennial watchdog/critic Rich Lamken. Lamken’s bid to be on the committee was previously rebuffed by Superintendent Burns, but he has always made his views known.
A Five-Year Work Plan was tabled to a special workshop on Monday, Jan. 13 at 4:30 p.m. focused on new construction and remodeling projects in 2024-25 as well as discussion on the contested library books in schools.
Millage Report Updated:
Stephanie G., Chair of the Millage Committee (from voter-approved referendum) to increase property tax millage) gave a Millage Report Update which was supported by Marian Phillips (President of the Nassau Educational Support Personnel Association) and Dennis Marsh (school custodian?) but challenged by local school watchdog Richard Lamken who is now working with Citizens Defending Freedom.
According To Stephanie G., she was “happy at the outcome” but Lamken who spoke after the millage update report, said “non-teachers are getting more from millage than 12-year teachers. No custodian, food workers, or secretary should get more millage dollars than any teacher. We should not be giving every employee the same compensation. The district continues to lie.” Stephanie’s angry response to Richard was: “I am disgusted with any community group that creates distrust (within) the community.” What Lamken stated was factually correct, but they disagreed on whether it was the best use of funds allocation. He is a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools. She subsequently apologized for her angry, emotional response but not the content.
Union official Marian Phillips said: “Custodians, bus drivers, para-professionals, cafeteria workers are not less than teachers. Teachers and non-instruction (personnel) are united (in their) work. Dennis Marsh, of Fernandina Beach, gave credit to Supt. Dr. Kathy Burns for explaining from school to school where tax money was going and convincing the public to vote for bond money to support county schools. “We appreciate this,” he said.
Other Board Actions:
Approved Administrative Rules revisions on Charter Schools (Action 1), Safe and Secure Schools (Action 2), Collective Bargaining (Action 3), Unmanned Vehicles and Air Drones (Action 4), and Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use (Action 5) with new Board Member Joe Zimmerman, District 3, requesting a yearly review of the artificial intelligence acceptance use policy.
Approved the Professional Learning Certification Program Mentor Memorandum of Understanding with the Nassau Teachers Association (Action 6) that allows college graduates without teaching credentials to teach in Nassau County Schools if they agree to enter a teacher mentor program. The program replaces a requirement to do from 2-5 classes at an educational institution and pays teacher mentors who work the program at either $750 per semester or $1,000 per year. This type of program is becoming more popular in Florida school districts that otherwise would be facing a teacher shortage (especially in more rural counties).
Contract for Callahan Elementary School Parent Pic-up Lane Change Order amended (Agenda 8) by almost $7,000 allowing for additional drainage structures to keep standing water off the playground.
Approved changing Consortiums from the Panhandle Area Educational Consortium (PAEC) to the North East Florida Education Consortium (NEFEC) mainly for software support (Action 9).
Approved future meetings at Hilliard on Tuesday, Jan. 21 (6 p.m.) and Yulee on Tuesday, Feb. 11 (6 p.m.) at Callahan Tuesday, Feb. 18 (6 p.m.).
(Note: The next board meeting is set for Thursday, Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m.)
Superintendent Spotlight: Debate/Public Speaking & Swimming
Freshman Ethen Dean was one of 8 finalists out of 104 debate competitors at the Incubate Debate (a modified debate) at Jacksonville, Florida and senior Ablavi Abjalle (born in Togo) was one of 6 semi-finalists from the Bill of Rights speaking competition who also won first place at an original oratory at a later competition. Her speech was given at the Dec. 12 board meeting talking about the First Amendment and “my voice heard.” The speakers were introduced by educator Jan VanDelinder.
Also recognized were the Yulee High School Swim Team Captains Eva (senior) and Kayla Thompson (who finished 6th in the butterfly and is a freshman)- both are sisters.
Also recognized was the Fernandina Beach High School swim team with several swimmers placing in the State as well as Fernandina Beach State champion Sadie Campbell (a senior) who is also a state champion in golf with a two-day old score of 145 (74 on the first day and 71 on day two) at Mission Inn Resort and Club in Howie-in-the-Hills.
Consent Actions:
Authorized the disposal of surplus property equipment (Action 5) currently valued at just over $6,000.
Accepted donation (Action 7) of $3,300 trailer from Klynt A Farmer, Nassau County Board of Commissioners (District 5 representing Callahan and West Yulee).
Approved the appointment of Linda Morris as School Board Representative (Action 9) on the Planning & Zoning Board for calendar year 2025.
Approved Out of State Director of Transportation travel (Agenda 10) to conference in Des Moines, Iowa on May 5-7.
Approved Out of State travel (Action 11) by the Safety Patrol Students at Yulee Elementary School to Washington D.C on March 10-14 to learn about the Nation’s government along with checks and balances
A Personal Finance & Money Management Instructional materials Adoption Timeline approved (Action 12).
Revised Job Description for the Coordinator of Instructional Support and Special Projects (Action 13).
Board Comments:
Shannon Hogue (District 1) [email protected]: Absent.
Chair Gail Cook (District 2) [email protected]: “I really would like workshop protocols.”
Joe Zimmerman (District 3): Appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis was sworn in at the Dec. 12 reorganizational meeting. I look forward to serving you.” Zimmerman was appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis to replace board member Curtis Gaus, who resigned too late for a new candidate to run, as he mad an unsuccessful run against incumbent Superintendent Kathy Burns. Zimmerman is a local businessman, active in civic affairs and part owner of the Yulee News.
Kristi Simpkins (District 4 elected this year) [email protected]: “Thank you for your support.”
Lissa Braddock (District 5): [email protected]: “We traveled to Tampa for a Florida School Board workshop for chair and vice chair. It was well worth the money to get there. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.”
Attorney Brad Steger: “Congratulations to Mr. Zimmerman and Ms. Simpkins (for joining the board).”
Dec. 12 Meeting: Agenda (20 Pages):
Dec. 12 Watch (1:45 minutes)
Special Dec. 12 Reorganizational Meeting: Agenda (1 Page)
The Nassau School Board Leasing Corporation was approved 4-0 despite a request by new board member Joe Zimmerman to delay any actions so he could review the agenda item. Supt. Dr. Kathy Burns informed the board that the action has already been delayed from last meeting and the district needed to receive an approval due to funding concerns.
Dec. 12 Watch (12 minutes)
Michael Hernandez, from California, is co-founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service. He is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted at [email protected] and is editor of the weekly “Stories Speak Volumes,” and “Revive America: Make America Great Again.”