By Michael Hernandez, 11-18-24
YULEE, FLORIDA—The Nassau County Board of Commissioners approved $2,675,646 at the Nov. 18 meeting (including $1 million in new business agenda items and $1,675.646 in consent agenda items).
The approved agenda items by amount are as follows:
- Property Purchase (Agenda Item Z): $650,000 (New Business) with Josephine E. Ahlum and Gregory J. Entzi at 43001 Freedom Drive, Callahan as part of Phase 1 of the Thomas Creek Implementation Plan. Motion: Alyson R. McCullough. Second: A.M. “Hupp” Huppman.
- Sanitary Sewer Cleaning: $450,000 (Consent Agenda Item T) with Insituform Technologies, LLC for inspection and renewal of culvert pipes.
- Property Purchase (Agenda Item Y): $350,000 (New Business) of property located at 14314 Icehollow Trail, Callahan as part of Phase I of the Thomas Creek Implementation Plan. Motion: Huppman. Second: McCullough
- Healthcare Contract (Consent Agenda Item E2): $315,000 to Nassau County Mental Health, Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse Council Inc. dba Starting Point Behavioral Healthcare.
- Healthcare Contract (Consent Agenda item E1): $266,755 to the Nassau County Council on Aging, Inc.
- Nassau County Economic Development Board (Consent Agenda Item I): $175,000. Motion: Jeff Gray. Second: McCullough:
- TRP Construction Group (Consent Agenda Item V): $138,345 for pavement marking services.
- Work Authorization No. 4 with Peters and Yaffee, Inc.: $129,425.99 (Consent Agenda Item U) for the Nassau County 2024 Mobility Plan Fee Update Study.
- Jacksonville Area Legal Aid (Consent Agenda item G): $103,043.
- Tourist Development Tax: $85,000 (Consent Agenda Items M, N, O, P, Q, R) to host the Shrimp Drop o Dec. 31, 2024 for $5,000 (M), the Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival for $25,000 on Jan. 19, 2025 (N), the Story & Song Center for Arts & Culture on Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2025 (O), the Amelia Island Opera for $10,000 between Sept. 2024 and April 2025 (P), the Fernandina Beach Songwriters Festival for $10,000 (Q) Motion: Gray and Second: McCullough, the Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival from May 2-4, 2025 for $25,000 (R) Motion: McCullough, Second: Gray.
- Purchase Open Market Parts for AM800 Enclosed Center Console Vessel with Silver Ships, Inc in the amount of $13,078 (Consent Agenda Item S).
Board Commissioner Comments:
Chair John F. Martin: District 1 (Fernandina Beach): 904-570-2594/Re-Elected. “Our voter turnout in Nassau County was 85.51 percent. It was a huge voter turnout. Congratulations. But we did have an undervote in the election of 600 citizens. This is where a voter does not vote for everything on the ballot. One race was determined by 19 votes. Everyone should get familiar with all the candidates and vote for every race. But congratulations on the turnout. Make your voice count.”
A.M. “Hupp” Huppman: District 2 (South Amelia Island): 904-319-0686: “We wrapped up on final election canvassing meeting. One of our candidates had a recount and only 19 votes separating the two candidates. The original vote had a margin of 19 votes and the re-count had a margin of 19 votes…The law requires a 20 percent validation of votes but we did all 66,000 votes. The election system in Nassau County works…We have three vacancies in our affordable housing committee.”
Jeff Gray: District 3 (Yulee): 904-570-1946/Re-Elected: “Commissioner McCullough was the guest speaker at the West Side Prayer Breakfast…On Nov. 4, Coastal Community Healthcare provider opened up an office in Nassau County. They have seven offices in Georgia. Even if you have no insurance, they will still see you.”
Alyson R. McCullough: District 4 (Hillard: 904-319-0689): “I wish people could come down and see and take advantage of watching and observing our voting canvas meeting. The more you are engaged the more you trust the vote. In our nation, over 150 million voters came to the polls from every background, religion, and economic class. You now need to hold our Congress and Senators accountable. I encourage all residents to stay actively involved.”
Klynt A. Farmer: District 5 (Callahan): 904-570-1357/Re-Elected
Public Comments:
“We had 30 animals adopted in one day,” said Jackie Osborne of the Nassau County Animal Shelter. “The fees are waived for adopting dogs through the end of November… Thank you so much for the one million that is going to go to building a new animal shelter which is very old and needs to be replaced. This is very important to me and lots of people in Nassau County.”
Agenda: 5 pages
Watch: 1 hour, 5 minutes
Michael Hernandez, from California, is co-founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service. He is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted at [email protected] and is editor of the weekly “Stories Speak Volumes,” and “Revive America: Make America Great Again.”