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Nassau County Candidates Misleading Voters – Really? Here?

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By Seaside Socrates, 8-15-24

Editor’s note: Nassau County elected positions are classified “nonpartisan,” but there are distinct differences between Conservative and Progressive policy positions on education and other areas. Good recent examples would be: handling of the obscene (per District book review committee and state law) books removed from school libraries last year; and the legal fight for disclosure of disputed curriculum. Local Democrats and NY authors sued and the District quickly caved and ordered them replaced, arguably circumventing rules to do it. The curriculum fight ruling is pending in court. Therefore, voters should have a right to know about candidates’ political affiliations/support as well as providing transparency in what is happening in District deliberations and influences in office. Both are lacking.

Nassau County candidates misleading voters – Really?  Here?

We see this happen on the national stage all the time – candidates disguising who they are.  It is not the first time we have seen this in Nassau County.  It has been happening for years.  We just accept it as part of the dirty political process.  Candidates misrepresenting their values, their voter registration and their issue positions to get elected – then they go back to their roots once in position and stay as long as they can. 

The tactic of Democrats dressing up like Republicans, RINOs talking MAGA and switching parties when convenient.  A notable local current switch is Genece Minshew’s 2024 switch to a registered Republican when running for Fernandina Beach City Commission. Several other candidates in the August 20th election are disguising their true values and allegiance.  It is difficult for voters to do the research necessary to see behind candidates’ public messaging – so here you go.

Genece Minshew – Fernandina Beach City Commission Candidate

This was recently amplified by Genece Minshew, when after leading the local Pride team and receiving strong Democratic endorsement in her last two campaigns for City Commission, suddenly changed to Republican for the 2024 election. Did she change her values or just change the label? She attends the Democrat club candidate forum and declines others.  

Genese Minshew, Former President of Fernandina Beach Pride, FB City Commission Candidate

Circuit Court Judge Ashley Cox

Circuit Judge candidates both claim to be conservative, yet looking deeper it is clear that Nancy Cleavland is a registered Republican and conservative while Ashley Cox is a registered Democrat and donated to Andrew Gillum’s governor campaign. 

Why Does Nassau Schools Superintendent Kathy Burns Have Such Strong Left-Wing Support? Why does Burns have the support of the entire Democratic infrastructure of Nassau County?

Why does Burns have the support of someone who is suing the School District to keep books on the shelf – Toby & Robin Cocci Lentz? 

Is Burns is really a Democrat dressing up like a Republican to get elected? 

Burns and Lentz family are friends.  Lentz family is suing the school district to RETURN removed obscene books BACK ON THE SCHOOL LIBRARY SHELVES.

Marian Phillips supports Burns – heads up the support staff union for Nassau County.  She is close with Randi Weingarten, head of NEA – national teachers union …. 

Phillips with Randi Weingarten, national head of NEA – radical teachers union.

Sheila Cocchi, former head of the Democratic Party in Nassau County Supports Burns ….

School District Superintendent Kathy Burns and former Democratic Party head Sheila Cocchi together at Poe Pinson Skate Park dedication, 8-16-24. Photo: George Miller, Citizens Journal Florida (added by Editor 8-16-24)

Sheila Cocchi head of the Democratic Party in Nassau County Supports Burns

Phillips with Randi Weingarten, national ad of NEA – radical teachers union.

Even if the secretive political affiliations don’t help you make up your mind, please consider the District problems of high teacher turnover, morale, discipline, out of control spending and huge lack of transparency. It seems these only get brought up by blogger Dave Scott, Citizens Journal and CDF – and now some of them by Burns’ opponent Curtis Gaus (who is also part of the problem, but less so) and Schoolboard Candidate Kristi Simpkins, a breath of fresh air. Take a closer look at the other candidates attempting to bury their political views/affiliations.

The author wished to remain anonymous due to local relationships.

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