By George Miller
Last week, hundreds of people attended an event run by the Nassau County, FL chapter of CCDF (County Citizens Defending Freedom) USA now being formed. The event was held at First Baptist Church Fernandina Beach.

The ambitious 3+ hour event included:
- A showing of the new movie, “Selection Code,” which addresses detected and potential election fraud via electronic voting machinery. It was written by Lara Logan & Matthew Thayer. Director Thayer and producer Joy Thayer (of spoke afterward (see photo, below). Logan and Mike Lindell were involved in this movie but didn’t make it to this event. Watch it now:

- A tutorial on Florida voting trends and changes needed to the electoral system, by Capt. Seth Keshel.

- A presentation by KCarl Smith, President/CEO of Liberty Messenger USA. on the freedom agenda of Frederick Douglass, an extraordinary black slave who escaped and went on to become a famous leading intellectual espousing a freedom agenda, as well as an inspiration and model for millions of people. Smith is also a CCDF USA Board Member.

- A talk by CCDF USA Nassau County Executive Director Jack Knocke.
- A summary of CCDF USA organization, purpose, goals and approach by CEO and co-Founder Steve Maxwell.
Event Messages
It’s difficult to succinctly summarize conclusions/outcome of such a varied event, but we’ll try:
- Hundreds of people were sufficiently interested to com, listen and respond positively, although not all were able to withstand the full 3+ hour marathon event.
- A large church in the area hosted it. A related meeting of area pastors was held that morning.
- Electronic voting equipment, at least in its present form, is too flexible, hackable and untransparent to serve as a principal tool of U.S. elections. It was alleged that it has been badly abused. Many establishment figures in and out of government are resisting this message.
- Major reforms are needed to the electoral system. Many establishment figures in and out of government are resisting this message.
- Florida has more Republicans than Democrats registered for the first time in history. This trend is increasing rapidly, accelerated by Florida’s handling of the COVID situation and Freedom agenda, as “Blue States” experience flight away from their high crime, high taxes and “Woke” agendas– to states like Florida and Texas.
- CCDF USA sees these as quality of life issues, not political.
- CCDF USA principals are alarmed at the deterioration of our nation’s constitutional and moral principles, the resultant slide in performance and the movement to Cultural and political Marxism. They have pledged their lives, fortunes, sacred honor, to reverse these trends and are recruiting chapters county by county, to take social, political, even legal action. Nassau County, being still relatively small and not a “swing” electoral area, was not one of their prime target areas, but the dedication of county prospective chapter members won CCDF USA support.
- CCDF USA approach is represented by the graphic below:

Their stated main focus is election integrity, education, honesty/transparency/frugality in government and preservation of freedom. CCDF USA
9. CCDF USA Nassau Chapter startup Executive Director Jack Knocke’s ([email protected]) main points were that we have issues right here in Nassau County with elections, schools, politicians & spending. They are trying to spotlight issues and make sure that our freedoms are preserved. Finally, they are seeking public support in funding and working on projects to accomplish this.
If time/resources permit, we may expound on some of these items in future articles.

George Miller is Publisher and Co-Founder of Citizens Journal Florida, based in Fernandina Beach. He is a “retired” operations management consultant, software and publishing executive and manufacturing management professional.