By George Miller, highlighting Robin Lumb’s letter on Dean Black, 9-15-22
Citizens Journal Florida ran an article during the primary campaign about FL Statehouse 15th District candidate Dean Black (who is also the current Duval County GOP Chair) falsely and personally attacking opponent Emily Nunez. It goes into what was said and the veracity, or lack of it (link below):
Nunez also spoke out against it, as did Deb Boelkes of We the People local grassroots group, but voter lack of knowledge due to no other media coverage largely buried it. Black easily won. Not a word heard, at least publicly, from GOP officialdom.
But, now, former Duval County Republican Chair Robin Lumb, who is a current Committeeman and served in various executive committee roles since 2004, writes to his own party and gives us permission to publish it.
Lumb’s summary statement:
“It’s my belief that Dean Black’s attacks on Emily Nunez went way over the line. This 8-page analysis is intended to give you the information you need to decide for yourself. Ultimately, it’s your call to make.“
He further characterized Black’s attacks as “The politics of personal destruction.” But it appears that the only remedy he is calling for so far is an apology by Black to Nunez. He sent us a better copy of his document today-easier to read on the smartphones that most of our readers are now using. And here it is – a page at a time:

The views and opinions expressed here by Robin Lumb are his own and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida.