By Michael Hernandez, 12-17-24
FERNANDINA BEACH, FLORIDA—Four grant spending items totaling $675,000 in grant money were approved at the Dec. 17 City Commissioners meeting and the Date Street Variance Request (Agenda 6-4) to save 111 trees and remove only nine trees failed by a vote of 3-2 because Commissioners did not wish to establish a precedent concerning use of variance requests.
Consent Agenda: City Commissioners Approve $478,000
Rehabilitation of Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport Taxiway A Costs $343,000 (Agenda 5.1). This grant provides $2,233,234 in grant funding to support construction phase portions of this project with total construction costing $2,649,598. The grant match already authorized is $134,583 while the grant match for the Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport is $73,272.
Municipal Airport Stormwater Pipe Cleaning Costs $135,000 (Agenda 5.2). The Department of Transportation provided $140,000 in grant funds to clean pipelines. This project will seal the leaking joints and extend the life of this pipe. Atlantic Pipe Servicing won the competitive bid contract offered through the City of South Daytona.
Both Agenda Items Approved 5-0.
City Commissioners Also Approve $197,000
Purchase of Mobile Airport Terminal Generator (Agenda 6.2) from Zabatt, Inc. for almost $101,500. Funding came from a $120,000 grant from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The generator will be used at the Airport fuel farm.
Award of $95,500 (Agenda 6.3) to Halff Associates, Inc. to complete the City’s Adaptation Plan. Funding comes in the form of a grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Adaptation Plan is required of coastal municipalities to improve resilience to flooding and sea level rise. The Plan is due by July, 2025.
Other Commission Actions:
Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (Agenda 6.1) with the Nassau County Board of Commissioners to apply for a grant to purchase and share a fire mobile air trailer that will provide fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The item presented by new City Manager Sarah Campbell will appear on the Nassau County Board of Commissioners on their Dec. 18 agenda (J):
Rejected (3-2) Variance Request (Agenda 6.4) for Date Street located east of Citrona Drive. The agenda item was presented to avoid significant amount of canopy lost (tree removal so that 111 trees be saved and only nine removed). The agenda item would have also removed curbs. The intent was to allow for development on 3.4 acres that could have up to 15 family homes developed (four homes per acre). The item required six criteria to be met. This was a Quasi-Judicial hearing where commissioners became judges and was presented by City Attorney Tammi Bach. Commissioner Joyce Tuten asked for the Agenda item be postponed while Commissioner Genece Minshew asked for the item to move forward. Commissioner Tim Poynter wanted to hear the evidence. Vice Mayor Darron Ayscue supported saving the tree canopy. Mayor James Antun wished to table the matter. The motion for the variance failed 3-2 because commissioners did not want to create a precedent for variance amendments.
Public Comment (6.4):
Pete S.: “We’re overplaying the tree canopy. We have to deviate from road standards in what we do in the future if this is passed. You got seven acres east of this property. You have up to 15 additional homes that go on this property. We need to look at the whole area.”
Motion to postpone amendment for one month for ceremonial documents, guidelines and application (Agenda 6.5) from removing proclamations from City Commission regular meeting agendas and proceedings. If it had been adopted the amendment would mean that proclamations would not be made during regular commission meetings but made at community events instead.
Public Comments (6.5):
Wally B.: “We appreciated the recognition at public meetings such as Emily Promise—the girl who passed away due to a brain clot. If there is any way to reconsider this amendment (against proclamations). To be able to see our little group share means something.”
Sheila Cocchi: “When this was decided (not to do proclamations at meetings) it was not on the agenda. Only two times has this topic come up—both over the same controversial issue (transgender proclamations).”
Directed City Attorney (Agenda 6.6) to work with City’s insurer and outside legal counsel to withdraw from the appeal in the case of Merry Coalson, David Coalson, Taina Christner v. City of Fernandina Beach and Worthy Investment LLC. in the Fourth Judicial Circuit Court.
Approved appointments (Agenda 7.1) of Steven Papke and Anne Thomas to the Board of Adjustment (5-0) as well as appointment of Kim Wolford (3-2).
Other Public Comments:
Sheila Cocchi: “We will be observing a National Remembrance Homeless event on Dec. 21 at 6 p.m. and then on Christmas we will be having a 9-11 meal at the United Memorial Methodist Church.”
Richard D.: “The ethanol situation with RYAM needs to have future meetings open with public notice. We need to have outside experts and discuss how an ethanol plant would cause higher property insurance and decrease property values.”
Michael S.: “I would like to see the boat parking (reserved) for marina users. I would like to see Lots C and D reflect such a change in policy with zero tolerance to violators who may not be impacted by parking tickets but (impacted by) towing of their vehicles.”
Brian Ernst.: “Our pride scholarship is now over $2,300 in donations driven by polarizing inflammatory rhetoric in this chamber. This is over $700 a minute.”
Bud C.: “I have spent 35 years as a Fisher Price toy designer. Play is important for life-long learning. If we lose all our shark teeth, we lose an opportunity. It is important for residents to continue shark hunting on our beach and not (be lost) in the ocean.”
Riannha B. “I want to speak about the dredging project using an extractor. I have proof the two photos of dumpsters hauling off and not returning (fossils) to the beach. Can the Commission or Mayor do something?”
Commissioner Comments:
Mayor James Antun: “I want to champion beach accessibility. USA Today ranked Fernandina Beach as the third best beach in the United States.”
Vice Mayor Darron Ayscue: “Merry Christmas.”
Commissioner Genece Minshew: “I saw a lot of local vendors at the Dickens event. I also enjoyed being at the Christmas Parade.”
Commissioner Tim Poynter: “We had 80,000 attend our Saturday event.”
Commissioner Joyce M. Tuten: “As the clock ticks toward Christmas and holiday shopping, I encourage people to consider our local shops for their buying.”
Workshop Topics for 1st Quarter 2025
January 7: Waterfront Park and Capacity Impact Fees
February 4: Seawater Bond Referendum
March 4: Conservation Master Plan and Golf Course April 1: Parking Management
Agenda: 3 Pages/Agenda Packet: 505 Pages
Watch meeting video: 2 Hours, 38 Minutes
Michael Hernandez, from California, is co-founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service. He is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted at [email protected] and is editor of the weekly “Stories Speak Volumes,” and “Revive America: Make America Great Again.”