By Jack Knocke, 9-24-24, updated 10-15-24
Part two of the Minshew/Tuten/Poynter ticket is Joyce Tuten. Tuten and Minshew have been campaigning together at events and even door knocking together. They are very closely aligned in their values, their political views and their radical ideology.
Joyce Tuten is member two in the Minshew ticket. Her primary talking points are no bioethanol and no development. What she doesn’t say is that her extremist views on climate change are her key speaking point. In Maryland, she spoke at conferences where far left ideologies are being promoted. She is the classic “follow the science” speaker since she was a science teacher. Where did we hear “follow the science”? They are parading unproven, unverified theories around like they are real science. When in fact, they’re unproven theories.
Tuten’s nonpartisan claim is easily debunked when you look at her social media posts:

Tuten’s interviews and speeches are typically via left wing organizations like Moving Forward below – promoting pride, intercultural racism and white privilege:

Tuten spoke at Riderwood Village, a Maryland progressive group vilifying cows and promoting global warming, Al Gore’s books, Sierra Club extreme clean energy agenda, anti-coal, blaming humans for animal extinction, overpopulation and Joyce Tuten’s presentation on Climate Change – follow the science.

Regarding the attack articles in the news and on social media, note that they are primarily in the News Leader and in Mike Lednovich’s blog – disgruntled BLM supporting former FB Mayor. These local media outlets seek to vilify current Fernandina Beach City Commission members because Lednovich lost his seat. Citizens Journal reports the truth that readers can trust. The truth is that the current commission set goals, reduced taxes, made government more efficient, and stopped growing staff to unsustainable levels.
Minshew and Tuten are long time democrats seeking convince voters that they are conservative Republicans. They and their teams have made baseless accusations of ethics violations to move the conversation from great accomplishments to a distraction. Sounds familiar. Political smear tactics to cover up a failed agenda.
Poynter and Antun join the ticket
Tim Poynter is known locally for his restaurants and strong opinions. While Poynter is a long-time registered republican, he has fully aligned his campaign around the Minshew campaign. Actions speak louder than words. When Poynter first registered to run for city commission, he had Minshew on his team as Campaign Treasurer. Registration form listed below. Joining the Minshew ticket was not an afterthought. Poynter has been aligned with Minshew since the beginning of his candidacy in January.

James Antun happily appears to join whatever train is in the station. He brought few original ideas over the last two years as a commissioner. Over the last two years Antun has been voting as a bloc with Chip Ross. In 2022, when Darron Ayscue was running for office against Minshew, Antun joined with Ayscue to get lift needed for his fledgling campaign. It seems that this election, he chose to join the Minshew ticket. (See lead picture in Part 1). Because he has no platform other than to vote with Ross, he needs to build an identity by joining a team.

Also read Part 1 article
We are not the only one pointing out these things. Behold these recent articles:
These are social media posts discovered by a local citizen. Know who you are voting for. The bioethenol issue is a cloud, a curtain to draw voters in – be sure you know who is actually behind that curtain.
UPDATED 10.15.24
Some enlightening social media posts from Joyce Tuten have surfaced recently to indicate what she really supports. Liberal abortion policies and radical fuel taxes combined with a universal income scheme. See just two of those posts below.

See part 1: https://www.citizensjournal.net/fernandina-beach-city-commission-candidates-deceiving-voters-part-1/
Editor’s note: Although this piece is largely factual, we put it in the opinion section because it is one-sided and has too many adjectives..
The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida.
Jack Knocke is a former telecom executive, currently Nassau County Executive Director of Citizens Defending Freedom and on Amelia Island since 2013