Social : Back to the 80s (musicial)
Social : Billy Elliot The Musical
Music : Big Papa Fish & Marshall Baily
Music : Michele “Shell” Anders
Holiday : Valentine`s Day
$75 per couple
Music : The Usual Suspects
Social : Billy Elliot The Musical
Social : Paws in the Park
Free adoptions; Vendors, Food Truck
Music : Drag Bingo
w/Karrissa Wade
Social : Chili Cookoff
Tix: $10 – $30:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-amelia-island-montessori-school-chili-cook-off-tickets-789218342307?fbclid=IwAR0KKIjUDAZJYozLf6q0fYdYo1gB37TkRxLLcfm_tJh50cUiJ70jNB0lAiI
Social : Cumberland Is. Walking Tour
Music : Paul Ivey & the Souls of Joy
Music : Big Band Bash
Les Demerle Orchestra
Music : 70`s Party
w/Gilberto 77
Music : Michele “Shell” Anders
Music : Steve Wilsford & Mike Devereaux
Social : Whale Ambassadors
Music : Kevan Wilson
Superbowl Pre-Party
Social : Back to the 80s (musicial)
Social : Billy Elliot The Musical
Holiday : Valentine`s Jazz Brunch
$70 – Les Demerle Orchestra + brunch
Music : Davis Turner Band
Music : Songs by the Sea
w/Bill Ivins
Holiday : Galentine`s Get Together
Music : Name that tune!
w/DJ Chris
Holiday : Wine Tasting
Pours 1/2 price, bottles to go 15%
Holiday : Galentine`s Get Together
TED Talk on friendships @3:30pm, 5PM party w/wine, live music, appetizers $20
Holiday : Valentine`s Day Extravaganza
Tix: $10 Call 904-277-3455
Music : Valentine`s Day
$59 pp; Lobster Ravioli, Local Stripped Bass, Pecan brownie
Music : Champagne & Charcuterie
Tix: $75 https://commerce.arryved.com/location/BcWD0YK0?fbclid=IwAR2B02WtiIKqe_srn0U5lA6CGuJHzbuhbu7_7aDmQQUu6vV28uHSnhpv23U
Holiday : Valentine`s Day Extravaganza
$50 PP or $90 couple – Filet or Salmon, Wine of your choice
Holiday : Galentine`s Give Away
Stop in to enter box filled by beauty items for you and your BFF
Social : Mean Girls the Musical
Tix: $5 YHS Students only
Social : Billy Elliot The Musical
Social : Singles Night
Cocktail specials
Social : Bike Night
Music, Food, Drink