By Sigrid Weidenweber
By now, even the most reticent, laid-back person in the country must be aware of the flood of illegal migrants overpowering the country—courtesy of the Biden administration. One might think overpowering is too stark a word for their march into our land but, yes, overpower and overwhelm are the operant descriptive terms for what we are facing.
Go to any emergency room in a city, any shelter, any park, homeless encampments and social service agency and you will encounter large groups of migrants expecting “free” services and handouts. Oddly enough, many of the new arrivals, (Biden term,) are not glad and happy to be in their newly chosen country and grateful for the provisions that have been made for them. No, they have been told by their political organizers how to act and how to demand what they believe is due them. Their expectations were raised high to have their needs fulfilled without offering even minimal services in exchange.
An interesting example of this behavior is acted out in the city of Denver, Colorado. There, illegal migrants had made an encampment with donated tents and survival gear. Now, that the city had better accommodations and wanted the encampment vacated, the inhabitants of the camp refused to leave and instead presented the mayor with a list of thirteen Reasonable Demands. This development, according to a report by Kattabella Roberts was published in the Epoch times of May 15—21 2014. The document sent to mayor Mike Johnston states 13 demands, one of them being that they would not leave until their demands are met.
Here, I must pause, for I am greatly troubled, and interject the question that comes to mind. Who has given these unwanted intruders the power to demand anything, at all?
Oh, as we learned in previous news-postings, they were instructed by communist agit-prop men and women about what to say and do when arriving in the U.S. Some even had performed in little television skits where they played the roles of migration victims. They were told that they had rights and could demand free services for food, shelter, and medical care. Frankly, they learned well, and did a number on the city of Denver. Their demands are so outrageous for such an assembly of lawless intruders that one must question the sanity of the city employees who must deal with them as if they have the same rights as American citizens. But never mind the demands of the intruders for special food to be brought into camp and facilities to cook them—they do not like U.S. food, it is too unhealthy for the rejects of other countries—no, we must look instead at the even more severe impact the invasion has on our lives.
Here are some statistics compiled by Judicial Watch in Washington D.C.
Some states have reported 6.1 billion per year in education, law enforcement and health care costs above their normal budgets to provide services to illegal immigrants and their children.
Taxpayers will bear the cost of, at least, 110 billion a year in State and federal taxes. Local property and state income taxes have increased rapidly in many states to provide the aforementioned services.
In some hospitals as much as two- thirds of operating costs are for unreimbursed services to illegal immigrants. Estimates are at more than 5.8 billion dollars per year, for which the taxpayer will be responsible.
Nationally compiled data report that the nation has spent 52 billion in educational costs for 1.5 million school-aged illegally imported children.
However, apart from the enormous amount of money spent on their invasion, the greatest danger comes from their law-less behavior and their disregard for our laws. In October 2014 a definitive study performed at Old Dominion University included a poll of unlawfully present aliens, showed that 25% of them had registered to vote in 2010. They are not the only ones having done so. Who can predict how many more illegal migrants have entered the voter rolls with the blessing of the Democrat party, for the uneducated, misinformed lawbreakers will all vote Democrat.
Born in Germany in 1941, Sigrid Weidenweber remembers the horrific aftermath of Fascism. At the end of the war, she found herself living under Communism. Both of these totalitarian regimes left indelible marks on her psyche. She developed a healthy distrust of governments usurping too many powers in order to control people supposedly for their own good. MORE
Her Books
The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida