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HomeNewsworthyPress ReleaseElection Bill SB 7050 - Call to Action - Ask Gov DeSantis...

Election Bill SB 7050 – Call to Action – Ask Gov DeSantis to VETO

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Press Release

By Citizens Defending Freedom


Hello Nassau Citizens Defending Freedom! 

The new Florida Election law SB7050 was passed by the Florida Legislature recently. Our Florida’s election process is less transparent and more susceptible to abuses because of it. Governor DeSantis has not yet signed the bill, so there is time to stop it.

One key component of the new election bill is that it allows the governor to campaign for federal office while still serving in Tallahassee included other election law changes.

The people of Florida, through Citizens Defending Freedom and dozens of grassroots organizations, made many recommendations to improve our election laws. But lobbyists and the GOP leadership teamed up with big tech and county Supervisors of Elections to ignore these recommendations.

CALL TO ACTION TODAY:We ask you to read the letter we have written below, customize it with your thoughts and send it to the governor and as many legislators as possible. It urges Governor DeSantis to stand up for the people and veto SB7050. It also gives your consent to approve a “stand alone” amendment allowing a sitting governor to remain in office while campaigning for president.
 Thank you all in advance for supporting this call to action!
CDF-Nassau,God Bless You 

To: Gov. DeSantis and Florida Legislators,
As one of your constituents, I respectfully insist on a veto of SB7050 as it currently stands. A thorough review by many election security advocates rightly defines this this bill as problematic, once you go beyond the talking points echoed by mainstream media.
Seeking a legal path to campaign for federal office while serving as governor should not open the door for special interest groups to whittle away at our election integrity and reporting transparency. As it stands SB7050 needlessly emboldens the state and county election bureaucracy and pushes citizens further away from defending the integrity of the voting process.

Here is a list of just a few shortcomings. Citizen groups suggested these changes, but they were ignored in Tallahassee.The application to register to vote by mail lacks basic safeguards.Non-US citizens on the voter rolls are still able to vote.The bill fails to allow for hand re-count at the precinct level. It is still illegal to hand recount to verify machine accuracy. Instead, objectives from lobbyist were implemented, such as: Opens path for volunteer observers to face felony charges for conduct at the polling place.Limits information sources for SOEs to keep voter rolls clean.Requires only one maintenance review of voter rolls per year.
Thousands of Floridians called and wrote to their elected officials, 40+ grassroots organizations hand-delivered a letter to you explaining their concerns, and dozens of teams visited the Capitol to offer solutions. The people are NOT represented in this bill and every legislator who voted to approve SB7050 should reverse course. Approve a stand-alone amendment for the governor to seek federal office without granting more power to the election bureaucracy.
Respectfully yours,  

CDF-Nassau is making a simple tool available to you to send an email to Governor DeSantis and key legislators including our local legislators.

God Bless Nassau County,
Citizens Defending Freedom – Nassau County
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