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DeSantis Victory Over Disney’s Army of Societal Misfits – While Governor’s New Book Soars to Top of Bestseller List

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By Dave Scott, 3-3-23

Disney’s far-left army of dwarfs, sleep-deprived hotties, shoeless wannabe princesses, dim clumsy giants, cross dressers, wooden boy puppets, flying elephants, and anthropomorphic rodents, domestic pets and farm animals are no match for Florida’s conservative Governor Ron DeSantis.

Not even the company’s desperate cries of “Abracadabra” could halt Florida’s crusading conservative governor’s victorious march on its “Magic Kingdom.”

During an hour-long interview with Mark Levine on Fox News last Sunday evening, February 26, DeSantis reinforced why we’re fortunate to have him running things in Tallahassee and why his popularity is soaring nationwide.

The 44-year-old governor discussed a wide range of topics ranging from his modest upbringing in southwest Dunedin, FL to how his faith and commitment to the U.S. Constitution influenced his thinking today.

On Monday, February 27, DeSantis signed a bill that sealed Disney’s fate with the incorporation of the once cocky company’s 65-year-old faux empire into the state.

During the interview Levin also plugged the governor’s new book: “The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival” which was released Tuesday, February 28. It has already hit number one on the Top 100 list of Amazon.com Inc.

A passionate advocate for traditional American values, DeSantis doesn’t hesitate to take the fight directly to the “woke” cultural revolutionaries hereabouts, such as the left-wing twits that run Disney. He explained to Levin what conservatism means to him saying: “I think the foundation of it is understanding the American project. Our rights come from God, not from the government.”

He added: “The founders rejected the divine right of kings and it used to be some people did have rights, but it was a courtesy of the state, that’s not how our system works. We have these God-given rights; we loan power to the government under a constitution to protect those rights.”

DeSantis detailed his experience of being exposed to an entirely different culture in college at Yale where he also played baseball.

“I was a fish out of water, and it was a major, major culture shock,” he explained about his introduction to the Ivy League school. “I wasn’t like a refined conservative in terms of politics because I was mostly into sports and things like that,” he said. “But then you start sitting in some of these classrooms, and even though one of Yale’s mottos is ‘for God, for country, for Yale,’ you sit in the classroom, as they are attacking religion, attacking God, attacking the United States,” he recalled.

“That was my exposure to the left, and what it did for me was, it was so different from what I thought was appropriate that I wasn’t influenced by it in terms of it pulling me in that direction, I rebelled the other way,” the governor explained.

After graduating from Yale, DeSantis graduated with honors from Harvard Law School, and served in Iraq and in the U.S. Congress, before becoming Florida’s governor.


And The Mouse You Rode In On! “Today in the State of Florida, for the first time, since 1967, Disney no longer runs its own government,” said Governor DeSantis Monday, February 27, after signing into law a bill that gives the state of Florida control of Walt Disney World‘s self-governing district, which was renamed from the Reedy Creek Improvement District to the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.

“Today the corporate kingdom finally comes to an end,” DeSantis said at a bill signing ceremony in Lake Buena Vista. “There’s a new sheriff in town, and accountability will be the order of the day. They are going to have to abide by the same laws as everybody else. They’re going to finally pay their fair share of taxes and pay all the debts that they’ve racked up over these decades.”

DeSantis explained that reparations in the form of paying taxes like other Floridians are part of the “treaty”. It’s similar to General Douglas MacArthur after Japan’s surrender in World War II, when MacArthur conceded that the Japanese could keep their figurehead emperor. Disney’s corporate mouse, will remain but will be as impotent as Emperor Hirohito after the war.

The new legislation comes after Disney idiotically took sides against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, which bans instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in K-3rd grade.

At that time the now fired Disney CEO Bob Chapek said he would back efforts to repeal the law protecting young children, which the media dishonestly calls the “Don’t Say Gay” law, prompting DeSantis to say the company “crossed the line.”  Chapek’s chutzpa got him canned and Disney’s Florida fantasy folded like a cheap lawn chair while the governor’s popularity soared.

In defeat, reinstalled CEO and humbled Chapek replacement, Robert Iger, acknowledged that the entertainment conglomerate lost special regulatory and tax privileges and vowed that the company would more carefully listen to consumers. Too late pal, your banzai attack hereabouts against morality failed miserably.

“I was sorry to see us dragged into that battle, and I have no idea exactly what its ramifications are in terms of the business itself,” the defeated Chapek said in leaked footage. “What I can say is that the state of Florida has been important to us for a long time, and we have been very important to the state of Florida.”

In  a Wednesday, March 1, Wall Street Journal  opinion editorial headlined “Why I Stood Up to Disney”, Governor DeSantis neatly summed up the feelings of most Floridians writing: “Woke ideology is a from of cultural Marxism. Leaders must stand up and fight back when big corporations make the mistake, as Disney did, of using their economic might to advance their political agenda. We are making Florida the state where the economy flourishes because we are the state where woke goes to die.”

DeSantis will make a trip to Iowa next week with stops in Davenport and Des Moines with some pundits saying he’s flirting with an expected presidential run while others say he’s just promoting his book.  It’s reported that he will appear with Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds at two events March 10.  This should generate some interesting reaction from another Florida resident, former President Donald Trump.


Speaking Of Out-of-Towners: The New York Post reports that more New Yorkers relocated to Florida in 2022 than in any previous year in history.

“A staggering 64,577 Empire Staters exchanged their driver’s licenses for the Sunshine State version last year,” the Post reported in January, citing numbers from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

“They come in every day,” a staffer at a Jacksonville DMV office told the Post.

“I hear all the complaints. I feel like a therapist sometimes,” the staffer added, presumably referring to complaints from upset locals.

The good news is that the New Yorkers usually “harbor a long list of grievances,” according to the Post, specifically against the left-wing policies that destroyed their home and drove them south.


Poll Cats: A polecat is a weasel-like animal with a miserable unsavory nature, emitting an unpleasant odor. The name is often used to negatively refer to people with similar characteristics.

There is one currently using a server at https://gthost.com/ in an attempt to skew polls on this site. The most recent was one concerning the now fired City Manager Dale Martin. This vile Poll Cat fired off over 90 votes in two days to shift a poll that overwhelmingly favored firing Martin in the other direction, with the bulk coming from “clients.ghost.com” and using what may be a client list to fire off his spam. We are continuing to dig deeper to identify the stinky culprit.

Typical left-wing tactics are in play here. For example, if you can’t persuade with logic, reason, and facts, then cheat. Folks like this do their targeted “friends” no favors, as they accomplish the opposite, putting the object of their affection in the same unsavory, unpleasant, smelly category.

The poll asking “Do you agree that firing city Manager Dale Martin was the correct move – Yes or No – was running 10-1 yes, when the poll cat struck dramatically changing its direction, thus rendering the poll meaningless. It was discarded.


Where’d Those Bumps Come From? In Palmdale, California last week, a woman sleeping in her car was awakened by loud noises. She started her car and backed out of the parking space—over a couple of bumps—which turned out to be a man sawing out its catalytic converter. It killed him. Police arrested the other people who accompanied the now dead thief.


Do Any Of These Come With A Beer? At the urging of wife, Linda, who wanted to see a band performing there, I accompanied her to the Mocama Beer Company a couple weeks ago.

Local brewery, Mocama, is housed in an attractive cavernous facility on the corner of South 8th  and Gum Streets, manned by very pleasant and courteous folks and offering a wide selection of beers.

Based on a quick perusal of the menu it appeared to me that the place offered a variety of fruit-flavored desserts. An item labelled “Rare Cargo” caught my eye and was described in part as: “An earthy floral nose followed by a clean citrus zest with hints of pine. Flavors of apricot and other stone fruits mingle with juicy peach and Florida citrus to round out the abundance of flavors that keep coming throughout the long finish.” I thought, “hummm possibly a sherbet.”

Another item called “Moder” was described as “boasting complex notes of caramel and toffee with a hint of biscuit, pretzel and fresh baked bread…”

One of the most interesting labelled “G77” was described as having: “The aromatics of a pine forest floor,” but the over-the-top champ was “Banana Bread” which was portrayed as providing “….playful hints of banana runts and fruity candy while the taste leaves you with rich banana bread flavor but less biscuity. There is a bold and very distinct banana flavoring…a delicious crisp and fruity delight.”

When I go to a joint for a happy hour beer I’ve never once asked the bartender: ”Do you have a brew that tastes like the floor of a pine forest or a banana runt?”  I had no idea what the heck a “banana runt” was until I looked it up. Instead of a stripper’s stage name or one of the headliners at local Hammerhead’s midget wrestling events, it’s actually a tiny banana flavored candy.

If you get hungry at Mocama there are food trucks parked outside. Ignore the silly, but entertaining beer menu, and drink up as the beers there are very good.


The Collapse Of Civilization Has Arrived: Attorney General Merrick Garland was questioned this week by Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC). Garland obviously doesn’t want to offend transgender prisoners and his incomprehensible and hysterically incoherent answers are destined to be enshrined in the Bureaucrat Hall of Fame. This is from the transcript provided by Townhall dot com and Twitchy:

Lindsey Graham: “When it comes to federal prisons, are you aware that 1200 prisoners are requesting to be sent from a male prison to a female prison?”

Merrick Garland: “I’m not, no.”

Graham: “OK. Um, what is our policy when it comes to allowing a male prisoner to be transitioned into a female prison?”

Garland: “Uh, I think, uh, if you’re generally asking the question of how, um, trans people are dealt with in the Bureau of Prisons, my understanding, um, is that these are, uh, determinations about, um, uh, where they’re placed or where people are placed in general have to do with individualized determinations regarding the security of that individual, um, and the management of the prison, these are done on a case-by-case basis. That’s my understanding.” 

(Wait! What?)

Graham: “Are you aware of any policy guidelines that they use to make that determination?”

Garland: “I think there is a policy guideline along the lines that I just said, that, that, they are …”

Graham: “I would like for the Bureau of Prisons to send it to us. Are you concerned that if a biological male was sent to a female prison, that could be a risk to female prisoners?”

Garland: “I think every, uh, uh, person in prison has to be dealt with, uh, with dignity and respect. Uh, that determinations of the safety questions you’re talking about have to be made on an individualized basis.”

How the hell is this clueless, inarticulate, mousy, mealy-mouthed weasel Garland in charge of anything, much less America’s law enforcement apparatus? Good grief!


Four Years At Biden’s:  Joe Biden is comparable to the deceased “Bernie” in the movie “Weekend at Bernie’s”,  a film about scallywags who prop up a cadaver in order to keep enjoying a weekend at his beach house. Except  in ‘ole Joe’s case, it’s Biden’s staff and cabinet, drunk with power, recklessly spending and plundering during a four-year boozy incoherent romp, while what remains of a brain-dead, drooling, vacant-eyed Biden is propped up behind a desk in the Oval Office.


Lightweight Lightfoot: Lori Lightfoot took the crime-ridden city of Chicago, filled with violence and murder, and made it even worse. She got clobbered in her election loss this week and claims the city that elected her mayor in the first place suddenly became racist and sexist during her tenure.

“I am a black woman — let’s not forget,” Lightfoot, 60, told the New Yorker in a piece that ran last Saturday. “Certain folks, frankly, don’t support us in leadership roles.”

Under her reign, Chicago’s violent crime rate increased 37 percent while auto thefts skyrocketed by 74 percent. Corporations abandoned the city for safer places as the homeless population increased to unmanageable proportions. Her qualifications as a black lesbian, Beetle Juice doppelganger, the worst mayor Chicago has ever experienced and possibly the worst mayor in the country, qualifies her as a shoo-in for a key position in the Biden administration..

Republished with the author’s permission. Read The Dave Scott Blog– subscribe Free

Veteran reporter, publicist, blogger Dave Scott of Fernandina Beach

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida.

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