By Sherian Wilsher-Berteau
Democrats used Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and some other powerful politicians (who were actually in charge the last four years) to stage a coup, remove Biden and install Harris after he was the only one who won the primary (albeit a closed primary, not allowing RFKjr and other Dem candidates to challenge him). Talk about “a real threat to our Democracy”- which is what they always accuse Trump of….they are great at deflecting, I’ll give them that.
Women’s Sports- Democrats trumpet they have always been the champions of Women- Facts and reality prove otherwise. Title IX, changed by Biden, a long fought for right by my generation in the 70’s, ensured women’s ability to have their own sports in schools, colleges, and professionally allows men to compete against women. All that’s necessary is for men to “claim I’m a woman now”. Women now are forced to give up their privacy in locker rooms, worry about serious injury while competing, and losing ability to qualify for scholarships and chances to advance professionally. And, if the women athletes dare speak out against this, they are punished. Not to mention the social contagion of Dems encouraging minors to make life-altering medical decisions by making them believe they are transgender and taking away parental rights to get the psychological help they may need before this radical step.
Abortion- It saddens me that so many women seem to vote on a one issue agenda- the right to have on demand abortions. I believe It’s Generational Genocide. I also believe every child is created by God- there is a detected heartbeat after a few weeks. Every act of sexual intercourse does not result in a pregnancy- it is meant to be an intentional creation at God’s discretion. Our God-given ability to nurture and help create another human being is our greatest blessing as women-nothing short of a miracle. What’s more important than creating, loving, and nurturing another human being to be a good, creative, addition to the world? Instead, it’s been portrayed as a nuisance, a curse, something that impacts women negatively who want to live their lives, advance their careers, and increase their incomes and power in the business world. In my opinion, that pales in comparison to the joys of motherhood. While I realize motherhood may not be some women’s choice, in that case there are more easily accessible, and inexpensive ways to prevent pregnancy than ever in our history. Sexual education, free birth control, free ultrasounds, abstinence, should be strongly advocated, not abortions on demand, especially not late term. Of course, all this is based on a Christian belief that God is the creator of the Universe and all life. Guess it’s easier to support genocide of humans if you don’t believe in God. The women I know that have had abortions still deal with mental anguish, regret, and grief- some with infertility and medical issues caused by abortion too. Interesting that Democrats are using the excuse to bring in millions of migrants because our birth rate is going down….. anyone else see a connection to millions of abortions and birth rates declining???Please vote NO on Amendment 4- it’s a deeply deceptively written bill.
Men- Democrats have been touting toxic masculinity and shouting about our unfair Patriarchal society for years- but now they are shocked men don’t want to vote for them? Acting like masculine men who like to hunt, fish, watch football and have successful careers are misogynists. Now, I’m talking masculine, not super macho types. Men are necessary for a strong family unit and society, and I for one understand the differences God created between men & women are meant to compliment, not conflict or control.
I don’t vote for a woman just because she’s a woman- there’s nothing more racist or condescending than being told that. I was majoring in Psychology in college, and I remember one of the main tenets in understanding behavior was to look at past behavior. Even Dr. Phil uses that- “you have to look at past behavior to help predict future behavior.” Kamala Harris has been a Radical San Francisco Socialist/Marxist ALL HER POLITICAL CAREER; and now we are to believe she’s suddenly become a moderate Democrat?? I believe that’s why she comes across as phony, she is- she’s clearly being dishonest- just trying to get elected and people see through it. At least Trump, colorful as he is, has had the same message and policies from the beginning and our country was better off during his term until Covid hit. Look at truth and facts- 79% think our country is headed in wrong direction, and who’s been in charge- Democrats! There’s only one REAL candidate to turn our country around- TRUMP!

Sherian Wilsher-Berteau is a 3rd generation native Floridian, who grew up in Fernandina Beach. Mother of 4, Gigi to 5- former multiple business owner, now retired & enjoying pursuing my passions-writing, cooking, & travel!
The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida