By ConservativeHQ
The Great Eight Or The Hateful Eight?By George Rasley, CHQ EditorTo us the eight Republican House Members who voted to vacate the chair are “the great eight.” We urge House conservatives to unite around a “keep our word” candidate for Speaker, who will follow through and actually fight for the conservative issues Republicans run on, but under Kevin McCarthy could never quite get around to legislating on. READ MORE ➤ |
Demand Your Candidates Sign Pledge to Protect Children from Biden’s Gender Bending Title IX Plan
By CHQ Staff
Our friends at SAVE are inviting candidates for federal, state, or local office to sign a “Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan.” Even though the Pledge was not publicly announced until October 5, lawmakers in Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia already have signed on to the statement.
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Read the full article here: links.conservativehq.com/a/2111/preview/17127/4432526/d4e41d166b5a58c571d01a817edcfaf1872779c3?message_id=IjE5YmQ0YjMwLTQ2ODQtMDEzYy1jMTZkLTQyMDEwYTgwMDA1YkBjb25zZXJ2YXRpdmVocS5jb20i
The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida.