Press Release
By Citizens Defending Freedom
At the request of Nassau Citizens Defending Freedom, Supervisor of Elections (SOE) Janet Adkins updated the SOE web page to prominently link to the announced candidates on the home page. Government officials listening and taking action on behalf of We The People is a great thing. Thank you Janet! |
Watch, ask questions, get involved. That is what made America great. We owe our children our best effort. June is a busy month with two hearings, 3 candidate forums, Biblical Citizenship classes and a Christian Heritage Parade! God Bless America! Hearings in June – this week and next week – Click here for details |
School District/CDF Textbook Objection Hearing – Thursday, 6:30 PM, June 13At the 1201 Atlantic Avenue, School District Office – Will be called during the School Board meetingCDF has objected to the content of a Savvas Social Studies book and presented extensive evidence proving inclusion of historic inaccuracies, scientifically unproven/dis-proven materials, Marxist concepts, politically slanted materials, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) concepts, atheism, and online dynamic integrated interactive materials. CDF Public Records Lawsuit with School District – Tuesday, 10:00 AM, June 18At Downtown Fernandina Beach Nassau County Historic Courthouse, 416 Centre Street, Fernandina BeachHear legal arguments and testimony regarding the Nassau School District’s refusal to disclose Social Emotional Learning (SEL) based mental health curriculum being presented to school children. Upcoming Candidate forums– Meet the Candidates – Click here for registration details Hosted by Federated Republican Women of Nassau ($20, lunch included)3 County Commissioner races, two School Board racesFriday, June 14, 11:30 AM- 1:30 PM, at Fernandina Beach Golf Club, 2800 Bill Melton Road, Fernandina BeachRegistration link here Hosted by We The PeopleSchool Superintendent Candidates – Kathy K. Burns and Curtis S. GausMonday, June 17th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Parish Hall, 1830 Lake Park Drive, Fernandina BeachRegistration link here Hosted by West Side Republican Club – Candidate Forum,Tuesday, (DATE TBD) at 6:00 at Hilliard County Building, 37177 Pecan StreetMany candidates in one place Biblical Citizenship continues Sunday’s – Sunday, June 23rd, June 30th at 5:00 at the American Legion. Everyone is welcome.You can register here for reminders and more information or just show up Christian Heritage Parade -Parade is June 29, at 10:00 AM starting at Central park and concluding at Central Park with a festival with food, games and musicBring the kids for some great family fun! As American, Christian and authentic as it gets. Cars, trucks, floats, kids…Click here to have a float, car or marchers in the Christian Heritage Parad August 20th Elections and November 5th Election are right around the corner! We all need to be informed and prepared to vote for the best candidates who represent your values. In June and July, Nassau Citizens Defending Freedom is focused on getting you connected to candidates. Organizations around the county are hosting events you should consider attending. You can also work with our CDF team in many ways. Your community needs your help Look online at the candidates – Call the candidates and talk to them – Get your church registered to vote (call CDF to help) -Help others know the candidates by helping with our Nassau CDF candidate questionnaires – Help with questions and sharing results – Support good candidates who share your values Sign up as election poll watcher – very flexible to simply visit polling places on election day – Talk to your Pastor about the importance of Pastors talking about elections and voting – How can you get involved – call or email Nassau CDF or signup at select Nassau County. or call 470-295-4365. As our Biblical Citizenship course has reinforced, upholding the US Constitution requires choosing the right leaders to make wise decisions. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”Declaration of Independence Click here to read our June Newsletter Get informed and involved in local elections. If you want to know how, contact us at [email protected]. Share this newsletter with parents and ask them to sign up. |
God Bless,Nassau County Citizens Defending Freedom Local Light, Local Action |
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.Psalm 127:3 |
For other upcoming meetings click here to see Nassau CDF calendar. This calendar includes meetings for Candidate Forums, City Commission, County Commission, School Board, CDF Meetings, and other events of interest like participating in the Independence Day weekend Christian Heritage Parade! |
As one of the founding partners of the Remnant Alliance, we are excited to work with several ministries and faith-based organizations to establish a definitive approach for pastors and churches to actively engage with culture.Click here to learn more! |
Citizens Defending Freedom | PO Box 156 | Mulberry, FL 33860 US