CCDF-USA Faith Division Review VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT – JACKIE ABREU-HILL Jackie Abreu-Hill deserves to be recognized for her outstanding work and dedication to her community, specifically in the education realm. She has been a dedicated activist in Houston, Texas for over two years. After realizing that public education was not the environment she wanted for her children, she pulled them out and put them in private school. Even though Jackie currently has no children in the public education system, she has not put down the fight, and continues to advocate for the children in Houston, Texas. Jackie is incredibly dedicated to the mission and her actions have validated that. CCDF-USA is extremely proud to have her working alongside our CCDF-Houston leaders. Jackie recently delivered 274 In God We Trust posters from Patriot Mobile to the Houston Independent School District, Board of Trustees. She had been working on getting these posters long before CCDF-USA was established, and we are honored to join her in this valiant initiative. Below is a picture of Kendall Baker, Houston Independent School Board Member (middle), and Jackie Abreu-Hill (right), as she delivered the In God We Trust posters to the Board of Trustees in Houston. Way to go Jackie! Thank you for partnering and sharing your experiences with CCDF-USA!
EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT ROBERT GOODMAN, POLK COUNTY, FL Robert Goodman spent most of his life in Jacksonville, Florida before moving to Polk County in July 2021. In 2008 he started to notice there were a lot of things going wrong in our nation. For the next 13 years he became an avid researcher but didn’t get directly involved. He started educating those around him about the problems he saw. Things immediately changed when he saw CCDF-USA Cofounder, Steve Maxwell, speak at Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour in Tampa, Florida in 2021. He knew at that moment he needed to be involved and help save this country. He started volunteering at CCDF-Polk a few hours a month, which quickly became a few hours a week, as local government oversight is truly a full-time job, and the work is endless! Eleven months later he accepted the position of Executive Director of Polk County. Robert hopes that CCDF-Polk will empower you to help save the community with us. Together we will save America, one county at a time. CCDF-USA IS EXPANDING! Below is a list of counties in which we are looking to expand. We would love for our ambassadors to consider your network, look over this list, and send us referrals or suggestions for leadership within these counties.
Florida Broward County Palm Beach County Pinellas County Volusia County Seminole County Texas Brazoria County Bexar County Georgia Cherokee County Clayton County Cobb County Columbia County Dekalb County Forsyth County Fulton County Gwinnett County Henry County Muscogee County Richmond County |