Press Release
By Karen Schoen
Everything is Connected; Nothing is Random; Everything is Planned; All Plans are Based on Lies
Call to Action Florida
Agenda 21/GND/Great Reset and all its acronyms alive and well in Florida
Here is a to do list for those living in Florida. If you don’t live in Florida, check your state.
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CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES – tell them to support HB 1355 – Florida is not for sale to any foreign entity including the CCP. This Bill has passed n the Senate
Summary: Interests of Foreign Countries: Prohibits governmental entities from knowingly entering into contracts & taking specified actions relating to contracts that give access to personal identifying information; requires government entities to require affidavit from applicants before providing any economic incentive; prohibits foreign principals from purchasing agricultural land & certain real property in state; prohibits People’s Republic of China, Chinese Communist Party, any other political party or member of political party in People’s Republic of China, & certain persons & entities from purchasing or acquiring real property in state; requires information held by health care providers that utilize certified electronic health record technology be maintained in specified locations.
Effective Date: July 1, 2023
Find your Representative
Representatives for 2022 – 2024 ( Speaker Renner )
CALL YOUR SENATOR – tell them we need amendments to SB7050
Past statute prohibited hand counted ballots in counties. Amendment should be issues to change wording and allow paper ballots.
Citizenship and voter ID’s should be included in the bill
Call Representatives for HB 1379 and and Senators for 1632
No more money for Wildlife Corridor. This is a UN program designed to gut the state making the center of the state off limits for humans. This will push all residents to the cities on the borders. You will own nothing and be happy.
Find your Senator:
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