By George Miller, 12-13-22 (updated 12-14-22)
No candidate got a majority in the Seat 4 and 5 races for City Commissioner in the general election on November 8. So it forced a runoff on December 13, with chiropractor James Antun (Seat 4) and firefighter Darron Asycue (Seat 5) prevailing over sitting Mayor Mike Lednovich (Seat 4) and “Pride” president Genece Minshew (Seat 5).
Minshew garnered 41% of the vote in a three way contest on November 8, but incredibly lost the runoff to Asycue by a good margin only a month later. Similarly, Antun flipped the race with the well-known sitting Mayor Lednovich.
Many we spoke with say that the defining candidate differentiation centered around cultural issues and their probable effect on policy decisions. You can read about those in other Citizens Journal Florida articles.
Go here for latest results:
as of 10 pm 12-13-22:

Some reader comments
From Victorious candidate Dr. James Antun
I cannot begin to express the level of gratitude I have for all of those who have supported me through this process. Most specifically I would like to thank my wife for supporting me in this endeavor, as she has seen first-hand how much energy I have put into this election. She has stood by my side despite many days leaving the house for work at 5am, and in many cases not returning until 9pm due to being out for campaign events, candidate forums, etc.
I would like to extend my promise to those who voted for me, and those who did not that I will serve all my constituents with the utmost level of ethical conduct and sound decision-making. I look forward to the next four years as your city commissioner!
Victorious candidate Darron Asycue
It is an honor to be elected to serve the City of Fernandina Beach as commissioner. I look forward to getting to work right away, with my fellow commissioners, to better manage the budget, continue progress on the sea wall and Front Street projects and to make a positive difference in our City.
Primary candidate Staci Monagle didn’t make it to the runoff, but endorsed Asycue and Antun. She had this to say: How do I feel about the run off? I’m ecstatic that James Antun and Darron Ayscue won. I believe their leadership as conservative voices on the City Commission will serve our city well and I’m obviously not the only person in Fernandina that feels that way. Many concerned citizens stepped up and made a concerted effort to push this race over the finish line. I want to thank every citizen who made this run-off a priority and voted. My hats off to James and Darron- they ran excellent campaigns. But I salute the citizens of Fernandina for standing up and being counted when it mattered the most.
– Staci Monagle, to God the Glory
Tim/Trish Dunlevy
This shows the power of citizens, press and the pulpit to affect meaningful change in our government.
Rae Lane
A huge congratulations to James Antun and Darren Ascyue! Thank you city residents for getting out there and voting!
Jessica Styers
This is such great news for our wonderful small town of Fernandina Beach and for our county and even our state…fiscal responsibility, efficiency, responsiveness to the citizens, integrity is what these guys bring. It all starts locally with great young people who bring conservative values and love where they live. These guys will be role models to many people to get involved and speak out.
Dave Scott…a hero…for fearlessly speaking out truth, unafraid! We are all indebted to his blog.
And to Jack Knocke for all his honesty and hard work for all who live in the city and the county.
Both role models in how to make change in a positive way.
Go James and Darron…smart, inclusive, eager, humble leaders for our future.

From FB web site election page
10 am | Open and canvass mail ballots.Scan mail ballots into Independent Audit System.(Upon completion of the public testing of automatic tabulating equipment) [F.S. 101.68(2), FAC R1S-5.026] | |
December 13, 2022 Agenda | 4 pm | Open and canvass mail ballots.Scan mail ballots into Independent Audit System.[F.S. 101.68(2), FAC R1S-5.026] |
7 pm | Election Day[F.S. 102.141(4)(a)]Release unofficial results (does not include provisional ballots). | |
December 15, 2022 Agenda | 4 pm | Scan election day ballots into Independent Audit System.Canvass provisional ballots & vote by mail cures. Certify first unofficial election results. [F.S. 101.048, 101.68(4)(b), 102.141(5)] |
December 16, 2022 Agenda | 10 am | Conduct any recount ordered and certify second unofficial results.Adjudicate unreadable cards in the Independent Audit System. [F.S. 102.141(7)©, FAC R1S-5.026] |
December 19, 2022 Agenda | 10 am | Certify election results and Conduct of Election Report. Perform post-election audit of voting system. [FAC R1S-5.026] |
Anyone who casts a provisional ballot has two days after the election to provide proof of eligibility to the Canvassing Board. The deadline for this election is December 15, 2022, at 5 pm. [F.S. 101.048]
NOTE: Persons are advised that if they wish to appeal any decision made at these meetings, they will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes.
Canvassing Board Members: Honorable City Commissioners: Bradley Bean, Ronald “Chip” Ross, David Sturges, Alternate Victoria Robas.
Canvassing Board Administration: City Clerk Caroline Best, City Attorney Tammi Bach.
Watch here for more news on this
George Miller is Publisher and Co-Founder of Citizens Journal Florida, based in Fernandina Beach. He is a “retired” operations management consultant, software and publishing executive and manufacturing management professional.