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1,000 Page Report By GOP Judiciary Committee Staff Documents the Cultural Rot and Political Activism in the FBI

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By Streiff, 11-4-22

Editor’s note: some of the author’s language is prejudicial, but he is reporting findings of GOP members of the Committee staff and the conclusions don’t seem unwarranted. This is a minority party report and does not reflect the input of the entire Committee. Democrat leadership has shown no inclination to pursue this, including recommending charges to be filed by the Department of Justice. The report is heavily supported by FBI whistleblower input.

Key takeaways from the report include:

  1. The FBI leadership abusing its law-enforcement authority for political reasons.
  2. The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.
  3. The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.
  4. The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.
  5. The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.
  6. The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.
  7. The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.
  8. The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated, while pushing an anti-life agenda.
  9. The FBI conducting an “intelligence” assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.
  10. The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership’s political ideology.
  11. The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.

Read the whole article in Red State.

Streiff is a former infantry officer, CGSC grad and Army Operations Center alumnus.
RedState member since 2004. Follow him on Twitter.

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