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☕️ WHITE HATS ☙ Tuesday, December 20, 2022 ☙ C&C NEWS

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By Jeff Childers


Good morning, C&C, it’s Tuesday, five short days till Christmas! Are you ready? Today’s roundup includes: J6 Commission criminally refers President Trump to the DOJ; Kari Lake survives first, and most difficult, hurdle in her election case; Senator Warren dons war paint and goes after Elon; SADS political and sports deaths; the seventh Twitter Files posts and the picture of what we’re dealing with gets clearer; and major disclosures about CIA involvement in JFK’s death land in the middle of a busy news week.


🔥 Yesterday, MSNBC gayly ran a festive, high-tech, multi-part, interactive story headlined, “Jan 6 committee highlights: Report summary released, referrals approved.” The sub-head explained, “Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney and the other members of the House committee voted during its final public meeting to approve criminal referrals against Trump.”

The online paper could barely contain its glee. Nearly every MSNBC editor and reporter looks to have chimed in with a short segment or two.

Having lost the House of Representatives, the democrats noisily rushed the J6 Committee’s final report, making certain to get it out before the Republicans take over in January and can squash the damnable thing. You can bet it’s going to be a stinker. Yesterday, democrats released a silly executive summary of their witless report.

Also yesterday, the Committee unanimously voted to criminally refer President Trump to the DOJ, which — unlike the House — will remain under Joe Biden’s control. The Committee hopes the DOJ will arrest President Trump under four charges: obstructing an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiring to make false statements, and … wait for it … insurrection!

In technical terms, all four charges are birdbrained nonsense.

If the DOJ does pursue charges, it will be the first time in history an American presidential candidate is criminally charged by the sitting opposing presidential candidate. And if that happens, what’s to stop it from happening in every other future presidential race?

Welcome to the banana republic.

Nor is it merely Trump they’re after. The Committee’s executive summary named a bunch of other folks as alleged criminals, like attorney John Eastman and former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani. The summary also said the Committee plans to file ethics complaints against four House Republicans, including Kevin McCarthy.

The full report will be issued tomorrow (Wednesday). I bet you can’t wait!


Rep. Raskin: “Nobody before, much less a president, had ever come so close to overthrowing a presidential election…so our greatest legacy…would be one that is certified by time, which is that we never encounter anything like this again.” msnbc.com/jan6report


7:44 PM ∙ Dec 19, 2022


🔥 At 8pm yesterday evening, the judge ruled in Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s election challenge case. Eight counts were dismissed, but two of her ten counts survived and will go to trial.

Kari Lake @KariLake

BREAKING: Our Election Case is going to trial. Katie Hobbs attempt to have our case thrown out FAILED. She will have to take the stand & testify. Buckle up, America. This is far from over.


3:03 AM ∙ Dec 20, 202264,325Likes14,106Retweets

This is an impressive and encouraging development. Elections law is super strict, designed to test cases early, to keep the court system from becoming a weapon for defeated candidates’ sour grapes. Thus there is an unusually high threshold for plaintiffs to get past the dismissal stage. The normal lawsuit life-cycle looks like this:

(I) Complaint -> (II) Motion to Dismiss -> (III) Answer -> (IV) Discovery -> (V) Motion for Summary Judgment -> (VI) Trial.

Elections cases essentially combine the dismissal (Stage II) and summary judgment (Stage V) tests into Stage II.

Remember? Every single one of the Trump election challenges got torpedoed during Stage II, and were dismissed. Anybody who’s litigated one of these cases (I have) can tell you how hard it is to run the dismissal gauntlet. It’s HARD. And you have to litigate under unbelievable time pressure from hyper-short deadlines.

Yesterday, the judge preserved Kari’s two allegations: that ballot printers were intentionally tampered with, and that elections officials broke chain of custody rules for ballots, allowing illegal voting. Trials are usually expedited in elections cases, and here the judge ordered a two-day trial before January 2, 2023. That’s not a lot of time. And, two days of trial will be tight.

Kari’s lawyers won’t get any time off for the holidays.

The bottom line is that Kari Lake’s lawsuit has made it further than 99% of all elections cases, and has already contradicted critics, including many in the Republican establishment who loudly and publicly told Kari she should hang it up, she lost.

And, any trial is bad news for the incumbent, because if there is ANY real evidence, it will come out, go into the permanent record, and will have to be dealt with SOMEHOW.

So. This is great news!

🔥 The New York Times ran a non-paywalled story yesterday headlined, “Elizabeth Warren Prods Tesla About Elon Musk and Twitter.” The sub-headline explained “In a letter to board, the Democratic senator asks whether the carmaker’s investors have been harmed by the billionaire tech mogul’s time running the social network.”

Former native-American and US Senator Elizabeth Warren put on her war paint and headdress and sent a strongly-worded letter to Twitter’s board of directors, demanding information and answers, saying it looked to her like Musk has a conflict of interest between running the two companies (Tesla and Twitter), and demanding to speak with a manager.

Warren even bragged about her awesome letter on Twitter:

Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren

Elon Musk took over @Twitter, but he’s still the CEO of @Tesla. That raises legal concerns — is he creating conflicts of interest? Is he misappropriating company resources? Tesla is not Musk’s private plaything. I’ve got many questions for the Tesla Board. nytimes.comElizabeth Warren Prods Tesla About Elon Musk and TwitterIn a letter to board, the Democratic senator asks whether the carmaker’s investors have been harmed by the billionaire tech mogul’s tim…3:28 PM ∙ Dec 19, 202215,709Likes2,561Retweets

Elon has no one to blame but himself, since he started it by releasing the Twitter Files. That’s what you get when you embarrass democrats.

💉 Adam Exton, 35, the Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada, who oversaw the country’s Covid-19 response and vaccine rollout, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Friday, December 9th. The cause of death is … unknown.

Thankfully, Mr. Exton was double-vaccinated and boosted.

💉 Former Cincinnati Reds Pitcher Tom Browning, 62, who threw one of the 23 perfect games in MLB history, died suddenly and unexpectedly at home this week. He was found “unresponsive” on his couch by Boone County Sheriff’s Deputies, and was pronounced dead on the scene.

🔥 Dr. Michael Shellenberger posted the seventh installment of the Twitter Files yesterday. It was all about how the FBI and the larger intelligence community conducted a wide-ranging operation inside and outside Twitter to discredit the real facts about Hunter Biden’s laptop. It’s a clear picture of how the intelligence community manipulated Twitter management to cancel the embarrassing story and influence the U.S. election.

In January of 2020, some Twitter employees expressed concern over FBI Agent Elvis Chan’s intentions and the FBI’s social media dragnet, as seen in this email from Carlos Monje to Yoel Roth, disclosing a “sustained effort by the Intelligence Community to push us to share more information and change our API policies” to allow direct access into Twitter’s database:

“Elvis” again. Their good buddy.

In October 2020 — the month before the election — the Hunter Biden laptop story broke in the New York Post. Almost immediately, Twitter (and other social media companies) banned and locked down discussion about the story, and suspended the New York Post, even though it was a “mainstream” newspaper, lamebrainedly citing some rule about hacking.

Russia! The bogeyman!

In December 2020, Twitter’s former censorship head Yoel Roth explained in a sworn statement that for almost two years leading up to the leak, the FBI told him, over and over, to expect a Russian leak about Hunter Biden in October 2020:

During these weekly meetings [since 2018], the federal law enforcement agencies communicated that they expected “hack-and-leak operations” by state actors might occur in the period shortly before the 2020 presidential election, likely in October. I was told in these meetings that the intelligence community expected that individuals associated with political campaigns would be subject to hacking attacks and that material obtained through those hacking attacks would likely be disseminated over social media platforms, including Twitter… [and] that there were rumors that a hack-and-leak operation would involve Hunter Biden.

Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, made comments on a podcast suggesting he’d had similar conversations with the FBI.

In September 2020 — the month before the leak — Yoel Roth also participated in a swanky Aspen Institute “tabletop exercise” based on a potential “Hack-and-Dump” operation — relating to Hunter Biden! Coincidentally!

The Aspen exercise was organized and attended by people either in intelligence or formerly-in intelligence. The 4-fun-filled-days of “exercises” were designed to shape how media companies like Twitter would respond to a “national emergency” that was based on a

“disinformation attack” using “hacked materials.”

On October 14th, right after the New York Post published its Hunter Biden laptop story, and right before canceling the New York Post, Yoel Roth soberly admitted, “it isn’t clearly violative of our Hacked Materials Policy, nor is it clearly in violation of anything else,” but — tellingly — Roth added, “this feels a lot like a somewhat subtle leak operation.”

One of the FBI agents embedded at Twitter, was Twitter’s head lawyer Jim Baker, who previously worked for the FBI for 30 years, most recently as its Deputy General Counsel. Baker used his authority at Twitter to push for shutting down the Hunter Biden story:

Internal emails showed that Twitter executives were, in fact, misled by all this activity into falsely believing that the Hunter Biden story was a disinformation attack orchestrated by Russian hackers.

In one email dated in February, 2021, Jim Baker bragged that Twitter had collected $3.5 million dollars from the FBI since 2019 for “reimbursements for staff time.” In other words, it was the old carrot and stick again. The FBI was paying Twitter as well as pressuring it. Paying Twitter with our tax dollars. For safety.

One wonders, doesn’t one, how all these high tech companies that never made a profit have stayed afloat all this time. Maybe we should be looking hard at any company fitting that description. Who are these “investors?”

There were so many “former” FBI agents embedded at Twitter that they even had their own private internal chat channel and their own on-boarding procedures for new agents assigned to pretend to work at Twitter, sorry, I mean for new hires, of course.

It wasn’t just Twitter. Twitter may have been small potatoes, the tip of the iceberg. An independent researcher tweeted yesterday that he’d searched LinkedIn for profiles of people who worked at Facebook but used to work at the FBI, CIA, NSA, or other intelligence agencies. He found ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN of them, all now at Facebook.

That dwarfs the crowd at Twitter, and there might be more: this is just based on what’s available from LinkedIn.

Guess which department at Facebook employs the most former-intelligence staff? That’s right, the so-called “content moderation” group.

The inescapable conclusion of what we’re seeing from the Twitter Files is that our country’s intelligence agencies, by and through the F.B.I., now control all the large social media outlets (except Twitter and TikTok), and are using them to manipulate American public opinion and change the outcome of domestic elections.

But for whom?

It would be an understatement to call all this an historic development. If Elon Musk hadn’t spent $44 BILLION DOLLARS to buy Twitter, nobody would have ever believed the extent to which the intelligence community has absorbed private social media platforms in this country and turned them against the people. It’s literally unbelievable.

Exposure will probably be fatal. The Constitution does not provide for any internal security service in the United States. The agencies are WAY off the reservation, well into criminal territory, no matter how clever their lawyers are. You want an insurrection? Just consider how deep the intelligence agencies have penetrated social media platforms and how the suppression of the Hunter story probably affected the election.

Of course, we still have the teensy-weensy little problem of “who” will charge and arrest these people, since they’re in control of the entire federal law enforcement apparatus. Don’t worry, there ARE answers. But let’s wait a little bit and see how things play out.

I am starting to wonder whether all this is really a coincidence, or if something bigger is afoot.

🔥 Coincidentally, more files relating to the Kennedy Assassination were disclosed over the weekend. CBS ran a story on the document dump headlined, “National Archives Releases 13,173 More JFK Assassination Files.” CBS said that a small number of documents will have to remain secret because they would probably put the CIA in a bad light:

With the latest release, the Archives said 97% of the roughly 5 million pages in its collection related to the assassination have been released to the public. But some experts said the government continues to redact or withhold important information that might cast the CIA or other agencies in a negative light.

Interestingly, the derogatory term “conspiracy theory” first entered common parlance as a descriptor for people believing the CIA was somehow involved in Kennedy’s assassination.

The new documents had some interesting material in them. Not every report was as boring as CBS’s. Newsweek, for example, ran a story on the new disclosures headlined, “New Documents Shed Light on CIA’s Connection to Lee Harvey Oswald.”

Oh. That old conspiracy theory.

One of the new documents related to a still-classified covert operation — still classified nearly 60 years later — that had been approved by senior CIA officials three months before Kennedy’s death, suggesting the agency employed Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald for intelligence purposes just weeks before the shooting.

In other words, Oswald worked for the CIA — AT LEAST up to three weeks before the killing.

The CIA has never acknowledged its link to Oswald before, not at the time or in all the decades after, not during democrat administrations or republican administrations. You would think they might’ve mentioned that tiny fact if they had nothing to hide. They might have useful intel on Oswald and his relationships in their CIA employee files, information that might’ve helped at the time.

Nor does anything justifying the newly-disclosed documents having been withheld from the public until now. The Archivist lamely explained it had been “accidentally” classified.

The new disclosures led Tucker to run a segment that flat out accuses the CIA of killing Kennedy.

Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson

Today we spoke to someone who had access to the still-hidden JFK files, and is deeply familiar with their contents. We asked this person directly: did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy? Here’s the reply: “The answer is yes. I believe they were involved.”


1:13 AM ∙ Dec 16, 202227,314Likes10,348Retweets

JFK’s nephew, Robert Kennedy, appears to agree:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr

The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d’état from which our democracy has never recovered. @TuckerCarlson youtube.comTucker Carlson: We were shocked to learn thisFox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on a source saying the CIA was involved in JFK’s assassination on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’…3:41 PM ∙ Dec 17, 202277,082Likes26,719Retweets

Does anyone besides me find it curious timing that these releases raising incriminating questions about the CIA landed at the same time as the Twitter Files release? Could we be witnessing a behind-the-scenes battle of the T-Rexes? White hats versus black hats?

Let me know what YOU think, in the comments.

Have a terrific Tuesday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for even more.

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