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β˜•οΈ SOMETHING ISLAND β˜™ Thursday, March 9, 2023 β˜™ C&C NEWS 🦠

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By Jeff Childers


Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! Your roundup today includes: Project Veritas drops a new exposΓ© story, and its a good one; health freedom groups upset over β€œswitcheroo” of Florida medical freedom bills; former CDC chief Robert Redfield dishes on gain of function research and the lab leak theory; Weinstein’s prison sentence elongated; and Governor DeSantis reaches grand-master level troll in a wonderfully-choreographic press conference about groomers.


πŸͺ– Remember that I’ll be out tomorrow! (Don’t plan on it, but I may have a special post for you. We’ll see. We leave for the airport at 4:15ish).


πŸ”₯ In the middle of a life-or-death struggle with and public divorce from its popular founder James O’Keefe, Project Veritas released a new exposΓ© yesterday. Parents will be satisfied that the new story confirms another alleged β€œconspiracy theory,” so you can check another box off your 2023 bingo card. It’s getting hard to find any remaining conspiracy theories to root for, maybe it’s time to look at the flat earth thing again.

Anyway, before I describe Project Veritas’ terrific new production, remember: corporate media has repeatedly called conservative parents conspiracy theorists for claiming that public schools are trying to secretly indoctrinate and groom their children.

Well, thanks to Project Veritas reporters, we are now past that debate.

Project Veritas’ investigative reporters secretly taped David Casamento, the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction at East Meadow Schools in Nassau County, New York. Thinking he was safe, and with a drink or two under his oversized belt, the chatty Superintendent loquaciously explained that the only way to get around parents is to secretly slip LGBT, DEI and CRT material into kids’ educations materials a little at a time, without anyone noticing:

β€œHere’s the thing with DEI work β€” if you push too hard doing the work and you get this pushback, it will be decades before you can do the work again. So, it needs to be incremental. Every district [in Nassau County] is doing it [DEI] covertly.”

β€œEducator” Casamento admitted several other reprehensible things that all right-thinking people should shun him for, such as that β€œpolitics is basically my job now,” and that he is β€œpolitical in every conversation [he] has.” He also bizarrely claimed that his sexuality was important to his ability to β€œconnect with” children, whatever THAT means. Maybe worst of all, Casemento explained he helped create and enforce a β€œrubric” that guarantees conservative teachers and administrators can never be employed in the district.

Project Veritas @Project_Veritas

East Meadow School District is in Nassau County, on Long Island in New York. Dr. Dave Casamento has worked as the Asst. Superintendent since July 17th, 2017. He claims his β€œsexual identity” helps him make β€œconnection with kids…”


5:08 PM βˆ™ Mar 8, 2023189Likes74Retweets

As you can easily imagine, Nassau County parents were appalled and last night’s raucous school board meeting was LIT:

Project Veritas @Project_Veritas



3:17 AM βˆ™ Mar 9, 2023398Likes101Retweets

It’s getting pretty hard to keep up with everything that’s being uncovered these days because news ones keep coming so fast. This story, which SHOULD be a national story β€” but won’t be, since corporate media is 100% controlled β€” will surely be political dynamite in Nassau County and maybe all New York. It’s because it uncovered a clear and present danger to kids (another one!) and it will activate all honest people’s primal responses to protect children, not to mention fueling lawsuits from conservative teachers who were denied jobs in New York.

Finally, I recognize folks’ totally-justified anger at Project Veritas’ board, and at the obvious fact this story was probably released right now to put some stuffing into the notion the company can survive without James. You may disagree with me, but here are three thoughts about why this story should be supported and amplified.

First, this Nassau County story is significant and it comes at a pivotal time. Remember, all this work didn’t happen overnight (the Christmas dΓ©cor suggests it came together under James’ leadership), and it needs to be amplified. Second, Project Veritas should be preserved so that James can return to the company, so long as there is any chance that could happen.

Third, the best possible scenario would be a successful new venture by James AND ALSO a successful, not-infiltrated Project Veritas. In other words, the more folks doing this kind of work, the better.

The PV website and its various social media have longer videos of the Superintendent’s undercover interview, if you’re curious.

πŸ”₯ The 2023 Florida legislative session kicked off this week, and folks are expecting a raft of extremely popular bills to come down the pike. In the midst of that, an unlikely controversy exploded like a stray Antifa firework shell in the chambers of the Florida Congress yesterday, as suddenly-angry health freedom groups accused Governor DeSantis of betraying them by backing down on his promises to advance personal medical freedom.

It started with SB 222, a popular bill sponsored by Joe Gruters and Keith Perry, which would have added β€˜vaccination status’ to the list of protected civil rights classes in Florida, making it unlawful for any employer or school to discriminate against people based on whether or not they took ANY particular vaccine. It would have also forbidden adding people to government vaccine lists.

So far, so good.

But then, yesterday morning health freedom groups discovered a new bill, SB 252, that looks a whole lot like a replacement for SB 222. The new bill was quietly filed this week and has already advanced to the Health Policy committee. The bill’s great-sounding title gives away that it is knocking out SB222. It’s called, β€œProtection from Discrimination Based on Health Care Choices.”

The reason health freedom groups don’t like it is because it is limited to β€œCovid-19 Choices” instead of any vaccines. The replacement bill explains its limited scope in the introduction:

It is the intent of the Legislature that Floridians be free from mandated facial coverings, COVID-19 vaccination mandates of any kind, and discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status, and receive adequate information regarding treatment alternatives for COVID-19.

That sound pretty good, and facially, SB 252 is a grab-bag of terrific-sounding protections against covid overreach. Some of the provisions expand or extend existing protections. Some create narrowly-tailored new rights that will help dig out little pockets of resistance, such as a small coffee shop still making its employees strap on masks all day. But β€” as drafted β€” many of the provisions are merely window-dressing, like the part purporting to protect hospital patients.

Can you spot the fatal flaw?

395.1057 Patients’ right to choose COVID-19 treatment alternatives. A hospital may not interfere with a patient’s right to choose COVID-19 treatment alternatives as recommended by a health care practitioner with privileges at the hospital if the health care practitioner has obtained informed consent from the patient in accordance with s. 456.62. Any hospital that violates this section by preventing a health care practitioner from exercising his or her sound judgment is subject to agency disciplinary action under s. 395.1065(2).

It SOUNDS good but the problem is the proposed language ONLY would protect patients’ covid treatment choices IF the patient’s preferred treatment is approved by a doctor, and not just any doctor, but a doctor β€œwith privileges” at THAT hospital. Privileges that a hospital can take away whenever the doctor β€œspreads misinformation” or whatever.

No sane doctor enjoying hospital privileges is going to prescribe ivermectin if the hospital doesn’t like that drug. The bill could have said, β€œany licensed Florida doctor in good standing,” but that would have offended the powerful, anti-patient hospital lobby.

I’ll give you one more example. In this next part, SB 252 would seem to require doctors to give patients information about alternative covid treatments. A nice thought, but it’s even easier to spot the design flaw baked into this one:

(3) In determining which alternative medications to present to a patient for purposes of obtaining informed consent, the health care practitioner must include any medications currently authorized or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of COVID-19 and use his or her best clinical judgment to identify any alternative medications that could be reasonably expected to benefit the patient.

So, the bill only makes doctors tell patients about alternative covid drugs if they are FDA approved FOR COVID (i.e. not ivermectin), or if in the doctor’s β€œbest clinical judgment” the alternative treatment could β€œbe reasonably expected to benefit the patient” (i.e. not ivermectin again). In other words, the bill will change nothing, because the doctors will just say they don’t think ivermectin (or any other non-CDC-approved treatment) benefits patients. It’s not even worth the committee debating it for 10 minutes, because it’s useless.

Health freedom advocates think SB 252 is pure politics, and was custom-designed to give the Governor some talking points without ruffling anybody’s feathers, except maybe the small coffee shop owner who’s still clinging to masks. Apart from that, the bill’s main advantage is it would make permanent several temporary protections over masking and jab mandates (which definitely needs to happen).

πŸ”₯ Former CDC Chief and Covid Task Force member Robert Redfield testified before a House committee yesterday and ripped Fauci a new one. After being shunted aside and kept in the dark during the pandemic, Redfield is finally getting his chance to say his piece. And he’s not holding back.

Among other things, Redfield said that the work in Wuhan was definitely gain-of-function, it was funded by the NIH, State Department, DoD, and NIAID, and overseen by Fauci, in order to skirt U.S. rules prohibiting gain-of-function work (because of SAFETY issues), and that the evidence points to a lab leak:

β€œIn September 2019, three things happened in that lab. One is they deleted the sequences. Highly irregular, researchers don’t like to do that. The second thing is they changed the command and control from civilian to military. Highly unusual. The third, which is very telling, is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. Clearly, there was strong evidence that a significant event happened in that laboratory in September.”

Simon Ateba @simonateba

FIERY HEARING: Congressman @Jim_Jordan on fire over the origins of COVID-19. Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield says, “Based on my initial analysis of the data, I came to believe and I still believe today that it indicates that COVID-19 more likely was the result of an… https://t.co/4QWJa37Mt8


5:11 PM βˆ™ Mar 8, 20238,416Likes2,412Retweets

Redfield also described the scientific reasons why the virus appears to have been engineered, such as the out-of-place furin cleavage site:

ALX πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ @alx

BREAKING: Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield tells @RepMTG COVID-19 was likely created by gain-of-function research funded by Dr. Fauci and the NIAID.


5:06 PM βˆ™ Mar 8, 202310,513Likes3,737Retweets

Have you noticed who we’re NOT hearing from much these days? Any of the big fat covid experts who consumed the bandwidth during the pandemic. But we’re hearing more and more often from the courageous heterodox scientists who opposed the narrative.

πŸ”₯ Harvey Weinstein’s prison sentence is swelling; it’s getting longer and longer. Late last month, Breitbart ran a story headlined, β€œHarvey Weinstein Sentenced to 16 Years in Los Angeles Rape Trial on Top of 23-Year New York Sentence.” The lecherous 70-year-old former producer, head of Miramax studio, a Hollywood darling, and a popular political sidekick, will now serve a total of 39 long, long years in prison.

The additional sentence ensures Weinstein and his little friend will stay safely locked away for the rest of his life. Weinstein’s lawyers promised to appeal. According to Breitbart, literally hundreds of women have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct and assault over an extended period of time stretching back to the eighties.


πŸ”₯ This next story is deliciously ironic. RedState ran an article yesterday headlined, β€œRon DeSantis Executes Troll for the Ages at Presser on β€˜Book Banning’.”


Recently, democrats have claimed that Governor DeSantis is deliberately β€œbanning” completely innocent books for purely political reasons β€” and worse, to β€œerase” gay people, whatever that means. Democrats and aligned reporters have repeatedly assured the public that there is no β€œsecret agenda” in public schools to groom or sexualize kids, and anyway there is β€œno evidence” that anybody is grooming anyone.

So yesterday, the Governor held a press conference to push back against the leftist claims that DeSantis is β€œbanning books.” And during the presser, the Governor’s team played a hair-raising video showing examples from the books that are mercifully now being removed from Florida schools.

Ironically, the material from the public schools’ books was SO pornographic that news broadcasts were forced to cut their feeds in a panic. In fact, the entire press conference livestream has been flagged as β€œpotentially sensitive content.”

The Governor was like, You wanted evidence? Here’s your evidence, dummies.

To give you just one example, the Governor’s video included a kids’ book titled, β€œFlamer,” which his team found in schools in Broward, Collier, Hillsborough, Marion, Seminole, and Volusia Counties. In the heavily-illustrated book, a group of nubile young boys attend a camp and visit a penis-shaped island. The story includes a goofy shower scene between the group of boys where one of them gets an erection much to everyone’s amusement. Another part of the book shows a young boy excitedly watching porn. In another section, a group of boys masturbate together and are pressured by the group to ejaculate into a bottle.

It’s bad. A penis island? Is it just me and my tinfoil hat, or is that directly evocative of Epstein Island? Yeah. It’s SUPER gross. And that was just ONE of the books the democrats want to keep in Florida’s public schools.

DeSantis explained, β€œI just think parents, when they’re sending their kids to school, they should not have to worry about this garbage being in the schools.” Too true. The Governor continued, β€œThey should just know that you’re going to get a good education, we’re going to do well to really do the basics and have our kids succeed. That’s what they want. They don’t want the garbage.”

Imagine that. Parents, thinking their kids are learning about math and science instead of Adventures on Penis Island. Governor DeSantis is showing how you beat the corporate media at its own game.

Have a terrific Thursday! I’ll see you back here Saturday morning for the weekend edition.

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Β© 2022, Jeff Childers, all rights reserved

Published with author’s permission.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida.

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