By Jeff Childers
Good morning, C&C family, it’s Wednesday! Your essential news roundup includes: Biden’s NATO speech comeback into the media’s good graces; French ‘far right’ candidate Marine Le Pen gets the Trump treatment; Turnip pier washes out to sea for the last time as military surrenders to ocean; researchers discover critical link and possible mechanism of injury for kids with autism; UK doctors baffled over rising cancer rates despite crashing smoking rates; and traces of real journalism are still being found along the margins.
🔥 CNN ran a high-stakes story yesterday headlined, “Analysis: How Biden’s 2024 choice could reshape the Senate and Supreme Court for years.” The article explained what is making the Democrats more anxious than an invitation to a four-hour sitar music concert.
CNN, like more intelligent and politically savvy dems, looked beyond the presidency to all the lost House and Senate seats, the Supreme Court (!), and most important of all, the lost federal appointments for CNN reporters:
In other words, Joe is being selfish. Other people need to win elections too, and need appointment to cushy, low-accountability jobs in the federal government. That is why Biden’s true sin is not have the mental acuity of a below-average turnip, but rather looking weak compared to Trump.
As they always say, a sinking Presidential tide maroons all boats.
Speaking of tides, the anti-Turnip tide appears to be on the ebb. Joe’s defiant, ghost-written letter looks to have won the day, for now. Yesterday, the Turnip delivered a 100% scripted address at the NATO Summit, providing plenty of material had the media wished to keep piling on. But instead, they reported his short, mechanically-read speech as “forceful.”
For example, Reuters:
Forecfully? Biden marched around the stage in slow motion, like a toy robot running out of batteries, underwater, going uphill. His head swiveled back and forth between the two teleprompters, eyes glued to the screens, as he bi-tonally read the words, either mumbly and all running together, or shouting at Putin. Putin!
Biden only wandered off script twice, and both times crashed. Both unscripted moments involved retiring NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. When introducing the Secretary, Biden got a little too happy and briefly ad libbed, unconfortably talking about Stoltenberg’s wife.
Whatever Joe was trying to say about the Secretary’s wife was completely incomprehensible, and scientists are still examining the remains.
But then Joe went off mic, turning the rest of his speech over to a military aide of some kind, and decided to personally drape the Presidential Medal of Freedom over Stoltenberg’s shoulders. Stoltenberg is slightly taller than Joe (no Macron jokes, please), re requiring Joe to lift his arms much higher than usual, which normally hang lifelessly from his shoulders like two pallid German sausages.
To receive the highest honor, Stolteberg turned his back to Joe, to get the medal. Joe moved in close behind the Secretary. Moving painfully slowly. Then, as Stolteberg stiffly waited, hearing Joe inching closer and closer, but unable to see what was happening behind him, Joe slowly scooted toward the Secretary, eventually closing the gap between the two men, so he could fully reach around Stoltenberg’s shoulders.
As the world watched in expectant horror, the veins in Stoltenberg’s neck were popping out so far they looked as if they were trying to spring out and leave the rest of him behind. You can almost see tiny bits of the Secretary’s molars flying out of his grinning mouth in a puff of white dust, as he gritted his teeth and soldierly bore what could fairly be described as a Masonic humiliation ritual.
It created a long, iconic, awkward moment those NATO delegates will be talking about at cocktail parties twenty years from now and Stoltenberg’s kids will be tearfully discussing with their A.I. therapists well into their 80’s. And Joe just crashed the market for Presidential Freedom Medals. (“No thanks, YOU can have my Medal of Freedom. I’m not doing THAT.”)
It took Joe forever to climax … whatever he was doing. Putting the medal on. Embracing the Secretary. Leading from behind.
Right behind.
To be honest, I personally am still enduring the psychological after-effects of that horrifying spectacle. I suffered so that you wouldn’t have to watch it. Somebody had to do it, I suppose. You’re welcome.
But the bigger point is that the media had ample material, had they wanted to torpedo the presumptive Democrat nominee. But they went the other way, plumping Joe’s short, stiff, awkwardly intimate and quite memorable speech into some kind of comeback.
Don’t be sad. We enjoyed having a real media for a day, which is one day more than they’ve let us have for the last three and a half years. And things could be worse. Much worse. We could’ve gotten Medals of Freedom, too. Ugh.
🔥🔥 Over the last few days, they’ve continued counting the votes in France. The totals explain why the globalists freaked out and escalated to this: Politico ran a story yesterday headlined, “Marine Le Pen hit by shock probe into 2022 presidential campaign funding.” The sudden and unexpected criminal investigation of France’s “far-right” leader was a shock only to corporate media reporters.
Numbers vary. But as far as I can tell, Le Pen’s “far right” party received around 10.5 million votes. The Commie Coalition of “far left” parties got around 7.5 million votes. And the now bantam-sized, “center-right” RINO party of Macron got only 6.2 million votes.
You might wonder why Le Pen’s party lost, despite getting the most votes. It was because France’s far-left and center-right candidates worked together. In each district where Le Pen might have won, one or the other opposing candidate dropped out at the last minute and told their voters to support the other candidate. So, while the majority of French voters wanted the “far right” party, they discovered that what they thought were two traditional opposing party systems are really just a uni-party.
Alas, the predictable result that shocked reporters was that Marine Le Pen is now finding out the hard way that no woman is above the law:
That will teach her! Nowhere in Politico’s article did it wonder whether Le Pen’s sudden new criminal prosecution was politically motivated. Nor did it compare Le Pen’s legal problems with the Orange Man.
🚀 Newsday ran a wonderfully ironic story yesterday headlined, “US-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid, then permanently removed.” And so the sad story of the U.S. military’s highly-advertised humanitarian aid pier, which the Gazans never wanted, ingloriously washed out to sea. Along with $400 million taxpayer dollars.
The important thing though is that a lot of well-connected military contractors made enormous amounts of money heroically surmounting the forces of nature and installing a pier where no one had ever before been able to lodge a pier, because nobody has ever been that stupid.
Then nature took its ocean back, and the U.S. military surrendered to the inevitable. But do not draw reckless conclusions about the state of military intelligence under President Turnip and don’t worry! All their other engineering plans are much, much, stupider.
💉💉 Good medical news emerged yesterday in the form of a UK Daily Mail article headlined, “Scientists discover ‘exciting’ link between autism and gut bacteria.” They are so close.
The article reported on a new Hong Kong study published this week in Nature Microbiology titled, “Multikingdom and functional gut microbiota markers for autism spectrum disorder.”
Back in the 1990’s, Dr. Andrew Wakefield was hounded out of medicine for claiming that autism was caused by childhood vaccines destroying essential gut bacteria. Like the doctor who removed the well pump handle to stop a cholera epidemic, Wakefield will never get his good reputation back. Just forget about it.
They will never ever admit the jab connection. But now that a mechanism of injury has been identified, there might be new hope to somehow treat kids and adults injured by baffling, mysterious, unidentified “environmental factors.”
In any case, they are on the right track now. In the study referenced by the Mail’s article, researchers did ‘fecal transplants’ between autistic humans and mice. The mice became autistic.
Here’s a link to another, similar study published in the Journal Cell back in 2019. It’s taken five years to break into the mainstream. Now, somebody just needs to figure out what “environmental factor” is wrecking kids’ gut bacteria.
Completely unrelated, vaccine manufacturers are not currently required to study the effect of childhood vaccines on microbiota. Maybe they should be? Just asking.
💉💉 Yesterday, more baffling medical news appeared in the UK Daily Mail in an article headlined, “Cancers caused by smoking hit record high, despite fall in smoking rates.”
First of all, cigarettes —another product psyop-doctors assured us was safe and effective— are not anywhere near as popular as they used to be, as you can imagine, given the government’s decades-long war to get all the tobacco profits for itself:
At least they never mandated smoking. But I digress.
Next, we know full well it’s not just smoking-related cancers on the rise, but most kinds. Still, the Mail’s article focused on the baffling rise of smoking-related cancers, since you would expect those particular rates to fall along with falling rates of smoking. But, no:
It’s almost like something else is going on. But doctors, who knew everything there was to know about mRNA vaccines, are now mystified. What could be causing all these new cancers? Maybe we’ll never know. The article prudishly avoided placing blame. What difference, at this point, does it make?
The best that UK scientists could come up with is more taxpayer money for treatment. Paid to them, of course. Physician, heal thy bank account.
🔥🔥 Maybe the media hasn’t completely finished doing real journalism yet and thrown in the anti-Turnip towel. Last night, live on Anderson Cooper, a CNN reporter read a terrific Trump quote to CNN viewers:
CLIP: CNN recites Trump quote about Biden’s insurance policy (0:25).
Here’s what, while Anderson Cooper squirmed in discomfort, the CNN reporter soberly read out loud on live news last night. She reported that Trump said:
Whatever else can be said about crooked Joe Biden, you have to give him credit for one brilliant decision: picking Kamala Harris as his vice president was the greatest insurance policy of all time. If Joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from his office years ago.
If Biden does stay in the race, just imagine all the terrific new material the Trump Campaign can now work with, taken from just the last week of anti-Turnip programming in corporate media. Get ready for the wildest election season ever.
Have a wonderful Wednesday! Get back here tomorrow for more delicious Coffee & Covid.
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