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β˜•οΈ FALLING DOWN β˜™ Wednesday, March 27, 2024 β˜™ C&C NEWS 🦠

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By Jeff Childers


Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! I know I keep saying this, but this week could be the most momentous news week in years. Your roundup today includes: anniversary thanks; Trump crushes Truth Social’s initial public offering and liberals Get Trump plan backfires even harder; genetic researcher finds evidence of contaminated jab DNA integrating with some cells; and a cargo ship of conspiracy theories brought down one of the country’s most important transportation infrastructure elements, and the media is already obviously engaged in covering something up.


πŸͺ– Yesterday’s anniversary was simply tremendous. Fun was had by all involved, me, regulars readers, and visitors too. We set a historic record for comments β€” 1372 as of this morning! β€” for which I am tremendously grateful. (I’m also grateful that none of them were posted by white-coated psychopaths scolding me for dispensing medical advice without a license). I hope you enjoyed reading yesterday’s comments as much as I did.

I didn’t finish; I am perusing all the great memories and feedback. I find myself relating to many β€˜tales of the pandemic’ β€”although some of your stories are pretty hair-raising. One C&C fan from Bozeman, Montana delivered a singing telegram to our Gainesville HQ, to the great amusement and entertainment of the entire team.  And most of all, my profound thanks for the generosity of other gifts and several new subscriptions. We will make sure it all counts.

Oh! And C&C fan and caricature artist extraordinaire Ken Henley updated his highly accurate cartoon. I guess my balloon-like head is obscenely gigantic compared to the rest of my body. Enjoy:



πŸ”₯ There was more frantic crying around MSNBC’s set yesterday than around the Happy Kids preschool nursery right before drag queen story hour. The UK Telegraph ran the story yesterday, headlined β€œTrump’s wealth surges by $5.5bn as Truth Social starts trading.” The first sentence said it all: β€œDonald Trump has entered the ranks of the world’s 500 richest people after shares in his social media company surged on their Wall Street debut.”

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Ta-da! In other words, the deranged β€œGet Trump” libs have made Donald Trump into one of the world’s 500 richest men, ranked by Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index. Great job, morons! In the article’s most wildly understated bit, the Telegraph stingily admitted that, β€œThe deal was a boost for Mr. Trump, who has faced mounting legal bills linked to various court battles.”

Haha!  I guess you could call it β€œa boost.” Seems like there might be a better word though.

The company’s new ticker for Trump Media & Technology Group, Corp., is Trump’s initials, β€˜DJT’, which itself is a coup of sorts (although Trump has used the same ticker before). I couldn’t find any other example of a publicly-traded company trading under its founder’s initials.  That’s Trump for you.

Predictably, β€œfake news” corporate media did not share our enthusiasm and lashed out. CNN decided Trump’s great day in the markets has created a unique ethical nightmare. Not just an ethical nightmare, mind you, but a totally unique one.

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You don’t need to read it; the CNN story raised no legitimate ethical issues. It was just a bunch of whiny, insubstantial blah-blah-blah. Once MSNBC stopped crying and resentfully got back to work, the network petulantly predicted that Trump’s successes could β€” maybe, you never know β€” be a β€œdisaster for the WHOLE country”:

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The Washington Post was a little more restrained. It leaned less into unique nightmares or the wild hyperbole of apocalyptic disasters for the whole country. It couldn’t be happy though, not quite, because it still has amorphous, ambiguous β€œquestions:”

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The Post’s β€œquestions” mainly come down to the boilerplate financial issues. It need hardly be said, but β€” and this is not investment advice β€” obviously the Truth Social platform is wildly overpriced relative to more well-established and fully-featured platforms like TwitterX, Facebook, and TikTok. Truth Social has never made money, and it doesn’t even really have any kind of conventional market strategy. It’s run by Trump’s family and not by any digital media specialists or successful entrepreneur.

And that’s exactly what annoys them the most. Probably the majority of folks buying DJT stock are not buying shares to make money. That has nothing to do with it. You know why people are buying shares, and it is all about the 2024 election and has nothing to do with investing. We’ll se whether Trump supporters can keep the stock price afloat despite the sneaky undermining attacks that are sure to come.

But the media can’t admit or discuss any of the political aspects, because doing so would highlight Trump’s popularity relative to Broke Brain Biden’s bumbling basement non-support. So media must pretend to analyze Truth Social (DJT) as though it were some kind of traditional investment, and laughably argue whether the stock is β€˜overvalued’ and credulously wonder about its future financial prospects.

The bottom line is: Trump has done it again. The RNC, under champagne-swilling prior management, was broke. The democrats were laughing about how much more money the DNC had than the Republicans. But Trump just turned all that on its head.

Apparently effortlessly, Trump saved his campaign, his campaign to save America. That’s exactly the kind of miraculous turnaround the country needs, too.

πŸ’‰ Kevin McKernan is the gene researcher who last year broke the story of contamination in the mRNA injections. Yesterday he published a new, highly-technical Substack titled, β€œVaccine targeted qPCR of Cancer Cell Lines treated with BNT162b2.”

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The short version is a research group treated some ovarian cancer cells with several different covid vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, etc). They separated out the cells that had been successfully β€œtransfected” β€” meaning that the mRNA got into the cell as designed and started making spike protein. Then they let those transfected cells divide, to see what would happen in subsequent cell generations.

My first thought was geez, this test should have been done ages ago before the vaccines were ever approved for emergency use. How useless is the FDA? But I digress and ask silly questions.

Once researchers had their batches of divided cells, they sent the cells to Kevin McKernan’s lab in Boston, so that he could test for genetic integration or anything else interesting that he could find on an RNA/DNA level.

Kevin found evidence of integration. Specifically, he found some daughter cells had the DNA from contaminants in the vaccines, which is not supposed to happen. β€œWhat we found is, [contaminant] DNA that is getting transfected into ovarian cancer cell lines is replicating in the cells,” says McKernan, noting that the ratio of vaccine contaminant DNA to human cell DNA was even β€œhigher than we expected.”

Jab defenders still argue it is β€œimpossible” for mRNA or contaminant DNA to get into the cell nucleus. That would be called β€œintegration,” and if it happens, then some real problems start. But pro-jabber β€œimpossibility” arguments rest on a key flawed assumption. Jab defenders assume that the lipid nano-proteins delivering the mRNA (and the contaminant DNA) stay safely in the shoulder muscle, at the injection site. Their simplistic logic is that since muscle cells don’t divide in the first place, there’s no risk of cellular integration.

But of course, we have long known that the mRNA and its carrier lipid nano-proteins (LNPs) go everywhere. So the jab defender’s core assumption β€” that the LNPs stay in non-dividing muscle cells β€” is just factually wrong. It’s misinformation.

To be clear: Kevin’s findings are not a smoking gun. Not yet. At best they are a preliminary finding. Adding vaccines into fast-dividing cancer cells gives the vaccines the very best chance at getting into cellular reproduction. That might not represent what happens inside someone’s body. So Kevin’s results are best interpreted like this: when you do this kind of test, you want to see zero evidence of DNA integration.

Instead, Kevin saw a LOT of evidence of integration.

It is kind of like getting that feeling your teenager might be sneaking out the window in the middle of the night. When you check in the morning, you find sneaker prints in the dirt outside their window. It doesn’t prove they snuck out. But it also doesn’t prove the kid didn’t sneak out, either.  What you were hoping was to find no footprints at all.

More tests are needed, and justified, and Kevin says they are coming. If you’re interested in reading more, I also relied on Rebekah Barnett’s more accessible Substack takedown of Kevin’s post, titled β€œDNA contamination in Covid vaccines DOES get into human cells, new evidence shows.”

I think this is the most promising line of research going in terms of helping establish covid liability. If genetic integration is proven, it will bring the entire odious pharma crack house right down on their heads.

πŸ”₯ CNN ran a story yesterday headlined, β€œCargo ship lost power before colliding with Baltimore bridge; 6 presumed dead.” By now, most of you have already heard about the dramatic collapse of Baltimore’s gigantic Francis Scott Key bridge, after a container ship knocked out one of two key pylons holding the whole thing up. And the media is already corporately lying, at least by omission.

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The collision was recorded from a number of vantage points. The videos show a towering boat piled high with shipping containers heading directly toward one of the bridge’s key support columns (0:44), running with into it, and sending a massive stretch of the bridge rapidly crashing into the icy river water. The initial collision triggered a chain reaction as adjacent parts of the bridge quickly collapsed in sequence, running right down the line, dropping straight down like giant steel dominos.

As you know or could easily imagine, the hot takes are off the chain. And I’m talking about the official hot takes. Even before the crew was interviewed, the federal agencies and top federal officials like Biden and Buttigieg insisted the collision was one hundred percent accidental and it was not any kind of terrorist cyberattack, no way, no how, don’t even think that.

But the feds’ early, shrill, and repetitive denials of any outside agency just made doubters that much more suspicious.

The errant ship was the massive Dali, 984-feet long and 157-feet wide, weighing 100,000 tons, registered in Singapore, and owned by international shipping giant Maersk. So far what we know is that, as the Dali approached the bridge, its electrical system suddenly shut down. In other words, right at the worst possible time, it lost its engine power, electrical power, and steering and was adrift in a complete blackout.

Some videos seem to show the ship’s power going out twice, as though the crew tried to restart or reboot the power, but then it quickly shuts off again (0:56). It also looks like the ship cleared the bridge, but then the power went out (the second time) and it drifted back into the key pylon. These facts weren’t included in corporate media reports, so they may or may not be accurate. It’s just what it looks like from the video, from that particular vantage.

Why would anyone ever suspect a sudden, unexplained power outage at a critical moment could possibly be a cyberattack? I mean, come on people. Quit talking nonsense.

Miraculously, the crew sent out a β€œmayday” moments before the collision, and heroic Baltimore police frantically cleared the bridge, minimizing casualties. No recordings or transcripts of the mayday have been published that I could find. As of this morning, the only casualties were from a pothole repair crew that were plunged into the icy waters when the bridge collapsed.

It could have been much, much worse.

Believe it or not, the Francis Scott Key bridge is a critical part of the entire nation’s supply chain. Its catastrophic collapse cannot possibly be repaired for years. Officials are already talking about significant damage to our country’s supply chain, increased costs for consumer goods and energy, and so forth. It is not just an inconvenience. For a cascade of interrelated reasons, the destruction of this particular bridge was incalculably injurious to our economy.

One wild, random fact reported in CNN’s article was that thirteen vaguely-described shipping containers marked as unidentified CDC bio-hazmat were somehow damaged in the collision and are being β€œsecured.” I’ll just leave that one right there.

USA Today reported, without explanation, that no Maersk personnel were on board at the time of the collision. Here’s where things really start to get weird. Something strange is going on with the reporting over the identity of the captain and crew: the media refuses to report their identity or even hint at it. The USA Today article even named a local, Andrew Middleton, who took the captain and crew shopping the day before. They named Andrew β€” the only guy who wasn’t on the boat β€” but none of the crew. Not one. Not even by first name.

CNN’s article referred multiple times to the β€œpilot of the ship” without naming him β€” including in a sentence that happily named a lawyer for a ship pilot’s association. A lawyer, Clay Diamond, who also wasn’t on the boat.

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The Daily Mail UK claimed the Dali was being piloted by a local crew of specialists who know the channel, but that claim was not reported anywhere else. Misdirection? Accurate?

If I were a betting man, I’d bet the feds invoked some kind of emergency media authority and told reporters not to talk about the crew. Otherwise I can’t explain why all the stories won’t say one way or the other whether the crew’s names are known.

It doesn’t mean much, but when I asked Grok who was the Dali’s captain, it lied. It glowingly described a β€œCaptain John Smith” with β€œ20 years of seafaring experience.” I confronted it and it copped to spreading misinformation:

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Uh huh.

CNN also reported that NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy gave a press conference during which she refused to identify β€œthe nationality of the crew.”

That’s the extent of media and official weirdness I found so far this morning.

Online commenters were not amused, and the majority of speculation seems to be that the collision was intentional. Award-winning investigative journalist Lara Logan claims to have heard from anonymous intelligence-agency workers who are certain this was a cyberattack (13:23). It hasn’t even been a full day and for some reason Joe Biden is awake, medicated, and has already pledged to pay for the full cost of rebuilding the bridge. Why? Why did they wake up Joe? Why shouldn’t Maersk and the various insurers pay for the bridge that their boat crashed into?

Maybe the feds want to quiet the whole thing down, and the last thing they need is a bunch of lawsuits with cross-discovery and depositions and subpoenas and experts and inspections trying to figure out exactly what happened and who is to blame. I’m just saying.

One TikToker claiming to be a former Coast Guard engineer asked, where’s the pilot boat (0:57)? Where were the tugboats? Why didn’t the Dali sound its horn before the collision? Like, sound its horn a LOT? He noted without comment how closely the bridge strike followed the dreadful Moscow Crocus City Hall attack, implying (I think) possible Russian retribution against the US.

Online commenters continue to do the media’s job, since the media refuses to do its job anymore. Some video analysts show what appear to be a series of electrical explosions popping off right along the points where each successive bridge segment collapsed. Some commenters claim these look like explosive charges (0:34). Others say it’s just an electrical conduit that runs along that area, and the small explosions and smoke are due to breaking electric cables.

There were only two key pylons and the Dali hit one, just right

It is way too early to draw any conclusions. We haven’t even heard from the crew about what happened on board. It could be, as the feds insist, just a horrific accident. If so, it was a truly terrible accident bursting with bad luck; every single thing that could have gone wrong (except the mayday) went wrong. The Dali was in the perfect spot in the channel right when its power went off, so it could drift right into the most vulnerable part of Francis Scott Key bridge, and hit the bridge just right to create a complete catastrophic loss of a billion-dollar transportation conduit.

The current was just right. The tide was just right. The power outages were just right. The boat was in just the right spot when it happened. And anything that could have made the accident less damaging to our infrastructure did not happen.

Federal authorities were either crazy or lying when they ruled out a cyberattack. And corporate media is obviously collaborating to hide or obscure certain facts β€” like the crew’s identity β€” creating reason to be suspicious.

What else are they hiding?

Personally, these days I am automatically suspicious of any infrastructure disaster. We’ve seen the tit-for-tat strikes on our refineries and manufacturing plants. And just a few days ago, Moscow suffered a dreadful and tragic terrorist attack. Putin hinted that the US was involved. And then within a few days, a major bridge goes down. I also find it fascinating that the Russians are already mad at us for repeatedly trying to help Ukraine blow up the Russians’ key Kerch Bridge in Crimea.

Key bridge for key bridge? Or just an unhappy coincidence? What do you think?

We’ll know a lot more soon. Stay tuned.

I have to run to an early meeting, so that’s a wrap. Have a wonderful Wednesday! Look both ways before crossing any tall bridges today and meet up here tomorrow for another terrific news roundup.

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Β© 2022, Jeff Childers, all rights reserved

The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida

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