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β˜•οΈ DROPPING THE BONE β˜™ Thursday, June 20, 2024 β˜™ C&C NEWS 🦠

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By Jeff Childers


Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! There is much happening out in the world this week, most of it Biden’s fault, so we need to catch up in today’s essential news roundup: World coalition of opposition to the United States coalesces around Russia thanks to feckless Biden regime; Fauci rehabilitation tour takes its most hilarious turn yet; and more terrific counter-revolutionary news from Louisiana, where a little morality is returning to the classroom, at least for now.


πŸš€πŸš€ First up, let’s review Biden’s cratering foreign policy. But don’t worry, everything is going just terrible. The Wall Street Journal ran a long-form, multi-media-laden story yesterday headlined, β€œHow Putin Rebuilt Russia’s War Machine With Help From U.S. Adversaries.” I would rewrite that headline, instead wording it, β€œHow Biden Rebuilt Russia’s War Machine With Help from NATO.”


The Journal’s disquieting sub-headline tossed in, β€œIran, North Korea and China are supplying the people and know-how to tool up Russia’s factories and churn out arms for the war in Ukraine.”

Who did they think Russia would turn to for help after getting completely cut off by sanctions? But the story is much bigger than the Proxy War arms race.

To fully grasp the spectacular failure of Biden’s aggressive neocon policy, if you can call flying by the seat of one’s trousers a policy, we must first note a few historical facts.

Following the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, post-communist Russia was prepared to join the West. It even applied for NATO membership. But sneering NATO elites found Russia’s application incomplete, only letting it become a junior member of NATO’s Partnership for Peace in 1994.

Kind of like a NATO version of the awkwardly named Webelo; not quite a Boy Scout. Not yet. Maybe later.

The problem was neocons in the U.S. distrusted post-Soviet Russia. They were suspicious, convinced the country would flare back up into a communist superpower any minute. Instead, U.S. necons thought the new Russian Federation should be completely defeated and broken up, into tiny, manageable, bite-sized mini-states.

Thus began a long, painful post-Cold War cold war, the new Second Cold War. The war’s aims were to effect Russian regime change, overthrowing the new Russian Federation just like we overthrew the Soviet Union, and install a U.S.-friendly government. The eventual goal was to eradicate Russia, by dividing the Russian Federation into its component parts.

And so NATO, breaking a series of β€œinformal” promises not to expand, continued inexorably marching east, through Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and a succession of smaller Baltic states toward Russia, finally landing next door in Ukraine.

Turning to Israel, over the post-Soviet years Russia developed friendly diplomatic ties to the Middle East’s lone democracy. This included substantial trade and a large Russian-speaking population in Israel. As its relationship with Israel grew, Russia respectively cooled its relations with Iran and Israel’s other regional aggressors.

Post-Soviet Russia also broke off its support to pariah states Cuba and North Korea. Before this month, Russia has always taken a hands-off approach to the two internationally isolated communist countries, respecting U.S. sanctions and its β€œpro-democracy” policy.

In other words, Russia was cooperating with the U.S.’s so-called international rules-based order. But now, as the Journal’s headline explained, the blundering necons, grasping for total, non-negotiable, hegemonic control, have managed to reverse decades of progress with Russia.

Russia’s relationship with China, which was downright chilly before the fall of Soviet Union, is closer than ever. Russia is furious at Israel over support for Ukraine, and now is working closely with Israel’s ally, Iran. Last week, Russia made a historic visit to Cuba, restarting the frozen engine of cooperation with the U.S.’s closest enemy, which was until now running on fumes. Yesterday’s Miami Herald headline, describing the conclusion of the Russian trip to Cuba:

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But even more significantly, yesterday, President Putin and North Korea’s Glorious Leader, the little rocket man himself, signed a full-on mutual defense treaty. Yesterday’s AP headline:

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That was disastrous news for U.S. ally South Korea. The South Koreans must be freaking out. Their little garbage balloon war just took a hideous turn. Like Israel, South Korea β€” surely bullied into it by the U.S. β€” also picked sides with Ukraine in the Proxy War.

Nobody should be surprised at any of these developments. Now that Russia has been sanctioned into the same pariah-state status as Cuba and North Korea, it has nothing at all to lose from partnering up with them. Not only that, but right after Joe Biden green-lighted Ukraine’s use of U.S. missiles to attack Russia’s cities two weeks ago, President Putin responded by warning that two could play at that game: Russia could arm U.S. enemies too.

Now he’s doing it. Why the neocons stubbornly ignore Putin’s warnings like a basket of deaf adders is a mystery for the ages.

In other words, decades of post-communist progress in knitting Russia into the Western international order was thrown overboard in two short years by the deranged Biden Administration. Sanctions had turned defiant Cuba and North Korea into third-world non-threats. Now the engine of U.S. opposition is running backwards.

Israel may soon regret its decision to side with the U.S. against Russia. Now that the rubber has hit the Middle Eastern road, Israel is starting to learn exactly what kind of alliance it has. This week’s headlines reveal Joe Biden’s Cold War with Israel, as things heat up in its post-October 7th wars. Yesterday’s UK Independent headline:

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Biden is mad at Israel, because on Tuesday, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted a video accusing Biden of deliberately withholding, or at least slow-walking, Congressionally-authorized military aid. Tuesday’s AP headline:

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Netanyahu’s short video was a political hand grenade tossed right into the middle of Biden’s careful fence-walking between his pro-Palestine and pro-Israel Democrat base.

Team Biden is not, as they say, amused, as the AP’s headline suggests.

Responding to Netanyahu’s accusation, intersectional White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defensively blurted, β€œWe generally do not know what he’s talking about. We just don’t.”

They generally don’t know what he’s talking about. Generally.

Finally, trust in the U.S. seems generally to have drained down to low tide. In Taiwan-crisis news, this week China accused Biden of trying to provoke a war there. Monday’s Business Insider headline:

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One would find President Xi’s claim laughable, except, well, you know. Maybe it was that β€œhellscape” crack.

Scientists would need an electron microscope to detect any trace of success in Biden’s pugilistic foreign policy. In other words, outside the U.S., Biden is failing everywhere his neocon ambassadors have been dispatched.

At least President Xi seems to be acting rationally. The other non-Western world leaders also seem wise and temperate compared to the Former Vice-President, whose main form of slurred speech consists of wearing aviator sunglasses indoors and pounding the podium like a certain mustachioed 1930’s chancellor I won’t mention.

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In two years, Biden’s neocon foreign policy, which was designed to abolish Russia, has instead created the Russian superstate the neocons have always feared. Increasingly, Russia, its allies, and its BRICS replacement system seem to the world to be a plausible, more sane alternative than the existing U.S. order with its dilapidated, dementia-addled leadership.

It is difficult to imagine a more spectacular failure. It’s like they never learned Aesop’s fables in kindergarten.

Once upon a time, a dog carried a juicy bone in his mouth while trotting contentedly across a bridge over a stream. Glancing down into the water, the dog saw his own distorted reflection and mistook it for another dog with an even bigger bone. Greedy to get the bigger bone, the moronic dog barked menacingly at his blurry counterpart. But when he opened his mouth to bark, the bone fell out and dropped into the water, leaving him with nothing but ripples in the stream.

The bone is Russia’s efforts to cooperate with the U.S.-led international order after the fall of communism. The mirage is the neocon’s paranoia about a Russian superstate. The dropped bone is American citizens, who are now cursing a blue streak and sitting painfully in the creek bed, nursing a broken ankle, cold, wet, and muddy, having been dropped off the bridge when Biden barked.

Or something like that! Maybe The Dog with the Bone is not an ideal metaphor. Maybe The Scorpion and the Frog would be better. Either way, you get the point.

πŸͺ³πŸͺ³ On Tuesday, PBS’s credulous editors ran this unintentionally hilarious headline: β€œβ€˜I had that DNA of caring for people’: Fauci discusses new book and life in public health.”

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Corporate media’s rehabilitation tour for the world’s most hated human cockroach continues chugging along, full steam ahead. As if they knew they didn’t want to get into pesky, inconvenient details like whether Fauci was telling the truth or not, PBS’s story just published Fauci’s words as-is, without criticism or cavil, letting the bad doctor speak for himself.

The β€˜interview story’ revealed that, in Fauci’s mind, he is not a grasping, self-aggrandizing buffoon. No, he is a paragon of humanitarianism.

Fauci claimed his humanitarian credentials not because of anything he’s done, but because his father was a popular neighborhood pharmacist in Brooklyn. In Fauci’s logic, he inherited his father’s DNA of caring. At the same time, of course, he was also simultaneously hawking his book, because his caring DNA has been genetically modified by experimental mRNA injections of cash-grabbing shots and multiple boosters of greed:

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In a long series of grotesque, scripted softball questions that were probably pre-written by Fauci, the butt-kissing PBS reporter asked Fauci what he’d learned from his experience tangling with AIDS activists back in the 1980’s. β€œI didn’t realize,” the PBS reporter fawningly and unbelievably explained, β€œuntil you wrote about it so extensively here, about the ways in which you were heavily criticized.”

Poor Dr. Fauci! There’s simply no justice for hardworking, caring, lifetime bureaucrats compensated by taxpayers more richly than any other government employee including the President of the United States.

Despite the reporter’s feigned surprise at the well-deserved criticism β€” who dare criticize the top covid doc? β€” unmentioned in the interview were any reasons the activists hated Fauci (and still do). Fauci hilariously answered that AIDS activists taught him to approach pandemics by heroically breaking from the official narrative and patiently listening to the community:

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One can only imagine the soaring rhetoric of carefully scripted questions PBS would ask had they interviewed Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, or Jeffrey Dahlmer. What have you learned from managing such a large, complicated country by yourself? What have you learned from your experiences with the criminal justice system?

Pravda wants its reputation back. Corporate media’s disgusting defense of the world’s biggest serial killer will never work, and they know it, too. Exhibit A: the article’s comment section was turned off. Also, notably absent from the article were any quotes from anyone brave enough to agree with the doctor’s generous self-diagnosis.

Let me know in the comments whether you agree Fauci’s DNA is based on his caring and listening to the community. I can’t wait to hear what you all think.

πŸ”₯ More great counter-revolutionary news appeared yesterday in a panicked CNN story headlined, β€œLouisiana classrooms now required by law to display the Ten Commandments.” Run for it! We’re practically in a theocracy now! Get out while you can!

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I first mentioned this story last month after Republican lawmakers in Louisiana initially approved HB 71. Yesterday, Republican Governor Jeff Landry signed the hope-filled bill into law, which requires a poster-size display of the Ten Commandments with β€œlarge, easily readable font” to be hung in every classroom at any school receiving state funding, from kindergarten through university.

Before signing the bill, Governor Landry called it β€œone of my favorites.” The Governor explained, β€œIf you want to respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law given, which was Moses. He got his commandments from God.”

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Louisiana state Representative Dodie Horton, the bill’s Republican sponsor, observed at the signing ceremony that β€œit’s like hope is in the air everywhere.” Dodie has long championed student and parents’ rights.

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Lawmakers, now all too familiar with woke undermining tactics, tried to close all the loopholes. Tiny, postage-stamp-sized Commandments won’t do the trick. The bill specifies the exact language that must be printed on classroom displays, which must be at least 11” by 14” inches large, and requires that the text of the Ten Commandments be the poster’s central focus.

Louisiana is now the first state in the nation to require the Ten Commandments in classrooms for state funding. The predictable rogues’ gallery of anti-Christian advocates have vowed to sue, including The American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, Americans United for Separationο»Ώ of Church and State, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, and the Satanic Temple.

The new law is indeed bold. In 1980, overturning historical practices since the Founding, the Supreme Court held classroom displays of the Ten Commandments were unconstitutional. Christians quietly acquiesced to the ruling and forlornly uprooted the Biblical moral code from American classrooms, which explains a lot.

But events are overtaking us. In 2022, despite much wailing and gnashing of distressed liberal teeth, the Supreme Court vindicated a praying high school football coach. In that case, the Supreme Court ruled that the coach’s prayers amounted to private speech, protected by the First Amendment, and could not be restricted by the school district, even though players were forced to listen to them. So the coach got his job back. But more importantly, the Court receded, ever so slightly, from previous anti-religious rulings, and held that a government entity does not necessarily violate the Constitution’s Establishment Clause when it allows public religious expression.

Republicans pointed out the Ten Commandments is a historic document, long rooted in legal history, and Lousiana’s new law simply returns a long-overdue moral code to morally bereft classrooms.

Either way, it’s game on, the issue is teed up for a Supreme Court reversal. We’re about to find out whether, now that our schools have become wastelands of immorality under the left’s bizarre social experimentation, the Supreme Court is ready to prune back its ahistorical decision. Will the Ten Commandments turn public schools into CNN’s imagined hellscape of mandatory religion? What do you think the Court should do?

Louisiana’s courageous legislators have jump-started the much-needed conversation, and the state’s breakthrough new law is encouraging progress.

Have a terrific Thursday! Log back in tomorrow for another dose of mRNA-free Coffee & Covid, where caring is in our DNA, too.

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Β© 2022, Jeff Childers, all rights reserved

The views expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal Florida

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