By Jeff Childers

Good morning, C&C, and Happy Thursday! Today’s roundup: the CDC committee’s odious vaccine schedule decision; another covid coincidence; Biden’s next pandemic plan breaks records; New York is like Hogwarts, it’s fun and then you die; Russia tries again to get the UN to investigate US biolabs in Ukraine; AOC hears from some more constituents; a good example of dressing down the school board; and Alex Stein’s wife’s boyfriend won’t share the breadsticks.
💉 I was able to find one person in the U.S. — little Sally Rodriguez, 3rd grade, from Akron, Ohio — who was surprised yesterday to learn that the CDC’s vaccine approval committee (“ACIP”) met, took public comment, and then voted 15-0 recommending that covid shots be added to the childhood vaccination schedule.
Two of the 15 committee members, who supposedly are experts or something, were wearing a mask ON ZOOM. They actually believe covid travels over the internet. Or maybe they think they can get it from THEMSELVES. Either way, it was a bad sign right from the jump.

The committee, who were all sitting in little boxes in a dystopian version of “Celebrity Jeopardy,” never discussed the fact that covid poses a miniscule risk to healthy kids. The committee never discussed natural immunity. The committee never discussed adverse events.
The CDC hasn’t yet officially added the shots to the standard school schedule, but given the unanimous recommendation from the committee, it’s a sure bet, likely to happen today or tomorrow.
As soon as that happens, the vaccine makers will permanently enjoy liability protection, and the national state of emergency that is currently shielding them can end. So that’s a blessing. Then it will be up to each state whether to follow the CDC’s new guidance and include the mRNA shots in its list of vaccines required to attend school. Many states allow religious exemptions, and a few states have recently eliminated exemptions.
There were a lot of reactions. Tucker interviewed Dr. Marty Makary about the vote, and the two discussed the lunatic absence of ANY clinical data supporting the ACIP’s decision.
12:50 AM ∙ Oct 19, 202232,448Likes16,058Retweets
Florida announced that nothing is going to change in the Sunshine State; covid will not be added to childhood vaccine schedules; and the state’s ban on covid vaccine mandates precludes requiring them anyway. So.

Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD @FLSurgeonGen
Regardless of what @CDCgov votes tomorrow on whether COVID-19 vax are added to routine child immunizations – nothing changes in FL. Thanks to @GovRonDeSantis, COVID mandates are NOT allowed in FL, NOT pushed into schools, & I continue to recommend against them for healthy kids.9:13 PM ∙ Oct 18, 202232,165Likes9,557Retweets
Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake promised that, if elected, she would make sure that the shots are not required for children in that state.
7:31 PM ∙ Oct 19, 202212,699Likes3,454Retweets
There’s a lot about this vote that is unique in American history. For one thing, it’ll be the first time a brand-new, unproven EUA drug will be mandated for kids. But in at least one sense, there’s nothing new about this.
For example, although Hepatitis B is almost always sexually transmitted, the CDC says it is necessary for infants. Infants! What does the CDC think is really going on in nursery school?
The CDC’s recommended schedule also includes a tetanus shot, even though tetanus is not infectious. The oral polio vaccine is actually a source of viral transmission, but it was still approved by the CDC for the school schedule. Neither measles nor mumps are fatal to children but those vaccines are also required to attend school.
For some reason.
Looking on the bright side, the silver lining is that the mask has been ripped off the CDC’s grotesque rubber-stamping process. Because of covid’s visibility and the intense interest around parent’s rights, quite a lot of people are paying attention, this time. This time, it’s not just a small group of kooky anti-vaccine activists bellyaching about autism or whatever. THIS TIME, a whole lot of folks are downright furious.
The decision was a done deal long before yesterday’s vote. The REAL battle will be at the state level. Except this time, the politically-devastating zeitgeist powering the pushback against vaccine mandates for adults is going to fuel parents’ war against jabs for their kids. This time, the resistance will be even more passionate, and this time, the pro-mandate position is weaker than ever.
Get ready, states. This time, it’s going to get real.
💉 In another one of those wild covid coincidences, ACIP member Camille Nelson Kotton, who just voted to including the covid jab in the childhood schedule, is married to Darrell Nelson Kotton, one of the researchers on that new study explaining how to create an 80% lethal Omicron variant.
It’s a cozy little covid family! Like the Brady Bunch, on mRNA.

🔥 Bloomberg ran a story Tuesday headlined, “Biden’s Plan for Next Pandemic Eyes Vaccine Supply Within 130 Days.” According to the story, the Biden Administration produced a new National Biodefense Strategy outlining how the United States will react to the “next” pandemic. They used to come every 100 years, but the next one is likely right around the corner, because climate change.
You never know.
On Tuesday, Biden signed National Security Memorandum-15, directing government agencies to implement the new National Biodefense Strategy, which nobody’s seen yet in its full form, and to incorporate its $88 billion-dollar objectives into future budgets.
Summaries of the new Biden strategy say it requires the U.S. to come up with a test for a new virus within 12 hours after first discovery, to develop a vaccine within 100 days, and to manufacture enough vaccine to protect the entire nation within 30 days after that.
But … why so slow? The strategy should have required a test within ONE hour, not 12 hours. And, let’s have a vaccine for everybody within a WEEK, not three months. We need to move at the speed of science, not the speed of Biden. This lumbering strategy is an outrage!
According to the press release on the White House’s website, the ambitious new plan and its vast new budget will balloon federal public health staffing, by “recruiting, training, and sustaining a robust, flexible, permanent cadre of essential critical health infrastructure workers, outbreak emergency responders, public health laboratory scientists, technicians, data quality managers, and animal disease epidemiologists in our territories and all 50 states.”
It also helpfully includes a substantial media budget for U.S. intelligence agencies to “counter disinformation.”
Council on Strategic Risks @CSRisks
🆕 Today, the @WhiteHouse released its National #Biodefense Strategy and Implementation Plan + an accompanying NS Memo. Nolan Center experts were quick to analyze and react to these encouraging steps. See selected highlights below; the full writeup at ➡️ councilonstrategicrisks.org/2022/10/18/exp…

I don’t know why nobody thought of this before! Just set rapid goals to eliminate diseases and then bury them in taxpayer dollars. Problem, solved. Next up: cancer! Heart disease! Obesity! Opiate addiction! Wokeism!
Okay, maybe not wokeism. That one will take special handling.
Let’s go, Brandon! What are you waiting for? We could have all these diseases resolved before the end of the year. Just issue some more strategy blueprints or whatever you call them.
🔥 Project Veritas’ crack team of investigative reporters has done it again, this time catching New York Mayor Eric Adams’ advance team leader Chris Baugh telling some wicked home truths. In the clip, Baugh drinks beer and discusses the City’s odious vaccine mandates.
BAUGH: The cops are mad at us, though, because we rolled back the private sector mandate but we’re not rolling back the public sector mandate.
PV: Why?
BAUGH: Who gives a sh*t? Covid is over, is the short answer. Why are we still doing it for the public sector? I don’t know. We’ll probably stop that in a few months. 1,400 people voluntarily quit their jobs rather than get vaccinated. They don’t deserve their jobs back. They chose not to do a very, very harmless thing that protected the rest of society. F**k them.
PV: What does the mayor say?
BAUGH: He said, “They quit. Why should they get their jobs back? They quit.”
Baugh continued digging himself into a nice big hole, encouraged by the fascinated Project Veritas reporter, who was presumably pretending to be on a date or something. Baugh described government jobs as “very cushy,” and regarding cops, he said “being a cop is like the cushiest job in the City; you might get shot, but otherwise it’s very good.”
Yeah. Except for getting shot.
Baugh seems to deeply resent fired city workers, saying, “I have no sympathy for them.” He cheerfully noted that “for a while … you just had to move out of New York, which was great.” Baugh admitted that the lack of police made the City more dangerous, but he seems to think that’s kind of exciting, including a crazy Harry Potter reference: “New York is sort of like Hogwarts … it’s a lot of fun, great opportunities, and people die.”
10:00 PM ∙ Oct 19, 20225,477Likes2,824Retweets
It’s fun how people die violently in the City. It’s also a great opportunity. Whenever they die, it opens up a rent-controlled apartment somewhere.
Baugh then continued destroying his career by slamming his boss, Mayor Adams, explaining that the Mayor was so corrupt, he should never run for president. So many skeletons.
Well New Yorkers, they say you get what you vote for. It’s a good thing your best and brightest are in charge!
🚀 Yesterday, Russia issued a formal statement on its latest effort to legally complain to the United Nations about the illegal U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, with the wordy title “Joint Statement on the Results of the Consultative meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC) under BTWC Article V.”
Among other points, the Russian statement explains:
We have to conclude that the questions as to the military biological activities conducted by the United States in the context of the functioning of biological laboratories on the Ukrainian territory still remain unresolved. We have not received exhaustive explanations that could completely allay the doubts concerning the said activities and thus straighten out the situation that had prompted the Russian side to convene the Consultative meeting under BTWC Article V. This is regrettable.
It’s also super regrettable that we — the American people — have never received an explanation from our OWN GOVERNMENT about what we’ve been up to in Ukraine. Why did we need all those biolabs over there? What were we trying to accomplish? Why were our tax dollars spent on all these high-tech facilities, and were we following U.S. and international law while we were doing … whatever we were doing?
Surprisingly, I couldn’t find a single reference to Russia’s complaints anywhere in Western corporate media, not even an article rebutting Russia’s claims. Not one. Weird!
🔥 This week, New York Representative Ocasio-Cortez endured another ‘difficult’ town hall meeting, where half the audience constantly boo’d and heckled her.
Citizen Free Press @CitizenFreePres
“AOC has got to go!” Sandy was humiliated again at a town hall in her backyard tonight
2:29 AM ∙ Oct 20, 20225,396Likes1,457Retweets
Do you think she might be starting to get the idea?
🔥 This next clip is an excellent example of a man lucidly and rationally addressing the Wake County school board, hammering away at wokeness and ‘diversity.’ The clip ends with this electric point: “…as we are teaching cultural marxism and grooming children to be the next pervert, we are damaging our kids in this public school system, and it needs to stop.”
This man addresses a woke liberal school board in the right way, with facts
5:49 PM ∙ Oct 19, 20227,328Likes3,307Retweets
🔥 Finally, to make you smile, here’s Alex Stein at a recent Dallas City Council meeting. Stein’s three minutes provides a terrific example of how to highlight the absurdity of local government by making a joke out of public comment. Enjoy!
1:02 AM ∙ Oct 19, 202210,672Likes2,137Retweets
Have a terrific Thursday, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for more!
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