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☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Saturday, October 15, 2022 ☙ SENIOR SITTERS

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By Jeff Childers


Happy Saturday, C&C! Welcome to the Weekend Edition. Today’s roundup includes: Judge jails mask objector; study shows Pfizer’s covid drug can be dangerous; CDC hired same PR firm as Pfizer, Moderna; Biden destroys Chinese chipmaking industry overnight; EU prosecutor confirms it is investigating the jabs; Epstein was working for the FBI; FBI arrests senior sitters; Stanford doc compares “her testicles” to her appendix; and corporate media discovers Hurricane Ian’s most tragic victim.


🔥 Yesterday, RedState ran a story headlined, “Rural North Carolina Judge Sends Potential Juror to Jail – With No Bond – For Refusing to Wear Mask.” According to RedState, earlier this week Harnett County Superior Court Judge C. Winston Gilchrist threw potential juror and law-abiding citizen Greg Hahn into the slammer over a mask violation.

Apparently, when Hahn showed up for jury duty, the clerk told the pool of potential jurors that, even though there is no mask mandate in North Carolina, Judge Gilchrist requires masks to be worn at all times in his kingdom, I mean courtroom. In October 2022. After everything.

Anyway, when the clerk asked if anyone had a problem with the mask rule, Hahn raised his hand.

The clerk promptly sent Hahn up to see Judge Gilchrist, explaining “the judge wants to talk to you.” According to Hahn, when he got there, Judge Gilchrist said, “I understand that you don’t want to wear a mask?” Hahn said, “That’s correct, sir.” Gilchrist asked, “May I ask why?” Hahn helpfully replied, “There is no mask mandate in the courthouse, in the county, or in the state.”

Seems logical.

But, after confirming that Hahn would not wear a mask if ordered, the judge promptly sentenced the luckless potential juror to a day in jail, for contempt of court. On his way out, escorted by the bailiff, Hahn told the judge he was a single dad and needed to make a call to arrange child care. The judge refused to let him call. Hahn then asked if he could just be released from juror duty instead of spending a day in jail.

The judge said, “I could do that, but I’m not going to.”

Jennifer Van Laar @jenvanlaar

Harnett County, NC Judge Winston Gilchrist has some explaining to do. Greg Hahn, whose story was first covered nationally at @RedState, appeared on #Tucker to share more about what happened. redstate.comRural North Carolina Judge Sends Potential Juror to Jail – With No Bond – For Refusing to Wear MaskJudge Charles “Winston” Gilchrist, who was a criminal defense attorney until appointed to the bench, attempted a power trip against a man who actually served his country.7:32 AM ∙ Oct 15, 202219Likes10Retweets

Hahn told reporters that the judge was not wearing a mask at the time. Ironically, no masks are required in Harnett County Jail, so Hahn didn’t have to wear the mask. The joke was on Judge Gilchrist, who could not be reached for comment.

I wonder if Judge Gilchrist would consider an order requiring jurors to wear a “MAGA” cap in his courtroom. A MAGA cap stops covid just as well as cloth masks do. Maybe we should mail him some, so he could test them out. I get the impression he might appreciate some new ideas at this point.

💊 Uh-oh! This isn’t going to be good for business. The Daily Mail UK ran a story yesterday headlined, “Pfizer’s Covid Drug Paxlovid – Which Was Used to Treat Biden – Can Cause Deadly Blood Clots, Study Warns.”

Blood clots. Again!

The study’s gist was, researchers from Harvard Medical School found Paxlovid can cause serious health problems — including blood clots — when coupled with very common heart disease medication, like statins and blood thinners. It can also cause irregular heartbeat when taken along with drugs for heart pain, and when taken with statins can be toxic to the liver. When taken with immunosuppressants, Paxlovid can lead to toxic levels of blood plasma.

It’s SO great we’re finding out about all these problems AFTER the drug was released and millions of doses purchased with our tax dollars. Thanks Pfizer clinical studies! Thanks FDA regulators!

The speed of science!

WHOOOOSH. “What was that?”

“That was science, mate.”

“What was it doing?”

“It just stole your pocketbook, silly.”

Since Paxlovid is intended for use by patients likely to become seriously ill from covid, like seniors and people with pre-existing conditions — like heart disease — checking for drug interactions is pretty important.

Not only does Paxlovid give you a worse covid infection as a “rebound,” but it can also kill you. Sounds familiar, just like another medicine that Pfizer makes. Weird coincidence.

🔥 Investigative reporter Paul Thacker, who was instrumental in the BMI’s bombshell investigation of Pfizer’s vaccine-trial misconduct, published another expose this week, headlined “Weber Shandwick Provides PR for Moderna and Pfizer, While Staffing the CDC’s Vaccine Office.”

Weber Shandwick is a public-relations firm that has long represented Pfizer and other pharma companies, and started providing public relations services to Moderna in 2020. During the you-know-what. So it has 100% of the approved covid vaccine makers as clients.

Thacker came across some social media posts by Weber Shandwick employees celebrating being assigned to a new account — the Centers for Disease Control. He did some digging and found a September, 2020 article in Medical Marketing and Media announcing Weber Shandwick got a $50 million contract to support the CDC’s Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. In September 2020. Right before the jabs were deployed.

Shortly thereafter, on November 18th, 2020, a day that will live in infamy, Pfizer announced that their covid ‘vaccine’ had met all of the primary efficacy endpoints in their clinical trial. Ta-da!

Dr. Martin Kulldorf, Professor of Medicine at Harvard (on leave), told Thacker “It is concerning that CDC talking points are provided by the same public relations company that works for the vaccine manufacturers.”

You think?

I have lots of questions. First of all, WHY DOES THE CDC NEED A PR FIRM? Fifty million dollars worth? Second of all, why does the CDC need a PR firm that specializes in DRUG PROMOTION? I didn’t know the CDC was a pharma company, but in hindsight, I guess it makes sense. Third, and I can’t believe I even have to ask this question, what about Weber Shandwick’s CONFLICT OF INTEREST?

I mean, what happens if the jabs aren’t working so good? The CDC, and its agent, Weber, would have a manifest duty to publish negative information about the jabs — but it would hurt Weber’s other clients, Moderna and Pfizer. So …?

The worst thing about this story is it shows how hopelessly intertwined government regulatory agencies are with the drug companies they are supposed to be regulating.

If you want more details, here’s the link to Thacker’s Substack article.

The DisInformation Chronicle

Weber Shandwick Provides PR for Moderna and Pfizer, While Staffing the CDC’s Vaccine Office

7 minute read Early last month, CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky endorsed recommendations by the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for updated COVID-19 boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. “This recommendation followed a comprehensive scientific evaluation and robust scientific discussion…Read more4 days ago · 74 likes · 4 comments · Paul D. Thacker

🚀 Foreign Policy ran a story this week headlined, “Biden Is Now All-In on Taking Out China.” The sub-head explains, “The U.S. president has committed to rapid decoupling, whatever the consequences.”

‘Whatever the consequences’ seems to be Joe’s normal operating mode.

The news comes amid reports that the U.S. has been “evacuating” computer chip makers from Taiwan, due to fears that the Chinese could effectively blockade the island nation using “military exercises.”

A massive computer-chip war has quietly started, without us noticing.

FP’s article reports that last Friday, in a dense regulatory filing, a little-known federal agency called the Bureau of Industry and Security deployed new limits banning exports to China of advanced semiconductors, chip-making equipment, and supercomputer components. The filing placed new criminal penalties on Americans helping Chinese chipmakers.

The BIS’s filing hit the chipmaking industry like electric shock treatment. Americans working in China dropped everything, hastily accessing Word’s “resignation letter” wizard, and swamping airlines’ websites buying up tickets to get back home. Biden’s new guidance prompted apocalyptic tweets like this one:

Jordan Schneider @jordanschnyc

The following is the translation of a thread posted earlier this week by @lidangzzz. “Lots of people don’t know what happened yesterday. To put it simply, Biden has forced all Americans working in China to pick between quitting their jobs and losing American citizenship.11:52 AM ∙ Oct 14, 20227,013Likes1,551Retweets

In a followup tweet, China analyst Jordan Schneider said, “Every American executive and engineer working in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry resigned yesterday, paralyzing Chinese manufacturing overnight.” Continuing, he said bleakly, “This is what annihilation looks like: China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry was reduced to zero overnight. Complete collapse. No chance of survival.”

Other analysts aren’t quite so dire, saying China will soon replace the American workers from other countries, and be back in business before you know it. But either way, it’s a body blow to a critical Chinese high-tech industry.

As I’ve been saying, the Biden Administration has a one-trick approach to diplomacy: overreacting. The Biden Administration is like a latin girlfriend who starts hurling all the dishes at you because your iPhone randomly dropped a picture of an ex-girlfriend into your daily photo timeline. “Cabrón! Worthless Hijo de puta!”

It’s a good thing the world is in such a stable state, giving us political breathing room to sanction all these countries so hard.

💉 Yesterday, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office announced it is investigating the “acquisition of Covid-19 vaccines in the European Union.” Wisely, it is not releasing any more details.

In my experience, law enforcement agencies normally won’t even confirm whether an investigation exists or not. So this “public confirmation” is very different. It could be huge.

European twitterers commenting on the story are super excited because the EPPO has authority to get hold of the private messages between EU president Ursula Von Der Leyan and Pfizer president Albert Bourla, which Von Der Leyan has claimed were ‘accidentally deleted’ or ‘lost on her old phone’ or bleachbitted or something.

I’m not ready to get excited yet, though. This could just as easily be a whitewashing investigation, instead of one that could result in any criminal charges against anybody. Or the investigation could just be a pressure play by the EU to force Pfizer to let it out of the jab contract, now that nobody wants the shots anymore.

But it’s movement in the right direction.

🔥 Twitterers pounced on newly released FBI forms suggesting that the most prolific pedophile in history, Jeffrey Epstein, might also have been an FBI informant.

This form — one of many, apparently — raises the question of whether the FBI knew about — and ignored — Epstein’s continuing human trafficking operation, wherein he arranged for large numbers of young girls to be raped by famous people, and for which Ghislaine Maxwell was also convicted, after a trial in which not one of the people who raped the underaged girls was identified.

Despite having Epstein’s cooperation, the FBI was never able to find any of the child rapists, not one single one, despite what — I am sure — was a heroically diligent investigation. Don’t judge, they are super busy rounding up abortion-clinic blockers.

But, now that Epstein is dead, there’s no reason to protect his secret informant files, is there?

Let’s see them all. Show them to me.

🔥 Don’t lose faith, because the FBI is ON TOP OF THINGS. This week, the FBI arrested 87-year-old concentration camp survivor Eva Edl for violations of the FACE Act, for peacefully ‘blocking’ the door to an abortion clinic.

She probably got her looney ideas watching all those YouTube videos of Antifa thugs torching courthouses and police stations and seizing downtown Portland. I bet Eva thought, if THOSE criminals aren’t being charged for violent crimes, I can get away with sitting in front of an abortion clinic.

Haha, not so fast, Eva! You may have evaded charges for trespassing, but you forgot about the crack squad of highly motivated law enforcement personnel down at the F.B.I.!

So, don’t worry, citizens, there’s nothing to fear. The FBI won’t tolerate any lawless sitters, not in THIS country. Agents are hard at work, protecting society from scurrilous sedentary senior citizens like Eva. And I’m sure that, once they round up all the reclining 80-year-olds, they’ll get around to those Antifa goons and child rapists. Just you wait.

The FBI has to prioritize things, after all.

🔥 Chris Rufo got hold of a clip showing that, during a recent TED Talk, a Stanford University doctor excitedly bragged that “demand for transgender surgery has increased” 500%. In the clip, she wonders whether adolescents should be allowed to consent to transgender surgery, comparing removal of the testicles to removal of the appendix, suggesting both organs are useless, unnecessary, and just get in the way.

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ @realchrisrufo

Stanford Children’s doctor says “the demand for transgender surgery has increased by five-fold” and suggests that if a boy takes hormones and “her testes are non-functional,” doctors should surgically remove them—even if the child is a minor.

3:41 PM ∙ Oct 11, 2022


Continuing at the speed of science, the Stanford’ doctor’ called them, “her testes.” HERS. TED talks aren’t quite what they used to be. Talking about “her testicles” makes a good TED talk these days, apparently, and please don’t get me started about standards at Stanford.

The doctor also helpfully suggested that, “The transgender patient may be one of the MOST well-informed patients … [and] rather than use strict age limits … insurances involved SHOULD consider older adolescents for getting gender affirmation surgeries.”

Oh. Insurance companies. The ones that PAY for the endless expensive surgeries. Uh huh. Okay, doc.

🔥 Corporate media has discovered Hurricane Ian’s most tragic victim — democrat gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist.

Poor Charlie! Life can be SO unfair sometimes. I blame climate change. Please keep Hurricane Ian victim Charlie Crist in your thoughts today, while you’re doing your bathroom business.

Have a wonderful weekend! I’ll see you guys back here on Monday morning to kick the week off right.

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