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☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Friday, November 10, 2022 ☙ DISABLED COUNTING 

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By Jeff Childers


Happy Veteran’s Day, C&C! It’s Friday, and we have a morbidly-obese roundup for you: Arizona election update; Nevada election update; four states go all blue and Massachusetts voters help illegal aliens; Stacey Abrams concedes, sort of; federal judge strikes down Biden’s insane student loan forgiveness ‘program’; de-transitioner sues doctors; U.S. economy update; Wall Street Journal suggests a creative way to beat high mortgage rates; Breitbart says the new Congress should keep the J6 Commission; Judicial Watch gets hold of extensive DOD docs confirming military involvement in Ukraine biolabs; myocarditis study undermines CDC guidance; weird pandemic-fueled red-to-blue conversions; and a meaty study undermines fungus burgers.


🪖 The Covid Accountability Project held its first organizational meeting last night, and things went very well. We have a terrific group of highly-skilled volunteers and I am enthusiastic about what we may be able to accomplish. Stay tuned.


The counting continues.

📈 Even though Arizona’s crack squad of highly-motivated vote counters are counting votes slower than a dyslexic second grader, gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is confidently predicting a win, largely because of a still-uncounted 384,000 mail-in ballots that were dropped-off by voters on Election Day. Kari thinks she’ll get 60%-80% of those votes, because distrustful Republicans were mostly the ones who hand-delivered their mail-in ballots on Election Day, rather than trusting the Postal Service or drop boxes.

Kari Lake @KariLake

Put a fork in it. https://t.co/TRfE7Hi7N2

Kari Lake War Room @KariLakeWarRoom

🚨HUGE🚨 Over 384K Mail-In ballots dropped off on Election Day! These ballots are overwhelmingly in support of @KariLake & not a single one of them has been counted yet This race is over for @katiehobbs https://t.co/uZVFNqCJ0g5:48 PM ∙ Nov 10, 202234,130Likes6,252Retweets

That might turn out to be a really good strategy for combatting the scourge of mail-in ballots in states with liberal mail-in laws.

Last night, Tucker roasted Arizona’s largest county, Maricopa, for being unable to count votes like everyone else in the country.

Kari Lake @KariLake

WATCH: @TuckerCarlson Scorches Maricopa Election Incompetence


2:11 AM ∙ Nov 11, 202212,595Likes4,039Retweets

I’d say Arizona’s vote-counting team appears to be supervised by John Fetterman, but it’s not nice to make fun of disabled people.

🔥 In another slow-counting state of Nevada, Republican Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo is now being predicted to defeat incumbent democrat Steve Sisolak for the governorship.

🔥 Sadly for sane residents in four states, democrats managed to take control of both legislative chambers and the governorship: Michigan, Minnesota, Maryland and Massachusetts.

In Massachusetts, voters also approved a law (54% to 46%) giving driver’s licenses to any illegal immigrants living in that “sanctuary state.” Back in May, Republican Governor Charlie Baker, who just lost re-election, unsuccessfully tried to veto the law.

🔥 I was wondering, but this time Stacey Abrams is NOT going to claim that the election was stolen, so we won’t have to listen to those geniuses on The View gassing on about Abrams being Georgia’s “real” governor. Instead, in her concession speech Wednesday night, Stacey Abrams quoted 2nd Corinthians 4:8-9, comparing her election loss to the sufferings of the Apostle Paul and the early church.

My goodness. Still, it’s an improvement. Last time, in 2018, she refused to concede at all.

So, progress!

🔥 Yesterday, the PostMillennial ran a terrific story headlined, “BREAKING: Federal Judge Declares Biden’s Student Debt Relief Program Unlawful.”

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman found for the plaintiffs, Job Creators Network Foundation, who’d petitioned to end the program because the government violated federal procedure.

In his longer memorandum opinion, Judge Pittman explained Joe Biden can’t just sign an executive order whenever he feels like it and magically wipe out people’s government-guaranteed student debt. Biden’s not the King:

Whether the Program constitutes good public policy is not the role of this Court to determine. Still, no one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States.
In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government …
The Court is not blind to the current political division in our country. But it is fundamental to the survival of our Republic that the separation of powers as outlined in our Constitution be preserved. And having interpreted the HEROES Act, the Court holds that it does not provide ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the Program proposed by the Secretary.

Whew! That was a close one. I’m thrilled the courts are back, and are finally reining in out-of-control executive authority. The court system is like a drunk trucker who suddenly woke up out of a dead sleep and yanked the wheel at the last second before the truck plunged off the closed bridge.

At least, I HOPE it has woken up.

🔥 Courageous teenaged de-transitioner Chloe Cole, who recently testified before the Florida Board of Medicine, announced yesterday that she plans to sue the doctors who cut off her breasts and put her on puberty blockers.

Chloe Cole ⭐️ @ChoooCole

My teenage life has been the culmination of excruciating pain, regret, and most importantly injustice. It is impossible for me to recoup what I have lost, but I will insure no child will be harmed at the hands of these liars and mutilators. I am suing these monsters. @pnjaban


1:53 AM ∙ Nov 11, 20227,037Likes1,746Retweets

🔥 Maybe now the elections are over, Biden will finally stop lying about the ‘greatest economy in history:’

— The number of new applications for unemployment benefits rose by +7,000 to 225,000 last week, a discouraging sign for the economy, according to yesterday’s Labor Department report.

— Credit card interest rates have now reached their highest level since the Carter Administration (19.5% APR) and credit card debt ($930B) is at the highest level, ever in history.

— Mortgage rates topped 7% as consumer confidence plummeted after the elections. For some reason.

Yahoo Finance @YahooFinance

Mortgage rates top 7% again as housing confidence plummets yhoo.it/3fY75lB by @__gabriellacruz


3:05 PM ∙ Nov 10, 2022


🔥 But don’t worry! The Wall Street Journal has the answer to rising interest rates. Just pay cash!

Yesterday, the WSJ ran a delightful story offering a ‘creative’ solution to high interest rates, headlined, “Home Buyers Get Creative With Cash Deals to Fend Off High Mortgage Rates.” In case you missed the gist, the sub-headline explains, “Cash-only deals are on the rise as buyers look for ways to circumvent 20-year-high interest rates.”

And don’t worry, it’s not just millionaires, the Journal assured readers.

They used “Mr. Gaston” as the first example, who recently bought a new home for all cash, even though he hasn’t sold his old house yet. Here’s his new foyer:

In a nod to the fact that not everyone enjoys Mr. Gaston’s financial flexibility, the WSJ suggested people can just borrow money from their relatives, which assumes, of course, that people’s ‘relatives’ are one, loaded, and two, willing to charge lower interest rates than mortgage companies.

The Journal next offered as another example loan broker “Mr. Dong”, who recently bought a $1.44M home. He didn’t want to pay cash at first, but after seeing the interest rates, he was able to figure out how to scrape the money together by “leveraging existing assets.” So he got a 5.125% interest rate instead of 6%.

Good thing Mr. Dong had a million and a half worth of “existing assets” lying around. You have those too, right?

Here’s the Dongs’ modest new Colorado home:

The Journal quoted a realtor in the bougie Windermere area of Florida, Ms. Ryan, who called for people not to panic. Ms. Ryan patiently explained that, historically speaking, 7% isn’t that high. After all, “it’s not like in the mid ‘80s when we had interest rates that were 14%,” she said.

Not yet it isn’t! But it’s starting to look like Jimmy Carter might be a best-case scenario.

🔥 Joel Pollack published an interesting op-ed in Brietbart yesterday, calling for incoming House Republicans to KEEP the January 6th Committee, instead of ending it. Pollack says the new Speaker should appoint all-new members, pick the five minority democrat members (just like Pelosi did), and continue running hearings.

I kind of like that idea.

🔥 Well, well, well. Judicial Watch just obtained almost 400,000 documents from the Department of Defense showing extensive investment and involvment in, you guessed it, Ukrainian biolabs.

Judicial Watch ⚖️ @JudicialWatch

BREAKING: Judicial Watch received 345 pages of records from DTRA, a component of the DOD, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018 (1/3). jwatch.usJudicial Watch: Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine – Judicial Watch(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a c…5:00 PM ∙ Nov 10, 2022521Likes339Retweets

One DOD program was called the “Pathogen Asset Control System,” which included military contractor Black & Veatch’s ‘Special Projects Group,’ just as the Russians have been alleging since February, and which corporate media has been denying and gaslighting everybody about.

Mentioned in the list of diseases that Black & Veatch contractors recently trained Ukrainian providers on were pig diseases, avian diseases, tuberculosis, and brucellosis.

Avian diseases. Seems like the Ukrainians have been researching bird diseases after all, just like the Russians have claimed, a claim mercilessly mocked by corporate media and Ukraine defenders. “Haha, birds as disease vectors!”

Not so haha, apparently.

One of the places Black & Veatch provided services for DOD in 2019 was the “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) of the Ukraine.”

Veterinary and agrarian medicine. So the DOD is paying a US military contractor to help Ukrainian veterinarians and farmers. Uh huh. But it does make sense to study animal diseases if you want to re-engineer animal viruses to crossover to humans. Now that I think about it, coronavirus is an engineered animal-crossover virus.

Probably just a coincidence! Don’t cancel me.

🔬 Back in April, the Journal of Clinical Medicine quietly published an explosive study titled, “The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients—A Large Population-Based Study.”

The researchers studied 800,000 adults (200,000 who were covid-infected, and 600,000 controls) to see if covid sufferers were at higher risk for myocarditis and pericarditis.

Their conclusions were bleak, but clear:

Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis or pericarditis. We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.


It’s weird because the CDC has been peddling a fairytale for a year now that the jabs are safe because the risk of getting myocarditis and pericarditis after covid is higher than the risk of acquiring those dangerous conditions from the jab. But these Israeli researchers found the exact opposite.

Who to believe?

Not only that, of course, but the CDC’s whole myocarditis risk theory depends on the jab preventing infections, which it doesn’t. In other words, even if covid DOES increase myocarditis risk, by taking the jabs you would actually encounter DOUBLE the risk: the risk from the jab plus the risk from covid. Right? Am I missing anything?

Oh, it’s the jabs all right. I could find a LOT more studies than these:

Anyway, the good news is that the CDC will probably be updating its jab guidance any time now. I mean, it’s true they’ve already had these studies for almost a year now, but come on. They have to change their guidance soon, right?

At the very least, they have to MENTION this study?

Don’t they? Hello?

🔥 Consider the following tidbit from the comments section yesterday:

Haha, Governor Abbott moved too far to the right! I bet Texans are spitting fence nails at that remark.

Commenter, your sister ain’t a conservative. Not any more.

Something weird happened during the pandemic. A kind of re-sorting took place. For example, I’ve a long-time friend here in town, who was always one of my conservative buddies. Smart, funny, hard worker.

Then the pandemic came, and he and his wife went full bore into lockdown, masks, and jabs. We had lunch recently after the pandemic ‘ended’ and he told me he definitely wasn’t voting for DeSantis, because fascism and because the governor hates gay people, or something. I thought he was joking at first.

Not joking.

I can’t wrap my brain around ANY kind of conservative deciding the most popular Republican governor in the country is inferior to CHARLIE CRIST. That does not compute.

So there is definitely a trend, maybe not as big a shift as dems leaving their party, for reasons I don’t completely yet understand, some R’s also drifted toward the blue during the pandemic.

🔬 Cambridge University published a meaty study in late September titled “Assessing the effects of alternative plant-based meats v. animal meats on biomarkers of inflammation: a secondary analysis of the SWAP-MEAT randomized crossover trial.”

To be perfectly clear, the very last line, down below the acknowledgements, was this unimportant little nugget: “Gardner received gift funding from Beyond Meat which was used to conduct the original research study.”

Ah. Okay.

The researchers noted that “there have been no studies to date that have specifically assessed the health effects of plant-based meats on inflammation biomarkers … [and] cardiometabolic risk factors” for some reason, so they decided to check it out.

The hapless “participants ate two or more daily servings of plant-based meats v. animal meats for 8 weeks[.]” Plant-based meats in the form of Beyond Meat burgers. Two OR MORE servings per day.

The results disappointed the researchers. They glumly concluded that “only 4 out of 92 biomarkers reached statistical significance. The results were contrary to our hypothesis, since we expected relative improvements in biomarkers of inflammation from the plant-based meats.”

Give them props for honesty. But they did try to throw Beyond Meat a bone, whoops, I mean a celery stick. They considered doing it longer (“impact of vegetarian diets on CRP [may be] more obvious for participants following the diet for at least 10 years”), and doing it harder (“an overall healthy, plant-based diet may have yielded different results”).

But bottom line, replacing meat with Beyond Burgers doesn’t seem to help much.

I didn’t know this, but it seems there’s ANOTHER dispute brewing over Beyond burgers — the slanderous criticism that the fungus burgers are “ultra-processed.” If you’re in the healthy-eating community, and I assume many C&C’ers are, for obvious bodily integrity reasons, you already know how bad ‘ultra-processing’ is.

I’m carnivorous, but I still kind of agree with that one. Ultra-processed is no bueno.

Even though it was completely out of the scope of the study, the researchers tried to rescue Beyond from that criticism too. They soberly reported, “we argue that the mere industrial processing of ingredients of plant origin does not make a [plant-based meat analogue] product ultra-processed by default.”

There you go. Ultra-processed doesn’t mean what you thought it means.

🔥 Finally, I *am* aware of President Trump’s goofy broadside against Governor DeSantis yesterday. But my thoughts about that one are going to need more room than this already over-long roundup permits. We’ll talk about it tomorrow…

See you then, for the weekend roundup. Have a fabulous Friday!

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