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☕️ BIG BROTOHER ☙ Wednesday, February 15, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 

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By Jeff Childers


Good morning, C&C, and Happy Wednesday! Your roundup today includes: Ohio officials ask East Palestine residents to test their well water, for no reason, really, just curious; Joe Biden is about to survive another impeachment-worthy scandal because, well, KAMALA; controversial WaPo columnist Taylor Lorenz is starting to notice something funny is going on; hot-mic moment at the World Series of Poker reveals jab truths; celebrity promoter dies from turbo-leukemia; young Disney exec and self-help guru suddenly and unexpectedly dies peacefully at home; and Tennessee Republicans lead the way to ban mRNA livestock vaccines.


🚰 Yesterday, in case they believed the government’s original misinformation, East Palestine’s residents who are on well water were casually asked to get their wells tested, and maybe they should stick to bottled water for now. No particular reason, just being 100% careful.

In the next clip, Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff informs citizens that the government is here to give them clean air and water:

“After bringing people back, we made it clear that, hey, the next piece of this is your water source. We want to test that. The majority of people … are on municipal water [from] deep wells … [but] quite a number of people are on private water systems… We have strongly encouraged all those people on private wells to get their wells tested … at no cost to them. This is something that is part of the remediation…
We are strongly recommending those who have not had their water checked to use bottled water… [This is] particularly important if you are pregnant, if you are breast feeding, or preparing formula for an infant. The bottom line is, from the very start of this, we have taken every step possible to assure that people’s safety was first and foremost.
With the compounds we are talking about, in consultation with experts at the national level, we have first made sure that we are providing a clean atmosphere — clean air — and now we are actively working to assure that people — for the long run! — have clean water. Thank you, governor.”

Chief Nerd @TheChiefNerd

NEW – Ohio Dept. of Health Dir. Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff Urges Homeowners w/ Private Wells Near East Palestine to Have Their Water Tested “We have strongly encouraged all of those people on private wells to get their wells tested…This is something that is part of the remediation”


9:10 PM ∙ Feb 14, 20232,135Likes1,314Retweets

I don’t have any particular objection to any of this. They SHOULD be testing the water. But unfortunately, Dr. Vanderhoff failed the covid test. I did a little quick research, and found him quoted in a Hill article dated July 21st, 2021. He was spreading misinformation about the covid shots:

Bruce Vanderhoff, the chief medical officer for the Ohio Department of Health, warned residents that they essentially have a choice between the vaccine and the virus… “It is really now just a matter of time,” Vanderhoff said during the conference… “Either you get vaccinated or you are going to get COVID-19,” he added.

Whoops! Anybody up for some amnesty this morning? Come on, what’s a little lie, or even a big one like Dr. Vanderhoff’s well-intentioned covid dissimulation, if it was for a good reason?

The bottom line is Vanderhoff will say whatever they tell him to. He doesn’t care if it is true or not. So nobody should believe a word he says. Plus he has a head like a shrunken apple.

As we keep moving through East Palestine’s adventure in government, I will keep pointing out what the hapless town’s citizens were told just days following the accident:

“Due to the location of the derailment, it is improbable that substances from the derailment will impact the groundwater or drinking water wells in the area.”

Hey, they’re just being SAFE. You can’t be too SAFE. And, they’ll even test your water for you, for FREE. All you have to do is call the government’s phone number and report in.

Now, I admit I might be nitpicking here, but good doctor Vanderhoff, who has spread official misinformation before, he didn’t exactly say they’d TELL YOU what’s in your water after they test it. So, if you’re staying in East Palestine because you have no other option, you might want to scrape the money together, and have your well tested by a non-government provider.

Or, should we maybe multiply a reliable water-testing company to go in there, test folks’ wells for them, and post the results online? I’m not saying we can’t trust the Ohio Department of Health to do it right but, well, you know.

🔥 After Joe Biden survived the classified-documents scandal, and successfully buried Nord-gate — both of which were sufficient grounds for impeachment — the Daily Mail UK broke a story yesterday claiming that yet another Biden has been selling access around the world. It was a family enterprise.

Yesterday, the Daily Mail ran a story headlined, “EXCLUSIVE: Jim Biden Admitted He Was Hired to Negotiate With Saudis Over a Secret $140 Million Deal ‘Because of His Position And Relationship’ to His VP Brother Joe — Who Would Be ‘Instrumental to The Deal,’ Bombshell Affidavit Claims.”

Jim Biden is Joe’s younger brother. According to the Mail, in 2012 Jim was central to a $140 million settlement negotiation between Hill International and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The story included an affidavit filed in a lawsuit between a high-powered law firm and a construction company.

I read the affidavit and here’s what happened: the Saudis owed the construction firm about $140 million related to building a desalinization plant, but wouldn’t pay up. So the construction firm hired a prominent law firm to help recover the money and the law firm was supposed to receive up to 40% of the recovery.

During the negotiations, for some reason, the US Congress created a unique “claims process” to help US companies recover money from Saudi Arabia. The law firm began to work on using the special claims process and continued negotiating with the Arabs. Then in 2017, the construction firm suddenly told the lawyers not to attend a settlement conference in Riyadh.

Instead, the construction firm had hired Jim Biden and was bringing Jim to help negotiate instead of the lawyers. So the law firm stood down, and when the parties got back from the meeting, they told the lawyers that the negotiation stalled and no deal had been reached.

It was a lie.

The lawyers were told never mind, it’s too much trouble, and the construction firm didn’t want to pursue the claim anymore. But they smelled a rat. So they investigated and eventually discovered that Jim Biden — using Joe Biden’s status as U.S. Vice President — had in fact helped settle the deal at the meeting, for $100 million cash plus $358 million in new construction contracts.

Obviously, the construction firm probably feels like, since they found a “different way” to settle the claim, the lawyers shouldn’t get paid anything. But the lawyers feel like they had a contract to handle the settlement, and after they got it to the five-yard line, Jim and Joe Biden came in and stole their payday.

That dispute doesn’t matter. What matters is, what could Jim Biden have possibly told the Saudis to settle the deal, apart from offering some quid pro quo? What, apart from a promise for Joe to either take some official action or refrain from taking some official action, could Jim Biden have offered?

We don’t know yet how much the Bidens were paid, but clearly, Jim didn’t do it for free.

Kamala Harris is starting to look like a masterful political choice for Vice President. I’m not kidding. She’s the best insurance against getting impeached that Joe Biden could have ever hoped for.

🔥 Woke liberal Washington Post columnist Taylor Lorenz is getting SO close to figuring it out. She’s ALMOST there. Last week she tweeted this:

She’s exactly right. People in their 30s and 40s should NOT be dying like this. My best guess is Taylor just got word of yet ANOTHER young person she knows who died suddenly, and in her grief turned to Twitter.

Taylor has locked her comments, so only people she knows can respond to her tweets. Still, the responses from her politically-aligned friends were eye-opening:

I find Taylor’s reaction significant in a way can’t easily explain. But that’s not all. There was another one.

🔥 Canadian tournament poker player Aaron Duczak had a hot mike moment this week while having a little vaccine chat with another off-screen player during a live-broadcast poker game. Here’s the transcript, followed by the video clip.

PLAYER: I wish I never would’ve got the vaccine.

AARON: What?

PLAYER: I wish I never would’ve got the vaccine.

AARON: I never did.

PLAYER: I’ve been having chest pain ever since I had that thing.

AARON: So you still having it?

PLAYER: Yeah. From time to time. I mean, they’re saying that, as you get, it hardens the arteries and …

AARON: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

PLAYER: I need to go get it checked out. I mean, but ever since, dude, it’s just…

AARON: That’s horrible.

PLAYER: Been weird.

AARON: I held out. I held out, until like, uh, not even a month ago.

PLAYER: Oh, is that right? Why did you decide to get it?

AARON: ‘Cause I wanted to come play the World Series.

PLAYER: But they didn’t have that guideline for us right now?

AARON: Pardon me?

PLAYER: But they didn’t have that?

AARON: But as a foreigner you can’t get in to …


AARON: … the US.

Carl W Neal.🇬🇸🇧🇲🇷🇺🇭🇲🇺🇲 @mirervardi

Poker player Aaron Duczak caught on hot mic: “I wish I never got the Vaccine. I’ve been having chest pains ever since I had that thing.”


8:46 PM ∙ Feb 14, 2023578Likes225Retweets

It was just a different kind of bet to get into the World Series of Poker, and Aaron was playing the game, both ways. He went all-in. But here’s the thing: You got to know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em. And especially, you got to know when to walk away, and know when to run.

Kenny can give the advice, but the players have to take it. It’s not automatic.

💉 USA Today ran a story Sunday headlined, “Howard Bragman, Publicist For Cameron Diaz and Sharon Osbourne, Dies At 66 After Leukemia Battle.”

They kind of buried the lede. In the story’s first paragraph, they described the death of celebrity publicist Bragman — who specialized in helping celebrities come out as gay — as happening “after a short battle with leukemia.”

A short battle. SHORT. How short? This short:

Bragman was diagnosed with leukemia just 10 days ago and promptly hospitalized… He died Saturday night in Los Angeles, his family said Sunday.

Have you ever heard of that before? I always thought of leukemia as a years— or decades—long, drawn-out battle with blood cancer. I’m sure it’s happened somewhere, but in my entire life, I’ve NEVER heard of a 10-day leukemia before. Not once.

So, shoehorn ‘turbo-leukemia’ into the list. It know it’s getting crowded, but try to find somewhere to pencil it in. Maybe scribble it in the margin.

🔥 Monday, Variety ran a story headlined, “Dave Hollis, Former Disney Distribution Chief, Dies at 47.”

It wasn’t turbo-leukemia, but he was fine ten days ago. A statement from his parents said the ultra-fit author died “peacefully” AT HOME Saturday. Variety said the cause of death hasn’t been released, but it was a heart attack:

Hollis had been recently hospitalized for heart-related health issues, though no exact cause of death has been determined.

Hollis, who was well-established in Hollywood and until recently was a Disney executive, wrote two self-help books, “Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic’s Guide to Growth and Fulfillment” and “Built Through Courage: Face Your Fears to Live the Life You Were Meant for,” as well as a children’s book, “Here’s to Your Dreams: A Teatime with Noah Book.”

Hollis rolled out many of Disney’s most profitable box office hits, including Marvel Studios’ ‘The Avengers’, Lucasfilm’s ‘Star Wars – The Force Awakens’ and Pixar’s animated children’s flick ‘Frozen’.

In a 2021 interview with the Christian Post, Hollis opened up about how his highly-publicized divorce brought him closer to God. “Telling people that you have faith is something that is easy until you go through really, really hard things,” Hollis said. “I realized how much stronger my faith could be because it had been tested.”

Hollis had a podcast and taught self-help seminars. Recently divorced, he leaves four children, and ten days ago, Hollis posted an instagram of his daughter Noah fishing:

Hollis knew that our time on Earth is limited. Eerily, two years ago he asked, what would you do if you knew you only had two years to live?

Dave Hollis @MrDaveHollis

If you found out you only had two years left to live, what would you do differently with the time you had left? Now take that answer, and set some goals that you can implement today. Tomorrow isn’t a guarantee.8:33 PM ∙ Aug 11, 202181Likes14Retweets

Hopefully Hollis used his last two years well. But now, his real life has begun.

💉 The Epoch Times ran a forward-looking story Monday headlined, “mRNA Vaccine in Food Products Could Be Banned in Tennessee.”

Tennessee Republicans filed a proposal in the state’s general assembly that would prohibit the manufacture, sale, delivery, holding, or offering for sale of any part of livestock or meat food product containing an mRNA vaccine or any vaccine material without clear labels stating the vaccine contents.

Now, I call that getting ahead of the problem. I am currently unaware of any mRNA vaccines being injected into livestock, but we need to head this thing off at the pass, because it is coming fast. Great job, Tennessee Republicans! Other red states should follow suit.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for more.

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© 2022, Jeff Childers, all rights reserved

Published with author’s permission.

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