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☕️ 100% INJURED ☙ Friday, December 23, 2022 ☙ C&C NEWS 

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By Jeff Childers


Greetings and salutations, C&Cers; it’s Friday, the eve of Christmas Eve. Your packed pre-holiday roundup includes: the highest official ever in Australia testifies against jabs; scientists are baffled that Americans’ life expectancy took a sudden and unexpected turn for the worse last year; two brave Republicans take Coffee & Covid advice and file liability bill; guess what a surprising worldwide study shows actually increases life expectancy; Kari Lake makes a confident post-trial statement; Baby Alex; in a Christmas miracle, Sam Bankman-Fried makes $250 million dollar bail and will enjoy the holiday at home; holiday reading suggestions; and a warm Christmas message from our favorite clown doctor.


🔥 C&C is closed for the holidays tomorrow and Christmas, but I may have a little something in the Santa sack for all you good little boys and girls. That is, if I may still say, “boys and girls.”

Maybe I should have said “for all you carbon dioxide emitters.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


💉 Australia’s News.com ran a surprising story Wednesday headlined, “Dr. Kerryn Phelps Reveals ‘Devastating’ Covid Vaccine Injury, Says Doctors Have Been ‘Censored’.”

Because of her explosive testimony in the Australian parliament’s enquiry into “long covid” this week, Dr. Kerryn Phelps became the highest official in Australia yet to criticize the mRNA treatments. Dr. Phelps is the former head of the Australian Medical Association, she has been an Independent MP, and she was a prominent pro-vaxx advocate from the jump.

This week, Phelps testified that BOTH she AND her wife, pictured above, have suffered serious, continuing injures from the covid shots. She also said she thinks the REAL rate of adverse events is much, much higher than has been admitted, thanks to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.

Dr. Phelps explained that, as a medical professional, she asked about any potential adverse side effects of the covid shot before she took it. But she was NOT properly informed: “We did a lot of homework before having the vaccine, particularly about choice of vaccine at the time. In asking about adverse side effects, we were told that ‘the worst thing that could happen would be anaphylaxis’ and that severe reactions such as myocarditis and pericarditis were ‘rare’.”

But she didn’t have an allergic reaction, or myocarditis. It was much worse than that.

Dr. Phelps explained that her partner Jackie was severely injured, almost immediately after taking the first shot:

“[Jackie] suffered a severe neurological reaction to her first Pfizer vaccine within minutes, including burning face and gums, paraesethesiae, and numb hands and feet, while under observation by myself, another doctor and a registered nurse at the time of immunisation,” the 65-year-old said.
“I continue to observe the devastating effects a year-and-a-half later with the addition of fatigue and additional neurological symptoms including nerve pains, altered sense of smell, visual disturbance and musculoskeletal inflammation. The diagnosis and causation has been confirmed by several specialists who have told me that they have seen ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation.”

Phelps also had a severe adverse reaction, making the Phelps family 100% vaccine injured. “In my case the injury resulted in dysautonomia with intermittent fevers and cardiovascular implications including breathlessness, inappropriate sinus tachycardia and blood pressure fluctuations,” she explained.

The AMA’s former chief testified that her family isn’t alone among healthcare professionals, but none of them will talk about it, because there has been a kind of official omertà to silence everybody, enforced by government officials threatening their medical licenses:

[Dr. Phelps spoke] with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about”.
“Regulators of the medical profession have censored public discussion about adverse events following immunisation, with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration,” she said.

She’s right. In March of 2021, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) published a statement warning that “any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action.”

There you go. In other words, keep your damned mouths shut if you know what’s good for you. Or else.

Dr. Phelps testified that, after reviewing the literature, she thinks the rate of vaccine injury could be very high, indeed: “Considering that the majority of Australian adults have now had at least one booster, this suggests that the incidence of serious adverse reactions per vaccinated person could be more than 1-in-1000.”


And Phelps — finally! — made the logical connection, saying “It is possible that there is at least some shared pathophysiology between vaccine injury and Long Covid, possibly due to the effects of spike protein.”

In response, the AHPRA has issued a statement “clarifying” its position, and denying that its March 2021 statement had censored anybody, don’t be ridiculous:

“[The AHPRA] been clear in all of our guidance about Covid-19 vaccinations that we expect medical practitioners to use their professional judgement and the best available evidence in their practice.
This includes keeping up to date with public health advice from Commonwealth, state and territory authorities.
Legitimate discussion and debate, based on science, is appropriate and necessary to progress our understanding and knowledge. The [March 9, 2021] statement does not prevent practitioners from having these discussions.”

Now you tell us!

The News.com article is surprisingly long and detailed, and included a LOT of Dr. Phelp’s testimony.

Vaccine hesitant, indeed. Where do I pick up my apology?

Note two important things this story illustrates about the vanishing jab-injury news embargo. First, Phelp’s testimony in a “long covid” committee could have easily been swept under the rug, but instead it got prominent coverage in Ozzie news.

Second — and maybe more significant — Phelps obviously now feels confident enough to go public about her concerns. Dr. Phelps is CLEARLY no conservative activist; she’s married to a woman and was a vaxx champion for much of the pandemic. Something changed her mind about talking.

Can you feel the tide turning?

💉 USA Today ran a baffling story yesterday headlined, “Americans’ Life Expectancy Continues to Fall, Erasing Health Gains of the Last Quarter Century.”

According to newly-released CDC data, last year U.S. life expectancy plunged to a 25-year low, having experienced the largest one-year drop since World War II.

Scientists. Are. Stymied.

According to one ‘expert’ interviewed for the story, the cause could be … wait for it … LOW vaccination rates.

The data shows the CAUSES of Americans’ deaths were largely the same between 2020 and 2021, led by heart disease, cancer and covid, all three of which occurred more often last year than in 2020. In other words, covid deaths, cancer, and heart disease all got worse AFTER the jabs.

One wonders what the 2022 numbers will look like, doesn’t one?

Admitting his theory didn’t explain everything, USA Today’s expert was confused about one statistic: why deaths are increasing among younger adults and children, both of which had seen steadily improving numbers before the pandemic.

There’s also a weird racial confounder. During 2020, Hispanic and Black populations experienced much higher death rates than whites. But in 2021, “it’s the white population that’s done worse,” the expert said. Death rates increased among people of color, but not as much as the +7% jump for white people. “The white population, which from a medical standpoint should not be experiencing higher death rates, did,” he mused.

And, according to the article, other wealthy countries have not seen the same drop in life expectancy as the United States, which saw the most dramatic decline.


We really, really need a giant, overfunded health agency in this country, and quickly!

Oh, wait. Never mind. Um, can I get my money back? Gee, thanks, experts.

🔥 In a highly under-reported story, on December 1st, two courageous Republicans, Louie Gohmert (R-Tx) and Ronny Jackson (R-Tx), jointly filed House Bill 9366, titled “To amend titles III and XXI of the Public Health Service Act to hold vaccine manufacturers liable for injuries caused by vaccines subject to a public mandate, and for other purposes.”

See! I wonder if they took Coffee & Covid’s advice, or maybe it’s just in the zeitgeist or something.

The gist is the proposed bill would remove vaccine liability protection for any mandated shots. Here’s the proposed bill’s money paragraph:

(2) VACCINES.—The immunity from suit and liability of covered persons set forth in subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to the administration of a vaccine licensed under section 351 or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act if any agency of the Federal Government, any official of the Government, any agency of any State government, any official of any State government, or any entity that receives Federal or State funding, either directly or indirectly, requires the administration of such vaccine or provides for any penalty or loss of privileges for the refusal to consent to administration of such vaccine.”

It appears to be aimed at both liability protection as well as mandates, since the way it’s worded, it would discourage mandates and encourage granting religious (and other) exemptions.

Unfortunately, I don’t have much confidence this bill will pass THIS YEAR. But massive props to Representatives Gohmert and Jackson for getting the ball rolling. We will remember them both when next elections come around. Language like this should also be slid into every massive appropriations bill that comes down the pike, and re-filed every single legislative session.

When I say that I’m not confident about the bill right now, that does NOT mean it doesn’t deserve as much support as we can muster. I’ll use a football metaphor. Think of this bill as a drive from our 30-yard line. It’s a simple job. Sure, get a touchdown if we can, but definitely make sure we gain as many yards as possible before the end of the possession.

I’ll think about what the C&C Army can do to help move the ball.

Things like this proposed bill — even if it doesn’t pass — are the building blocks of accountability. It’s happening, and it’s coming faster than I expected.

The pressure is working! So we should press even HARDER.

🔬 Speaking of life expectancies, back in February the International Journal of General Medicine published an under-reported study titled, “Total Meat Intake is Associated with Life Expectancy: A Cross-Sectional Data Analysis of 175 Contemporary Populations.”

The study — of 175 countries! — compared meat and carb intake with life expectancy, after controlling for a whole bunch of factors like caloric intake, urbanization, obesity, and education levels. Their conclusion:

Worldwide, bivariate correlation analyses revealed that meat intake is positively correlated with life expectancies… In contrast, carbohydrate crops showed weak and negative correlation with life expectancy… Meat intake, or its adequate replacement, should be incorporated into nutritional science to improve human life expectancy.

I demand an immediate national program increase meat production, to counteract falling U.S. life expectancies.

We’ll help. The Childers family will be enjoying a delightful Christmas roast this year. From a cow.

Just saying!

🔥 Kari Lake’s confident statement following the second and final day of her election lawsuit’s trial:

Kari Lake @KariLake

Here is my statement following the conclusion of our Election Trial:


12:40 AM ∙ Dec 23, 202229,209Likes7,283Retweets

The judge has taken the matter under advisement. It would take an enormous act of judicial courage to set aside the election results. And if he does, the battle lines will push back to the Arizona Supreme Court. Lots of work remains.

But, progress!

🔥 C&C contributor and supporter @Margaret Anna Alice wrote an important Substack this week, about the tragic, hair-raising story of Baby Alex, in her mother’s own words. Baby Alex’s calamitous death illustrates the dreadful dangers of mRNA-contanimated blood transfusions.

Don’t wait for corporate media to tell you about this.

Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words

🔥 I know you were worried about him, what with Christmas right around the corner, but don’t worry. Sam Bankman-Fried, fresh off his recent Bahamian vacation, promptly posted $250 million dollars in bail and is now relaxing in one of his government-connected, Standard law professor parents’ multi-million-dollar homes, under house arrest.

The New York Post ran an informative story yesterday headlined, “Inside the $4M Silicon Valley Home Where Sam Bankman-Fried Is Under House Arrest.”

Because his hyphenated parents were renting the home as an AirBnB, the Post was able to download and publish photos of the inside of the 3,000 square foot home, so the public could be assured Sam will be comfortable. Apparently, American novelist David Leavitt grew up in the house before the Bankman-Frieds bought it. It’s nice. Not palatial, but well appointed.

As it always is in this case, the money is the most interesting part.

Here’s how bond works, generally speaking. A defendant has options. The best option is to post the cash with the court as cash bail, because you get it all back once you show up for trial. Otherwise, you can get a loan from a bail bondsman, who will post a bail bond for you. It isn’t free. The bondsman requires two things: a fee, usually at least ten percent, and secure collateral guaranteeing the money, in case the defendant scampers off.

In other words, the bail bondsman normally takes zero risk, unless he is bad at his job and doesn’t make sure the collateral will cover the bail amount.

I couldn’t find ANY official sources explaining how Sam came up with the money to pay his bail. One line of chatter on the Internet suggested that Sam ’s $250M bail bond was secured by his parents’ Palo Alto house (different from the rental he’s under home arrest in).

Still, things don’t quite add up. According to alert researchers, there are sixty homes for sale in Palo Alto, ranging in price from $950K to $53.9M — not even close to the $250M bail amount. The hyphenated professors don’t have the cash, nor does their net worth suggest their fancy Palo Alto home is worth anything close to $250M. Per recent news reports, Joseph Bankman’s net worth is $5M, and Barbara Fried’s is $3.8M. Sam doesn’t have it; he said in public statements that he only had $100,000 left.

So … where’d the bond come from? Or if a bail bondsman was involved, where’d the collateral to secure the bond come from?

Who knows, but it’s a Christmas miracle!

Some other unconfirmed chatter suggests that the New York US Attorney might have agreed to pay Sam’s bail, as part of the deal for Sam to consent to extradition to the United States. I would’ve expected an official announcement about that, though. But who knows, these days.

The other thing that feels odd about this story is: this is the first time in my entire life that I can remember one of these mega-fraudsters being surrounded and coddled by their parents as the Ponzi-scheme implodes.

Is Sam Bankman-Fried a man-child? A boy-man? What? How could a man-child create a vast international financial business in three years?

🔥 For your holiday reading, I offer you yesterday’s Federalist article consistent with C&C philosophy, headlined, “Ordinary Americans Are Going To Have To Save The Country Themselves, One Town At A Time.”

The sub-headline explains, “What can regular people do to take back their country from woke radicals? Take over local institutions, one at a time.”

Exactly correct!

It’s the C&C way. Jettison the Superman fallacy, that some magical figure will emerge from the soiled mists of politics, to save us from ourselves, and somehow stop Congress from wiring billions of tax dollars to an endless proxy war that is always right on the very brink of victory. Instead, we just need to roll up our sleeves and get to work — right where we’ve been planted.

As a preview, here’s the last paragraph from the article:

The same goes for the library, the school board, and every other local institution in every American town like Taylor. Conservatives have to take them over if they can. To answer the question we began with, THAT is what ordinary people can do. And they have to start now. No one is coming to help, and time is running out.

I’d add to that list all the goofy committees and advisory boards that have been setup by liberal local governments over the last twenty years, which are undiscovered country for conservatives. Take them over! Everybody can find SOMETHING to occupy.

The Federalist article has the right idea, but be warned it is a little on the gloomy side, at least for me. I’m a wild-eyed optimist. To me, everything we’re suffering now is a necessary correction, required to wake us up, harden us for the battle, and strengthen our resolve. Be happy and resolute warriors!

That’s what I’m doing.

Here’s the link: Ordinary Americans Will Have To Save The Country Themselves.

🔥 More good news. The Florida Supreme Court has approved Governor DeSantis’ petition to form a Grand Jury to investigate covid crimes. Giddyup!

🤡 Finally, an amusing holiday message, from my favorite clown doctor, Dr. Doctor McHonkHonk. (Adult language.)

Doctor Dr McHonk-Honk @TheEyes2022

My Friends Are Dropping (Christmas Special) @FatEmperor @thecoastguy @bobscartoons @catturd2 @CharlotteEmmaUK @MarkSteynOnline @SoniaPoulton @BernieSpofforth @LeilaniDowding @DickDelingpole @jpsears24 @LeAdderNoire @PrisonPlanet buymeacoffee.com/DrDrMcHonkHonk


11:36 AM ∙ Dec 14, 2022


Have an amazing, joyful, and restive Christmas, and I’ll see you back here on Monday, to count down the final days of 2022.

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